Hi everyone,
The Chemical and Biological Engineering Graduate Club is organizing a seminar series where the faculty members of our department share the stories of achieving their first faculty positions as well as making important career decisions. These highly interactive seminars provide an excellent opportunity to hear instructing, exciting and valuable experiences of our faculty members and can prove very helpful in developing skills necessary for professional work environments in academia and industry.
We are pleased to announce Dr. Clive Brereton as the speaker of the upcoming seminar in the series. Dr. Brereton had worked as full-time faculty member in this department before joining NORAM Engineering and Constructors Limited. Currently, he is serving as the Vice President, Technology and oversees process development work at NORAM. He is also acting as Director of NORAM’s Electrochemistry division. In addition, Dr. Brereton is the President of BC Research Inc. and is an Adjunct Professor with this department.
The seminar information:
Date: March 14, 2013
Time: 12:30 – 1:30 PM
Place: CHBE 2.02
We hope to see you there.
Thank you,
M. Hafizur Rahman
VP Academic, CHBE Grad Club