Bring your Lunch & Learn 2- Compressed Gas Handling- PRAXAIR

Topic: Compressed Gas Handling
Date & Time: Wednesday, October 2nd, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Venue: CHBE room 202

The NEXT Bring Your Lunch and Learn will feature a guest speaker from PRAXAIR.
Al Sawchnko will present information on ordering, handling and safety measures for compressed gases.

Please don’t forget to thank Doug for presenting the 1st Bring Your Lunch & Learn on Piping, Valves and Pumps. Also, thank you Cheryl for the KIND Healthy Snack Bars.

Chemical and Biological Engineering Industry Night

This year, the UBC Chemical and Biological Engineering Department and Undergraduate Society are looking to bring together the experience of our alumni with the aspirations of our students in the Student and Alumni Networking event – and we are inviting you to attend!

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013
5:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Chemical and Biological Engineering Building
2360 East Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3

Panel Session – CHBE Room 101
Reception – CHBE Atrium

RSVP is appreciated by October 11th, 2013

This is a great opportunity to network with industry colleagues and help our students with your stories and tips from university and professional life. The evening will start off with an industry panel session, followed by by an evening of networking with industry colleagues, fellow alumni, students and current faculty. UBC Engineering is known for its camaraderie and close bonds among students. Come and help us carry on this tradition by mentoring the next generation! Please RSVP to confirm your attendance.

Panel Guest Speakers
Dr. Eric Jervis – STEMCELL Technologies
Jane Nieuwenburg – Lorax Enviromental Servies Ltd
Warren MacPhail – Devon Energy
Peter Wynne – Chevron

Light fare and non-alcoholic drinks will be served.
We hope to see you all there and we encourage you to bring other alumni colleagues.

For info, please visit


Sarah Barley,
UBC APSC Alumni Relations


CHBE Info Series 3

Introduction to our Technical personnel in Chemical & Biological Engineering Department

This is the 3rd part and the last part of CHBE Staff Info Series. Here are the links for the 1st part: Administration personnel; 2nd part: Management personnel. This post features our staff members from the CHBE Workshop, led by Doug Yuen, the workshop supervisor, CHBE Store, managed by Richard Ryoo, our storekeeper and CHBE Lab, managed by Ken Wong, our lab technician.

Doug Yuen is the Technical team leader of CHBE technical staff. He manages most the technical staff members who help graduate students, faculty member and other researchers in the department to build and  setup there equipment according to specifications provided by requestor. The workshop is divided into two main sections: Mechanical Workshop and Electrical Workshop. Graham Liebelt, Gordon Cheng, Charles Cheung and David Roberts are the mechanical workshop technicians. Alex Thang and Serge Milaire are the electrical workshop technicians. To name a few machines in the workshop, there is a Fadal CNC milling machine, OMAX CNC water jet-cutter, Plasma cutter, TIG welder,TOS lathes, EDM machine and many other machines. Quoting Doug, “Anything you dream,  we can build !” This line perfectly echos the work that is performed by the workshop. However, Doug stressed that detail planning, drawing and deep understanding of a setup have to be done before the job is sent to the workshop. Graduate students should consult their supervisors then consult the workshop about what they wish to build. The most important thing is to have mutual understanding between you and the workshop on the objectives, the problems and the results that are desired from a setup.

Richard Ryoo is our CHBE storekeeper. He handles the delivery and pickup of supplies and instruments of the department. At the same time, Richard keeps the store well-stocked with supplies of consumables, such as paper towels, gloves, small bottles for sample collection, and many other items. He helps us to order items from specified suppliers, provided that you have a speed chart (more info about speed chart, click the hyperlink and find [ctrl+F] “speed chart”). Also, to ease his work, please submit your order using the “New Workshop and Online Ordering System” in CHBE IT Resources.

Ken Wong is our lab technician. His main job is to maintain the undergraduate laboratory in the 4th floor. However, he is also in charge of assigning access to a fob-access laboratory, e.g Lab 506. Ken is the one that provides us with assess to the undergrad lab to obtain ice and distilled water.

Next week, we will feature the summary of Dr. Bi’s professional seminar. Starting the week following that, I will ask graduate students to contribute on posting to describe their research groups. If you wish to contribute, please email me to the email address below.

If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at or comment on this blog post.
Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.

Bring your Lunch & Learn 1- Valves, Piping and Pumps


Topic: Valves, Piping and Pumps

Featuring: Doug Yuen, our Workshop Supervisor

Time: Wednesday, September 25th
Date: 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Location: Rm 202

Doug will cover:

– Valve types and how to select the correct valve for an application
– piping and fittings
– pump types and how to select an appropriate pump

The session is open to all grads, post docs, visitors, faculty and staff. Feel free to attend the session – we look forward to your participation.

Marlene Chow
Manager of Physical and Technical Resources

Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival of year 2013 and also called the Chinese Moon Festival where Chinese around the world traditionally travels home to have family gatherings, enjoys mooncakes and celebrates the festival by carrying lanterns. If you wish to try out mooncakes, you can get them from T&T supermarket.

Quoting Wikipedia, Mid Autumn Festival is a festival of:
1. gathering, such as family and friends coming together, or harvesting crops
2. thanksgiving, to give thanks for the harvest, or for harmonious unions
3. praying (asking for conceptual or material satisfaction), such as for babies, a spouse, beauty, longevity, or for a good future.

If you see a fellow Chinese graduate student, faculty or staff member, don’t forget to say Happy Mid Autumn Festival! Or, more awesomely, in Chinese phonetics, Zhong Qiu Jie Kuai Le!

Annual Mandatory Safety Orientation 2013

Safety in CHBE is Everyone’s responsibility. An Orientation for new and returning grads, visitors and new faculty is scheduled for Thursday, September 19 at 9:30 am to 11:30 am in Rm 318.

The Agenda includes:

Opening Remarks by Dr. Englezos
CHBE Top 11 Safety Tips by Dr. Lau
Personal Safety by Bruce Anderson
Mechanical & Electrical Lockout by Doug Yuan
Housekeeping by Ivan Leversage

The orientation includes exciting Jeopardy game and prizes! Pizza will be served at the end of the Orientation.

Note: The Orientation is considered training and will be documented. Grads are expected to attend unless they have a conflicting class.

Marlene Chow
Manager of Technical and Physical Resources

CHBE Info Series 2

Introduction to our Management Personnel in Chemical & Biological Engineering Department

This is 2nd part of our CHBE staff Information series. This post features the all management staff except Joanne, who was featured in the previous post about the main office staff. Click this link: [] to view the info about the personnel in the main office.

Dr. Peter Englezos is our Department Head. He has the ultimate responsibility of all aspects of the operation and development of the department. He has the responsibility to ensure the delivery of high quality undergraduate and graduate programs. The head facilitates the work of faculty to support world class research and oversees all the services and facilities available in the department to support its teaching and research. Dr. Englezos ensures that the financial and other resources are well-managed . The head reports to the Dean of Applied Science on all the academic matters, as well as facilitates collaboration with other engineering departments. Dr. Englezos is working on initiatives with the department’s industry advisory council to increase Co-op placement for the department’s students, to enhance industrial collaboration on research, to enhance student professional skils development, and to fund-raise to support the research and educational activities in CHBE department. Dr. Englezos has an open door policy and If you have any issues that you want to bring up, you can go to his office in room 261.

Dr. James Piret is our Associate Head of Undergraduate Programs. Dr. Piret’s main responsibility lies in supporting the undergraduate academically. He is involved in curriculum issues and other matters related to undergraduate students. He also helps the Department Head in other general aspects of running the department and serves as the Acting Head when Dr. Englezos is away.

Marlene Chow is our Manager of Technical and Physical Resources. She officially became a staff in our department in June 2013. With a comprehensive background in the Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Specialty Paper industries, she offers wide knowledge including technical and safety aspects of chemical, process and project engineering and plant operations. Marlene’s main duties include CHBE safety, the workshop, purchasing and the laboratories.  Marlene takes care of technical building and laboratory issues in CHBE, Gas Gun, and other buildings that CHBE faculty utilize.  She manages the CHBE safety program and offers research project management services.  If you want to see her for research design advice, her office is right beside the CHBE stores in room 173.

Richard Zhang is our Systems Administrator. He handles everything related to IT, from course website setup and login to installation of software in your office computer. Richard occasionally sends out notices about changes or interruption in UBC internet services, and IT tips, such as how to identify phishing messages. His office is in room 261.

Ivan Leversage is our Safety Officer. Most of us, who do work in the lab, will remember him as the one that nudged us to sign up for the chemical engineering safety course. His duties are actually wider than that. He monitors the safety aspects of setting up and decommissioning of an experimental apparatus, and helps students on setup delivery, such as setting up Plant Op service, assigns and monitors storage space for all areas of the building, coordinates and participates in accident/incident investigations and anything that is related to running the building safely and efficiently. I think most important for most of us is that Ivan is the the person to contact should you lock your keys in the office or find you have burnt out lights in your office or a plugged up sink in your lab. His office is in room 437.

The blog will feature the technical staff in the next and final post about CHBE staff.

If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at or comment on this blog post.
Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.

CHBE GSC Professional Development Speaker Series – Sep. 20, 2013

The Chemical and Biological Engineering Graduate Club is organizing a stories of achieving their first faculty positions as well as making important career decisions. These highly interactive seminars provide an excellent opportunity to hear instructing, exciting and valuable experiences of our faculty members and can prove very helpful in developing skills necessary for professional work environments in academia and industry.

We are pleased to announce Dr. Xiaotao (Tony) Bi as the speaker of the upcoming seminar in the series. Dr. Bi has worked as faculty member in CHBE since 1997 and has published 290 peer-reviewed papers and 7 book chapters. In addition to teaching and active research, he has beenassociate director of the Clean Energy Research Centre since 2009, manager of the Fluidization Research Centre since 1998, and a faculty mentor of the UBC Bridge program since 2007. More information about Dr. Bi can be found at In this presentation, he will share his experiences and perspectives on his pursuit of professional career and the challenge to balance research, teaching and personal interests.

The seminar information:
Title: Pursuit of a professional career: some experiences and perspectives
Date: September 20, 2013
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Place: CHBE 2.02

We hope to see you there.

Thank you,
VP academic team of CHBE Grad Club

Dr. Tony Bi, Professor of UBC CHBE


CHBE staff Info series 1

Introduction to main office personnel in Chemical & Biological Engineering Department

As an undergrad from the same CHBE department, I thought that I knew plenty about the department facility for my MASc program, but that is not true. In CHBE, we have a number of facilities and services that are only open for graduate students. In this weekly issue, I will introduce the administration staff, which are our dearest main office ladies.

UBC CHBE Main Office in room 218

Main office is located on west end of 2nd floor. The dedicated staff members, led by Joanne Dean, are the best team in the department to offer many services available in the department. Joanne is our manager of administrator. Her office locates in room 259. Joanne is responsible for overall Human Resources, Finance, Student Services and general administration of the department.  She supervises the 5 office staff in the main office (room 218).

Amber Lee is our financial clerk. She handles the financial matters, including travel and purchase reimbursement, journal vouchers for supplies and services, processing invoices and other financial matters. For travel and purchase reimbursement, please visit CHBE website, click doc central, complete the form or contact Amber Lee for further assistance.

Helsa Leong is our graduate secretary. She is the first person that welcomes me to the department, and telling me patiently where I should apply for SIN number, even though she has stacks and piles of documents to deal with. She handles all the administrative matters related to graduate students. She assists us with course registrations, TA assignment, and lots of other paperwork. Helsa has been with the Department for more than 20 years!

Lori Tanaka is the Undergraduate Student Support secretary and also acts as the Department receptionist. Although her title sounds like she only handles the undergraduate matters, she also schedules our Friday CHBE 598 seminars and appoints invigilators for the department exams.  Therefore she does interact with the grad students on these basis.  Lori has been with the Department for many many years, almost as long as Helsa!

Magnolia Flores is our administrator and graduate secretary assistant. She joined the department about 1 year ago. She helps Helsa with the graduate program and is the person to contact when Helsa is away. She handles lab and office access, grad program applications and helps organize some events throughout the year. More recently, she organized the graduate student welcome back reception.

Important note: All staff have access to the rooms on the 2nd floor.  If you get locked out of your office, It is advised that graduate students should get keys from Ivan Leversage, our safety officer, at room 437. 

If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at or comment on this blog post.
Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.
Best wishes!

Welcome to UBC CHBE!

[photo credit: Alireza Bagherzadeh]

Hello new students and returning students,

We, the Chemical & Biological Engineering Graduate Student Club (CHBE GSC), welcome you to the department!

We have a new, larger executive team this academic year (2013/2014) and we look forward to have a both educational and fun academic year with all of you.

The current 2013/2014 CHBE GSC executives are:
President: Hafiz Rahman
VP Academic: Alireza Bagherzadeh & Sonia Rahmani
VP Financial: Yu (Max) Wang & Bijan Hejazi
VP Social: Jeanette Janse van Vuuren (Leeuwner) & Ehsan Behzadfar
VP Sports: Hamid Khaleghi Hamedani
VP Communication: Jun Sian Lee

This link [] provides a brief introduction to the CHBE GSC and its executive team.

Please join our Facebook group:

We extend invitation to all of you to attend coffee break our weekly social event, conveniently held at 3pm on Friday, right after the department seminar, to get to know new friends and socialize.

Also, we will have our Professional Development Seminar Series, one in late September and another in late October. This seminar series won the 2013 AMS Just Desserts Award for its excellence and great inspiring impact. This year, these seminars feature two prominent faculty members from our department. Please stay tuned to the blog to get the specific information about this event.

We look forward to meet you all in the upcoming graduate student welcome reception in room 202 on Friday, September 6th from 2:30 to 4:30PM.

Have an awesome academic year!