CHBE Info Series 3

Introduction to our Technical personnel in Chemical & Biological Engineering Department

This is the 3rd part and the last part of CHBE Staff Info Series. Here are the links for the 1st part: Administration personnel; 2nd part: Management personnel. This post features our staff members from the CHBE Workshop, led by Doug Yuen, the workshop supervisor, CHBE Store, managed by Richard Ryoo, our storekeeper and CHBE Lab, managed by Ken Wong, our lab technician.

Doug Yuen is the Technical team leader of CHBE technical staff. He manages most the technical staff members who help graduate students, faculty member and other researchers in the department to build and  setup there equipment according to specifications provided by requestor. The workshop is divided into two main sections: Mechanical Workshop and Electrical Workshop. Graham Liebelt, Gordon Cheng, Charles Cheung and David Roberts are the mechanical workshop technicians. Alex Thang and Serge Milaire are the electrical workshop technicians. To name a few machines in the workshop, there is a Fadal CNC milling machine, OMAX CNC water jet-cutter, Plasma cutter, TIG welder,TOS lathes, EDM machine and many other machines. Quoting Doug, “Anything you dream,  we can build !” This line perfectly echos the work that is performed by the workshop. However, Doug stressed that detail planning, drawing and deep understanding of a setup have to be done before the job is sent to the workshop. Graduate students should consult their supervisors then consult the workshop about what they wish to build. The most important thing is to have mutual understanding between you and the workshop on the objectives, the problems and the results that are desired from a setup.

Richard Ryoo is our CHBE storekeeper. He handles the delivery and pickup of supplies and instruments of the department. At the same time, Richard keeps the store well-stocked with supplies of consumables, such as paper towels, gloves, small bottles for sample collection, and many other items. He helps us to order items from specified suppliers, provided that you have a speed chart (more info about speed chart, click the hyperlink and find [ctrl+F] “speed chart”). Also, to ease his work, please submit your order using the “New Workshop and Online Ordering System” in CHBE IT Resources.

Ken Wong is our lab technician. His main job is to maintain the undergraduate laboratory in the 4th floor. However, he is also in charge of assigning access to a fob-access laboratory, e.g Lab 506. Ken is the one that provides us with assess to the undergrad lab to obtain ice and distilled water.

Next week, we will feature the summary of Dr. Bi’s professional seminar. Starting the week following that, I will ask graduate students to contribute on posting to describe their research groups. If you wish to contribute, please email me to the email address below.

If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at or comment on this blog post.
Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.