Summary of Feedback responses for CHBE Christmas Party 2013

This post summarizes the feedback we received about the CHBE Christmas Party. The figures provide an overview of the responses.

19 people have provided feedback. Majority of the feedback are positive. For example, one praised that the party is well-executed and it is great to honor Dr. Epstein’s birthday. Also, the movie about Dr. Epstein was very nice! Many thanks to Ehsan Beh.

A few responses complain about the length of the speech session and not having enough dessert for everyone. Personally I agree about the lengthy speeches. As for the dessert, that is what the cake is for: satisfy the need for extra dessert!

Thank you so much for all that provided their feedback.

Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas!

Best wishes,
CHBE Grad Student Club

CHBE Department Christmas Break Closure 2013

Dear CHBE members,

I’m relaying messages from two staff members, Joanne, and Marlene.

Message from Joanne:
The Holiday Season is here again. The department will be closed from December 24th until January 1, 2014 inclusive. During this time, NO staff will be working in the department. There are also some staff who are going on vacation earlier (see below for details).

During this time, the building will be on “weekend mode” which means it is locked down. If you require entrance to the building during this time, you will need to use your fob or iClass student card/employee card to gain access to the various floors and the building.

If you plan to work in your lab during this time, please remember to follow UBC’s Working Alone policy. Marlene will be sending out some information about that later.

Message from Marlene:

Work Alone
UBC has a Safe Work Alone policy ( to protect  individuals.   The procedure is applicable to employees and to students.
Procedure if you are working alone:
  • Ensure your supervisor is aware and is in agreement with your plan to work alone. Complete a risk assessment with your supervisor determining the hazards which can cause injury and determine the consequences.  The assessment may restrict the activities permitted in work alone situations.
  • During the work alone period, the worker must have routine communication with another person either visually or by phone.  With your supervisor, develop the procedure including form and frequency of communication.  The contact person must be trained in assisting the worker should there be an emergency.
  • Example 1:  Running reactor while working alone
  • Risk assessment – potential of Phosgene gas generation.  High risk, no work alone permitted.
  • Example 2:  Testing samples in lab while working alone:
  • Risk assessment – no hazardous chemicals.  No hazardous situations associated with testing equipment.  Low risk associated with testing samples while working alone
  • Procedure – call contact person when arriving to work and then every hour using cell phone.  Call contact person when finished.  Call Walk Safe for escort when leaving building.
Let me know if there are any questions or if you would like to discuss a work alone situation.
Have a Happy, Safe Holiday Season!

Weekly News 14 – Xmas Party Feedback, CHBE External Review, etc.

Hello everyone, this will be the last weekly news before Christmas. The weekly news will resume in 1st week of January 2013. Wish everyone happy holidays and merry Christmas!

Christmas Party Feedback

Thank you everyone who came to the CHBE Christmas Party 2013. It was a blast!
The CHBE Grad Club is requesting feedbacks about the Christmas party.
We wish to have your input about how the party was run and how we can improve next year.
Please fill in the link here:

CHBE External Review

The Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering will be undergoing an external review on January 6 & 7, 2014. The Faculty of Applied Science would like to invite the Graduate Students in Chemical & Biological Engineering to meet with the External Review Panel. Details of the meeting are:

Date: Monday, January 6, 2014
Time: 11:30am – 12:00pm
Location: Chemical & Biological Engineering, 2360 East Mall, Room 204

Your input to the review panel will help shape the future direction of the Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering.

Please RSVP by emailing by Monday, January 2, 2014.

Winter Food Donation

GSS calls for food donation to UBC GSS Food Bin. They will offer your donations to families in need during these winter holidays. Their bin is at the Graduate Student Centre (#225-6371 Crescent Rd). Do your bit to help by dropping off either canned or non-perishable food. More info here:
You can also donate to UBC AMS Food Bank. For more info here:

Winter Safety News

Happy holidays Message from WorkSafeBC

Please read and share these tips for winter safety at work, at play, and on the roads.

Fun and Educational News

During this winter break, it might be a good idea to learn some networking and professional skills. April McNeil, a career educator at the University of Victoria, gives tips on what grad students can do to make themselves more attractive to both academic and non-academic employers before they officially enter the job market.

YouTube Preview Image

Winners of the first PPECompliance Survey Draw

Following the PPE compliance check last month [], Ivan, our safety officer has drawn three winners, from those who had the highest PPE compliance level!
*The highest PPE compliance level simply means you have lab coat, safety glasses, waterproof footwear and appropriate gloves.

They are
Rob North
Reza Rezaei
Li Zhu

They will each receive $10 starbuck gift cards!
The winners can accept their prizes from Ivan’s office in 4th floor.

Further details on CHBE Christmas Party 2013

Dear CHBE members,

This Wednesday, we are going to have our CHBE Christmas Party!!!  Below is the details of the party.

Date and Time: December 11, 2013, 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Location: Cecil Green Park House, 6251 Cecil Green Park Road, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1

For those who are not familiar with the location, volunteers will lead groups to depart from CHBE Atrium (main floor) to Cecil Green Park House at two times: 5:10 PM and 5:20 PM.
Please reach the atrium on time. Volunteers will not wait for anyone.

Suggested Dress Code: Business Casual

Christmas Party Event Schedule*:
5:30 PM – Registration
5:45 PM – Welcome Speeches
6:05 PM – Dinner
7:00 PM – Dr. Norman Epstein’s 90th Birthday Celebration
– Birthday Speech by Dr. Paul Watkinson and comments by fellow faculty members
– Speech by Dr. Norman Epstein
8:00 PM – Birthday Cake Cutting Ceremony
8:20 PM – Music Session
8:40 PM – Christmas Question and Answer Session

*The schedule is subjected to changes.

Dinner Options:
– Dinner with Turkey – Roast turkey, natural gravy, sage onion & apple stuffing, mesclun greens with cranberry ginger dressing, garlic mashed potatoes, roasted root vegetables.
– Vegetarian Dinner- Lasagna Neapolitan, mesclun greens with cranberry ginger dressing, garlic mashed potatoes, roasted root vegetables.
– Dessert – Selection of Christmas sweets, coffee/tea

Wine and Beer cash bar is available.

CHBE Grad Students Club

Weekly News 13 – Free Stats Analysis, Biology Workshop and Water Initiative Conference

I hope no one feels that 13 is unlucky because today is a happy day! It is the 90th birthday of Dr. Norman Epstein, Professor Emeritus of Chemical & Biological Engineering! Join us today during the coffee break at 3:00 PM in 2nd floor staff lounge to wish him happy birthday!

Christmas Payment Deadline Today

You must either pay today at me at room 503, Ehsan or Hafiz or confirm your registration by emailing me at before the day ends.

Free statistical Analyses

As part of Statistic Department ongoing efforts to bring current research into the classroom and promote interdisciplinary collaborations, the students enrolled in STAT 450 (Case Studies in Statistics) will provide free statistical analyses in Term 2 of 2013-2014
Please consider whether the type of feedback described might be helpful to you. If so, please submit your projects, carefully following the guidelines provided HERE.

UBC Molecular Biology Workshop

Next UBC Molecular Biology Workshop (see – Feb 17-21, 2014. This is a content intensive course that covers molecular biology techniques from both a theoretical and practical point of view. They’ve garnered great reviews over the years – partly for providing a syllabus that has high research utility, but also because they pay a lot of attention to making sure our clients have an engaging educational experience (a crucial objective, especially with a course as intensive as this one). Syllabus see HERE.

Water Initiative for the Future (WatIF): 2014 Graduate Conference

The student committee for the Water Initiative for the Future (WatIF): 2014 Graduate Conference would like to our upcoming submission deadline. Students are invited to join our community of early water leaders by participating in the conference as student presenters, workshop facilitators, and university representatives. With less than a month left until our Call for Abstracts deadline, be sure to submit your abstracts before going home for the holidays!
For a sneak peak of what is to come, check out our promotional video at!
Call for Abstracts Deadline: December 31, 2013
Submission Link:

Fun news

I’m out of fun news this week… It was so hectic that I didn’t read anything fun for a while.
Please suggest any funny news or pictures to

If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at or comment on this blog post.
Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.