Weekly News 22

Hello everyone!
Happy Friday! 22 happens to be one of my favorite numbers.
Here are our news, (Note: I added an extra news on the CHBE Speaker Series)

Special Feature: UBC American Chemical Society (ACS) on Campus 2014 Event

ACS on Campus is pleased to announce that Dr. Jillian M. Buriak, Editor-in-Chief of Chemistry of Materials and Dr. Jin Z. Zhang, Senior Editor of The Journal of Physical Chemistry C will be talking
about the scholarly publishing process.

Two Events at different Times and Locations

(1) Science Cafe / Mahony & Sons, 5990 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC
April 2, 2014 6:00PM – 8:00PM
This is a networking event including a panel discussion on alternative careers in science.
Free food will be provided.

(2) ACS on Campus
April 3, 2014 9:00AM – 3:30PM
Graduate Student Society Ballroom
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Register at http://acsoncampus.acs.org/event/?ee=106
For more information, go to:

Out of the Box: Celebrating Interdisciplinary! Graduate Conference 2014

Friday, March 21st, 2014 | Liu Institute for Global Issues | UBC
This annual conference was established in 2013 by graduate students in the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (ISGP) to foster, through sharing innovative research and expertise, a sense of community among interdisciplinarians across UBC. All conference presenters are graduate students, and while anyone is welcome to register and attend, graduate students are particularly encouraged.
Our sponsors have made it possible for this full-day conference to be highly accessible to graduate students: there is no registration fee and the conference includes catered morning and afternoon breaks, and lunch. Registration is now open, and we invite you to join us. (Note: Due to occupancy restrictions, conference participation is limited to 100 conferees.SIGN UP TODAY!)
More info:http://gss.ubc.ca/main/out-of-the-box-celebrating-interdisciplinarity-graduate-conference-2014/

Japan Kenkyukai

Looking for an opportunity to reflect on the Sochi Olympic? Interested in Japan or Asia? The UBC Asia Pacific Policy Studies Student Association and Asian Studies present “Japan Kenkyukai: Looking back at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and Towards 2020 — A Cultural and Economic Perspective.” The event (and dinner), supported by the GSS, will be held at the Asian Centre Auditorium (607 – 1871 West Mall UBC Campus) on Friday, March 14th 4-6:30pm. An RSVP is mandatory to help with planning. Main speakers will be Dr. Julian Dierkes (MAAPPS), Dr. Sharalyn Orbaugh (Asian Studies)

Change to Thesis/Dissertation Licence for UBC Library

The UBC Library has developed a new online cIRcle Non-Exclusive Distribution License, very similar to the current UBC Thesis Licence Agreement which students have been using up to now. The License will be applicable to theses and dissertations as well as to all non-thesis work in cIRcle, and will likely go into effect on Friday March 7, 2014. The current UBC Thesis Licence Agreement form will be discontinued.
NOTE: This new online cIRcle Licence will be presented to students as part of the submission process. They do NOT have to submit a paper License form. None of the other procedures have changed. Key information:
· Students retain full copyright to their theses, as always.
· The new cIRcle License clearly states the restrictions on theses via a Creative Commons license. It specifies that, by default, works deposited in cIRcle will correspond to the most restrictive of the Creative Commons licenses. Links for details.

CHBE Speaker Series Seminar Next Monday

The department of CHBE will have a Speaker Series seminar by Professor Susan Muller, of University of California, Berkeley, this coming Monday March 10, 2014 from 12-1 pm in CHBE Room 202.The seminar title is “Microfluidic tools for the manipulation and analysis of molecules, vesicles, capsules, and suspensions”. Everyone is most welcome to attend this lecture.

Details of the seminar are HERE.

 If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at jslee@chbe.ubc.ca or comment on this blog post. Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on https://www.facebook.com/groups/chbegsc/ if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.

Have a great weekend!