Hello everyone,
Next week is the end of term! Lots of end of terms events are happening in UBC and CHBE Grad Club is having a hiking trip too!
CHBE GSC End of Term Hiking Trip
Capilano Canyon, which has a wonderful view of both Capilano river and Cleveland Dam. This will be a one-hour trail according to THIS LINK. Then after finishing the trail we can have our lunch in the Capilano park.
Time: Sunday, April 6th, 2014. at 9 a.m.
Location 1: Water font Sea Bus (just before taking the sea bus at the ticket checking gate)
Location 2: (For those of you who wants to drive their own car or are not happy with the Sea Bus, you can find us by 10 a.m. in Capilano Park East Service Rd, North Vancouver, in the parking lot)
Everyone is welcome! please sign up at: http://doodle.com/2tyn988gs9iakx8v or email Hamid, our VP Sports at hhamedani@chbe.ubc.ca for more info.
GSS End of Term Party
The GSS is super excited to host an End of Term Party! They’ll have 3 rounds of FREE Beer Tasting including Spring beers, Dark beers, Pale ales! We’ll have a DJ rocking the most happening music (no matter how young or old you are!), we’ll have a dance instructor for the studious among you, mad snacks and desserts! Tickets available now here, or at our front desk during business hours. Get them! Early bird tickets are $5 until April 15th. PS: Come help them host! We’re looking for 3 volunteers for the night. Your ticket (including a beer or shot) is on us. Come on, email vpservices@gss.ubc.ca. 🙂
Free Statistical Help to Graduate Student
With the end of the semester, Graduate students may have more time to work on their thesis. To help UBC graduate students with the statistical elements of their work, The Statistical Consulting And Research Laboratory (SCARL) in the Department of Statistics at UBC is please to offer limited statistical consulting to UBC graduate students at no charge.
Please visit SCARL’s website for more information about the program and how to apply.
The Statistical Opportunity for Students (SOS) program is made possible through funding from the Office of the Provost and VP, Research and International.
PhD Comics: A little inspiration from a great engineer

Happy End of Term! Enjoy the weekend!
Cheers, UBC CHBE Graduate Student Club