We shall have summer coffee breaks every Friday at 3pm starting May 17! Some of you might not know, this is the first time in our department’s history that we are having summer coffee breaks!
Please join us at the staff lounge room for some coffee and feel free to bring some treats for everyone.
First summer coffee break: May 17, 2013, 3pm
2nd summer coffee break: May 24, 2013, 3pm
Thank you, Sonia, our Social Coordinator for preparing the coffee for this coffee break and the previous one!
A very nice vanila cake made by Alireza’s wife!
Graduate students having fun chatting about their research and life while drinking coffee
3rd summer coffee break: May 31, 2013, 3pm
We had a rather good attendance today and some new faces! Thank you all for your continuous support!
Dare Biscuit: Chocolate au Lait & Papineau, brought by Jun.