3-part CV development workshop for CHBE Grads

Forwarding message from Dr. Naoko Ellis,

Curriculum vitae written on typewriter

Hi Grads,

Based on the feedback we got, we have arranged to run a 3 part CV development workshop for CHBE Grads.

Part 1: CV preparation

Date: February 25th at 10:30 am to 12:00 pm (room CHBE 202)
Facilitators: Jenny Reilly and Anita Dapaah from APSC Professional Development Office
Please sign up through http://doodle.com/poll/pu7gfacehguhhfbp

Part 2: Developing your portfolio for academic positions
Date: one Friday afternoon in March
Guests: Gabriel Potvin and Laith Furatian

Part 3: Reviewing your CV for industry and awards
Date: in March
Guests: TBA

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