CHBE staff Info series 1

Introduction to main office personnel in Chemical & Biological Engineering Department

As an undergrad from the same CHBE department, I thought that I knew plenty about the department facility for my MASc program, but that is not true. In CHBE, we have a number of facilities and services that are only open for graduate students. In this weekly issue, I will introduce the administration staff, which are our dearest main office ladies.

UBC CHBE Main Office in room 218

Main office is located on west end of 2nd floor. The dedicated staff members, led by Joanne Dean, are the best team in the department to offer many services available in the department. Joanne is our manager of administrator. Her office locates in room 259. Joanne is responsible for overall Human Resources, Finance, Student Services and general administration of the department.  She supervises the 5 office staff in the main office (room 218).

Amber Lee is our financial clerk. She handles the financial matters, including travel and purchase reimbursement, journal vouchers for supplies and services, processing invoices and other financial matters. For travel and purchase reimbursement, please visit CHBE website, click doc central, complete the form or contact Amber Lee for further assistance.

Helsa Leong is our graduate secretary. She is the first person that welcomes me to the department, and telling me patiently where I should apply for SIN number, even though she has stacks and piles of documents to deal with. She handles all the administrative matters related to graduate students. She assists us with course registrations, TA assignment, and lots of other paperwork. Helsa has been with the Department for more than 20 years!

Lori Tanaka is the Undergraduate Student Support secretary and also acts as the Department receptionist. Although her title sounds like she only handles the undergraduate matters, she also schedules our Friday CHBE 598 seminars and appoints invigilators for the department exams.  Therefore she does interact with the grad students on these basis.  Lori has been with the Department for many many years, almost as long as Helsa!

Magnolia Flores is our administrator and graduate secretary assistant. She joined the department about 1 year ago. She helps Helsa with the graduate program and is the person to contact when Helsa is away. She handles lab and office access, grad program applications and helps organize some events throughout the year. More recently, she organized the graduate student welcome back reception.

Important note: All staff have access to the rooms on the 2nd floor.  If you get locked out of your office, It is advised that graduate students should get keys from Ivan Leversage, our safety officer, at room 437. 

If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at or comment on this blog post.
Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.
Best wishes!

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