Weekly News 23

Hello everyone,
Happy Friday! Did you enjoy the sunshine of the week? I’m sure the trees enjoy it as much as we human do! Speaking about trees,

The International Day of Forests

the Faculty of Forestry will celebrate next Friday the International Day of Forests (March 21) with an open house event (movie marathon, tree planting, etc.). Students, staff, faculty members, researchers – anyone interested in everything-forests is invited to join!

There are the exciting documentary such as MusicWood (screening at 11:30 AM) – and also some amazing acoustic guitar performances. Check out the schedule HERE.

Continue our road to sustainable word,

Oil Sands Speaker Series

Engineers for a Sustainable World UBC will be hosting the third instalment of our Oil Sands Speaker Series On Wednesday, March 12th at 4pm in CHBE 318, . The speaker will be Dr. Kathryn Harrison, a Political Science professor at UBC with a Masters in Chemical Engineering from MIT. Her talk is titled “The Politics of Tar Sands Expansion”. As usual, free coffee and snacks will be provided.

Check out UBC Engineers for a Sustainable World website at https://blogs.ubc.ca/sustainabilityclub/

UBC TACS Free Tax Workshop

UBC TACS will be hosting a free workshop at Marine Drive Residences to teach students how to file their own taxes. We would like to invite international students who live on campus to join us because we feel that this workshop will be invaluable to them. We would greatly appreciate your assistance if you could kindly pass on this opportunity through your channels. The details of the events are as follows:

Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Location: Marine Drive Ballroom

You can just learn how to fill your tax form for FREE and potentially get refund! which student doesn’t like free stuff? Seriously, let me know.

GSS Annual General Meeting

The GSS is holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday March 20, 2014. Open to all members of the Society, the AGM provides students with the opportunity to receive reports from Council with respect to activities of the preceding year, receive financial statements of the Society, and ask any questions regarding the future directions of the Society. The meeting will commence at 5:30 pm and will be held in the GSS Ballroom (6371 Crescent Road). Please click the link to download the AGM Agenda.

If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at jslee@chbe.ubc.ca or comment on this blog post. Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on https://www.facebook.com/groups/chbegsc/ if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.

Have a great weekend!

Winners of February’s PPE Compliance Survey Monthly Draw

Dear 5th and 6th floor lab users in CHBE,

If you want to win a starbuck gift card, put on your Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in your lab!

Ivan, our safety officer will conduct monthly PPE check and those who had the highest PPE compliance level, will be put into a draw for a starbuck giftcard!
*The highest PPE compliance level simply means you have lab coat, safety glasses, waterproof footwear and appropriate gloves.

February’s winners are
Mahmoud Ansari
James Butler

Weekly News 22

Hello everyone!
Happy Friday! 22 happens to be one of my favorite numbers.
Here are our news, (Note: I added an extra news on the CHBE Speaker Series)

Special Feature: UBC American Chemical Society (ACS) on Campus 2014 Event

ACS on Campus is pleased to announce that Dr. Jillian M. Buriak, Editor-in-Chief of Chemistry of Materials and Dr. Jin Z. Zhang, Senior Editor of The Journal of Physical Chemistry C will be talking
about the scholarly publishing process.

Two Events at different Times and Locations

(1) Science Cafe / Mahony & Sons, 5990 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC
April 2, 2014 6:00PM – 8:00PM
This is a networking event including a panel discussion on alternative careers in science.
Free food will be provided.

(2) ACS on Campus
April 3, 2014 9:00AM – 3:30PM
Graduate Student Society Ballroom
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Register at http://acsoncampus.acs.org/event/?ee=106
For more information, go to:

Out of the Box: Celebrating Interdisciplinary! Graduate Conference 2014

Friday, March 21st, 2014 | Liu Institute for Global Issues | UBC
This annual conference was established in 2013 by graduate students in the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (ISGP) to foster, through sharing innovative research and expertise, a sense of community among interdisciplinarians across UBC. All conference presenters are graduate students, and while anyone is welcome to register and attend, graduate students are particularly encouraged.
Our sponsors have made it possible for this full-day conference to be highly accessible to graduate students: there is no registration fee and the conference includes catered morning and afternoon breaks, and lunch. Registration is now open, and we invite you to join us. (Note: Due to occupancy restrictions, conference participation is limited to 100 conferees.SIGN UP TODAY!)
More info:http://gss.ubc.ca/main/out-of-the-box-celebrating-interdisciplinarity-graduate-conference-2014/

Japan Kenkyukai

Looking for an opportunity to reflect on the Sochi Olympic? Interested in Japan or Asia? The UBC Asia Pacific Policy Studies Student Association and Asian Studies present “Japan Kenkyukai: Looking back at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and Towards 2020 — A Cultural and Economic Perspective.” The event (and dinner), supported by the GSS, will be held at the Asian Centre Auditorium (607 – 1871 West Mall UBC Campus) on Friday, March 14th 4-6:30pm. An RSVP is mandatory to help with planning. Main speakers will be Dr. Julian Dierkes (MAAPPS), Dr. Sharalyn Orbaugh (Asian Studies)

Change to Thesis/Dissertation Licence for UBC Library

The UBC Library has developed a new online cIRcle Non-Exclusive Distribution License, very similar to the current UBC Thesis Licence Agreement which students have been using up to now. The License will be applicable to theses and dissertations as well as to all non-thesis work in cIRcle, and will likely go into effect on Friday March 7, 2014. The current UBC Thesis Licence Agreement form will be discontinued.
NOTE: This new online cIRcle Licence will be presented to students as part of the submission process. They do NOT have to submit a paper License form. None of the other procedures have changed. Key information:
· Students retain full copyright to their theses, as always.
· The new cIRcle License clearly states the restrictions on theses via a Creative Commons license. It specifies that, by default, works deposited in cIRcle will correspond to the most restrictive of the Creative Commons licenses. Links for details.

CHBE Speaker Series Seminar Next Monday

The department of CHBE will have a Speaker Series seminar by Professor Susan Muller, of University of California, Berkeley, this coming Monday March 10, 2014 from 12-1 pm in CHBE Room 202.The seminar title is “Microfluidic tools for the manipulation and analysis of molecules, vesicles, capsules, and suspensions”. Everyone is most welcome to attend this lecture.

Details of the seminar are HERE.

 If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at jslee@chbe.ubc.ca or comment on this blog post. Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on https://www.facebook.com/groups/chbegsc/ if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly News 21

Happy Friday everyone!
It was just snowing last weekend and it is sunny now! Yoo hoo!
Even better, we have a social event happening tonight!

[CHBE Monthly Social] Get together this Friday?

The CHBE is re-initiating the first (or last) Friday of the Month social by heading over to the Gallery at the SUB. Here is a great opportunity to mingle with random people from CHBE and beyond. Undergrads, Grads, staff, faculty, researchers, emeritus profs, etc. all welcome. Friday, Feb 28 starting around 5 pm.

After all the fun, would you consider doing some volunteering for the Grad Club?

Grad Club is requesting your help

CHBE Grad Club is looking for a few volunteers, in addition to current ones, for supplying water to the hot/cold water dispenser at the 6th floor grad lounge.
The 5 water jars need to be filled once a week, and it takes less than 30 minutes for me to do this job. So if there are a few more volunteers, then each volunteer would be expected to contribute 30 minutes per month.
Please consider joining us in keeping the water dispenser in operation! Please email our grad club president, Hafiz at mhrahman@chbe.ubc.ca if you wanna earn some good karma.

Then, some news from GSS about St. Patrick’s Day Social Event

St. Patrick’s Day comes early to the GSS!

On March 14th GSS is planning the best night ever so Save the Date, and Line up something Clover Green! Drinks will be cheap or, if you have the luck of the Irish, maybe even free! Keep your eye out in next week’s GSS newsletter for more details, or contact specialevents@gss.ubc.ca.

Finally some news from GPS

UBC Graduate Pathway to Success

This is the last week to register for Three Minute Thesis 2014. To register, visit the heat schedule at http://3mt.grad.ubc.ca/schedule/ . Interested in volunteering for the events (registration support, presentation timer, etc.)? E-mail graduate.pathways@ubc.ca .

GPS/CSI&C Workshop: Resume Clinic, Tuesday, March 4, 12:30pm – 2:30pm
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g310c

GPS/SCARL Workshop: Quantitative Covariates and Linear Models, Wednesday, March 5, 10:00am – 12:00pm
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g310d

There is still space available for this week’s GPS/Mitacs Step Workshop: Skills of Business Etiquette, Thursday, February 27, 9:00am – 4:30pm
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g30b9

If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at jslee@chbe.ubc.ca or comment on this blog post.
Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group onhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/chbegsc/ if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.
Have a great weekend!

NanoLytica Symposium 2014 Invitation

I am relaying the invitation about NanoLytica Symposium 2014 to all the readers of CHBE GSC Blog. Disclaimer: the CHBE Grad Student Club is not involved in the organization of this event.

Briefly, Nanolytica 2014, organized in partnership with Simon Fraser University, NSERC and 4D Labs is the ideal forum for learning about the latest technological advances and analytical techniques available in the research area of nanotechnology and advanced materials. The registration page is now live, please see Flyer HERE or follow: NanoLytica 2014.

There is no cost for attending the event and there will be a very good representation from academia, government, and industry from Western Canada and the PNW. The poster session will also be a very good opportunity for students to engage in discussions around their current work and technical challenges and network with industry. They have 80 poster boards reserved, so welcome poster presentations from all departments and backgrounds; the best student poster also takes home an IPad!

Registration Includes:

  • Diverse presentations from local and nationally recognized experts
  • Great networking with industry, government and university labs
  • PerkinElmer scientists available to provide solutions
  • Discussion on the commercialization/VC aspect of nanomaterials
  • Lunch and refreshments throughout the day
  • Technical demonstrations
  • Complete Nano Primer (booklet on commonly used analytical techniques for nano materials)

There were 176 registrants last year from the PNW, and the organizers are hoping to grow to over 200 this year.

CHBE GSC Professional Development Seminar – Feb 17 – Dr. Patrick Littlejohn

Greetings from Graduate Students Club,

Re: Professional Development Seminar Series

“No matter what you plan on doing in your career, you will not be doing it alone. Whether you are in industry or academia, you must be able to explain your ideas, share your knowledge, and guide your team’s decision making…”

We are pleased to announce Dr. Patrick Littlejohn as the speaker of the upcoming seminar in the professional development series. Dr. Littlejohn completed his BASc and MASc in UBC Material Engineering and earned his PhD at the University of Queensland, Australia, in Chemical Engineering in 2013. Patrick is currently the Senior Technology Development Specialist at BioteQ Environmental Technologies.

This seminar is on the importance of public speaking as an engineer. Learn how to choose a message that resonates with your audience and find out what you can do to develop your public speaking skills while you are a postgraduate at UBC.

Seminar information:

Title: Public Speaking for Engineering Grad Students
Date: February 17, 2014
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Place: CHBE 2.02 (2360 East Mall)

Professional development seminar series:

In this monthly seminar series, successful professionals such as faculty members and/or alumni of UBC Engineering department share the stories of their career paths including making important career decisions. These highly interactive seminars provide an excellent opportunity to hear and learn from instructing and exciting experiences of the speakers. We believe these seminars are beneficial for graduate students in developing the skills necessary for professional work environment in academia/industry.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday, February 17 at 12:00 pm in CHBE 202.

Kind regards,
VP Academic team
CHBE Graduate Students Club

Winners of Second PPE Compliance Survey Draw

Dear 5th and 6th floor lab users in CHBE, If you want to win a starbuck gift card, put on your Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in your lab!

After a spot-check of PPE Compliance two weeks ago, Ivan, our safety officer has drawn Two winners, from those who had the highest PPE compliance level!
*The highest PPE compliance level simply means you have lab coat, safety glasses, waterproof footwear and appropriate gloves.

They are
Sebastian Standl
Badr Mohamed

They each receive $10 starbuck gift cards!

Weekly New 20

Three Minute Thesis 2014

Three Minute Thesis 2014 registration is now open. A preliminary heat schedule is available at http://3mt.grad.ubc.ca/schedule/ .
Curious about 3MT? Come to the 3MT coaching session on Wednesday, Feb 12th to learn more, practice presenting and learn tips for orally presenting your research.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM , Live webinar
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM, in person (Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Lillooet Room)
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g2ef5

Graduate Pathway to Success (GPS) sessions

Registration is now open for:

GPS/SCARL Workshop: Two Group Comparisons and Beyond,
Wednesday, February 12, 10:00am – 12:00pm
No prior statistical knowledge is assumed for this session; however, some mathematical formulas will be presented.
For a complete session description, visit: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/10639-gpsscarl-workshop-iii-two-group-comparisons-beyond
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g3069

There are still a few spaces remaining for this week’s Breaking Patterns of Procrastination
Thursday, February 3, 9:30am to 12:30pm
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g3009

Announcement of GSS election results

Thank you so much for participating in the 2014 GSS Elections!! We had a great participation rate and sincerely appreciate your time and care.The results were published late on Friday last week and we’d like to extend a warm congratulations to the newly elected GSS Executive members Colúm Connolly, Daniel Wood, Tobias Friedel, Min Xia and Kevin Mehr; as well as the newly elected Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Student Senators, Julienne Jagdeo and Justin Wiebe. – Taken from GSS Newsletter

The new executive begins its term on the March 2014 GSS Council AGM meeting. We would like to wish all of them an effective term in their new positions.

Important Fact: AMS/GSS Extended Health & Dental Plan

I think many students in UBC are not fully utilizing the health and Dental Plan that they are paying for. So I wish to inform all about the plan.

The AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan was designed by students for students to provide many important services and cover expenses not covered by your basic health care plan, such as prescription drugs, dental care, travel health coverage, vision care, and more. Click the link for more information: http://www.ams.ubc.ca/services/health-dental-plan/faqs/

Happy Long Weekend! Happy Family Day!

There is no classes on Monday and the University is closed.
You may still enter the CHBE building if you have your fob, iClass student card or UBCcard with access granted.

Call for volunteers for CHBE Open House for First year Engineering Students

I am relaying the message from Marlene to call for volunteers from CHBE Grad Students or Senior Undergrad Students.

The CHBE Open House for First Year Engineering students selecting their engineering department/program option is

Date: Thursday, February 13th
Time: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Location: Rm 318

Volunteers are needed to meet First Year Engineering Students and to speak with them about CHBE. Your participation will help answer First Years’ questions and could make CHBE their first choice of engineering programs. CHBE is planning continued growth and funding is based on student enrollment so come out and support your department! Pizza and pop are provided.

Email Marlene at Marlene.chow@ubc.ca if you have questions or
RVSP to attend for part or all of the CHBE Open House session.