Weekly News 22

Hello everyone!
Happy Friday! 22 happens to be one of my favorite numbers.
Here are our news, (Note: I added an extra news on the CHBE Speaker Series)

Special Feature: UBC American Chemical Society (ACS) on Campus 2014 Event

ACS on Campus is pleased to announce that Dr. Jillian M. Buriak, Editor-in-Chief of Chemistry of Materials and Dr. Jin Z. Zhang, Senior Editor of The Journal of Physical Chemistry C will be talking
about the scholarly publishing process.

Two Events at different Times and Locations

(1) Science Cafe / Mahony & Sons, 5990 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC
April 2, 2014 6:00PM – 8:00PM
This is a networking event including a panel discussion on alternative careers in science.
Free food will be provided.

(2) ACS on Campus
April 3, 2014 9:00AM – 3:30PM
Graduate Student Society Ballroom
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Register at http://acsoncampus.acs.org/event/?ee=106
For more information, go to:

Out of the Box: Celebrating Interdisciplinary! Graduate Conference 2014

Friday, March 21st, 2014 | Liu Institute for Global Issues | UBC
This annual conference was established in 2013 by graduate students in the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (ISGP) to foster, through sharing innovative research and expertise, a sense of community among interdisciplinarians across UBC. All conference presenters are graduate students, and while anyone is welcome to register and attend, graduate students are particularly encouraged.
Our sponsors have made it possible for this full-day conference to be highly accessible to graduate students: there is no registration fee and the conference includes catered morning and afternoon breaks, and lunch. Registration is now open, and we invite you to join us. (Note: Due to occupancy restrictions, conference participation is limited to 100 conferees.SIGN UP TODAY!)
More info:http://gss.ubc.ca/main/out-of-the-box-celebrating-interdisciplinarity-graduate-conference-2014/

Japan Kenkyukai

Looking for an opportunity to reflect on the Sochi Olympic? Interested in Japan or Asia? The UBC Asia Pacific Policy Studies Student Association and Asian Studies present “Japan Kenkyukai: Looking back at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and Towards 2020 — A Cultural and Economic Perspective.” The event (and dinner), supported by the GSS, will be held at the Asian Centre Auditorium (607 – 1871 West Mall UBC Campus) on Friday, March 14th 4-6:30pm. An RSVP is mandatory to help with planning. Main speakers will be Dr. Julian Dierkes (MAAPPS), Dr. Sharalyn Orbaugh (Asian Studies)

Change to Thesis/Dissertation Licence for UBC Library

The UBC Library has developed a new online cIRcle Non-Exclusive Distribution License, very similar to the current UBC Thesis Licence Agreement which students have been using up to now. The License will be applicable to theses and dissertations as well as to all non-thesis work in cIRcle, and will likely go into effect on Friday March 7, 2014. The current UBC Thesis Licence Agreement form will be discontinued.
NOTE: This new online cIRcle Licence will be presented to students as part of the submission process. They do NOT have to submit a paper License form. None of the other procedures have changed. Key information:
· Students retain full copyright to their theses, as always.
· The new cIRcle License clearly states the restrictions on theses via a Creative Commons license. It specifies that, by default, works deposited in cIRcle will correspond to the most restrictive of the Creative Commons licenses. Links for details.

CHBE Speaker Series Seminar Next Monday

The department of CHBE will have a Speaker Series seminar by Professor Susan Muller, of University of California, Berkeley, this coming Monday March 10, 2014 from 12-1 pm in CHBE Room 202.The seminar title is “Microfluidic tools for the manipulation and analysis of molecules, vesicles, capsules, and suspensions”. Everyone is most welcome to attend this lecture.

Details of the seminar are HERE.

 If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at jslee@chbe.ubc.ca or comment on this blog post. Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group on https://www.facebook.com/groups/chbegsc/ if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly News 21

Happy Friday everyone!
It was just snowing last weekend and it is sunny now! Yoo hoo!
Even better, we have a social event happening tonight!

[CHBE Monthly Social] Get together this Friday?

The CHBE is re-initiating the first (or last) Friday of the Month social by heading over to the Gallery at the SUB. Here is a great opportunity to mingle with random people from CHBE and beyond. Undergrads, Grads, staff, faculty, researchers, emeritus profs, etc. all welcome. Friday, Feb 28 starting around 5 pm.

After all the fun, would you consider doing some volunteering for the Grad Club?

Grad Club is requesting your help

CHBE Grad Club is looking for a few volunteers, in addition to current ones, for supplying water to the hot/cold water dispenser at the 6th floor grad lounge.
The 5 water jars need to be filled once a week, and it takes less than 30 minutes for me to do this job. So if there are a few more volunteers, then each volunteer would be expected to contribute 30 minutes per month.
Please consider joining us in keeping the water dispenser in operation! Please email our grad club president, Hafiz at mhrahman@chbe.ubc.ca if you wanna earn some good karma.

Then, some news from GSS about St. Patrick’s Day Social Event

St. Patrick’s Day comes early to the GSS!

On March 14th GSS is planning the best night ever so Save the Date, and Line up something Clover Green! Drinks will be cheap or, if you have the luck of the Irish, maybe even free! Keep your eye out in next week’s GSS newsletter for more details, or contact specialevents@gss.ubc.ca.

Finally some news from GPS

UBC Graduate Pathway to Success

This is the last week to register for Three Minute Thesis 2014. To register, visit the heat schedule at http://3mt.grad.ubc.ca/schedule/ . Interested in volunteering for the events (registration support, presentation timer, etc.)? E-mail graduate.pathways@ubc.ca .

GPS/CSI&C Workshop: Resume Clinic, Tuesday, March 4, 12:30pm – 2:30pm
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g310c

GPS/SCARL Workshop: Quantitative Covariates and Linear Models, Wednesday, March 5, 10:00am – 12:00pm
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g310d

There is still space available for this week’s GPS/Mitacs Step Workshop: Skills of Business Etiquette, Thursday, February 27, 9:00am – 4:30pm
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g30b9

If you have any suggestion for what you like to see on our weekly news, please email me at jslee@chbe.ubc.ca or comment on this blog post.
Also please join the CHBE Grad Student Club Facebook Group onhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/chbegsc/ if you are a graduate student or a recent alumni of graduate program of UBC CHBE.
Have a great weekend!

NanoLytica Symposium 2014 Invitation

I am relaying the invitation about NanoLytica Symposium 2014 to all the readers of CHBE GSC Blog. Disclaimer: the CHBE Grad Student Club is not involved in the organization of this event.

Briefly, Nanolytica 2014, organized in partnership with Simon Fraser University, NSERC and 4D Labs is the ideal forum for learning about the latest technological advances and analytical techniques available in the research area of nanotechnology and advanced materials. The registration page is now live, please see Flyer HERE or follow: NanoLytica 2014.

There is no cost for attending the event and there will be a very good representation from academia, government, and industry from Western Canada and the PNW. The poster session will also be a very good opportunity for students to engage in discussions around their current work and technical challenges and network with industry. They have 80 poster boards reserved, so welcome poster presentations from all departments and backgrounds; the best student poster also takes home an IPad!

Registration Includes:

  • Diverse presentations from local and nationally recognized experts
  • Great networking with industry, government and university labs
  • PerkinElmer scientists available to provide solutions
  • Discussion on the commercialization/VC aspect of nanomaterials
  • Lunch and refreshments throughout the day
  • Technical demonstrations
  • Complete Nano Primer (booklet on commonly used analytical techniques for nano materials)

There were 176 registrants last year from the PNW, and the organizers are hoping to grow to over 200 this year.

Winners of Second PPE Compliance Survey Draw

Dear 5th and 6th floor lab users in CHBE, If you want to win a starbuck gift card, put on your Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) in your lab!

After a spot-check of PPE Compliance two weeks ago, Ivan, our safety officer has drawn Two winners, from those who had the highest PPE compliance level!
*The highest PPE compliance level simply means you have lab coat, safety glasses, waterproof footwear and appropriate gloves.

They are
Sebastian Standl
Badr Mohamed

They each receive $10 starbuck gift cards!

Weekly New 20

Three Minute Thesis 2014

Three Minute Thesis 2014 registration is now open. A preliminary heat schedule is available at http://3mt.grad.ubc.ca/schedule/ .
Curious about 3MT? Come to the 3MT coaching session on Wednesday, Feb 12th to learn more, practice presenting and learn tips for orally presenting your research.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM , Live webinar
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM, in person (Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Lillooet Room)
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g2ef5

Graduate Pathway to Success (GPS) sessions

Registration is now open for:

GPS/SCARL Workshop: Two Group Comparisons and Beyond,
Wednesday, February 12, 10:00am – 12:00pm
No prior statistical knowledge is assumed for this session; however, some mathematical formulas will be presented.
For a complete session description, visit: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/10639-gpsscarl-workshop-iii-two-group-comparisons-beyond
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g3069

There are still a few spaces remaining for this week’s Breaking Patterns of Procrastination
Thursday, February 3, 9:30am to 12:30pm
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g3009

Announcement of GSS election results

Thank you so much for participating in the 2014 GSS Elections!! We had a great participation rate and sincerely appreciate your time and care.The results were published late on Friday last week and we’d like to extend a warm congratulations to the newly elected GSS Executive members Colúm Connolly, Daniel Wood, Tobias Friedel, Min Xia and Kevin Mehr; as well as the newly elected Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Student Senators, Julienne Jagdeo and Justin Wiebe. – Taken from GSS Newsletter

The new executive begins its term on the March 2014 GSS Council AGM meeting. We would like to wish all of them an effective term in their new positions.

Important Fact: AMS/GSS Extended Health & Dental Plan

I think many students in UBC are not fully utilizing the health and Dental Plan that they are paying for. So I wish to inform all about the plan.

The AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan was designed by students for students to provide many important services and cover expenses not covered by your basic health care plan, such as prescription drugs, dental care, travel health coverage, vision care, and more. Click the link for more information: http://www.ams.ubc.ca/services/health-dental-plan/faqs/

Happy Long Weekend! Happy Family Day!

There is no classes on Monday and the University is closed.
You may still enter the CHBE building if you have your fob, iClass student card or UBCcard with access granted.

Weekly News 19 – Richard away, Special seminar, VOTE NOW, Movie in UBC library

Dear friends in CHBE and friends in UBC,

It is Friday AGAIN! Is it me, or TIME FLIES!
Today is Chinese new year! Wish everyone have a great year of horse.马到功成!

Richard Away

Richard, our IT administrator will take vacations between Jan 31st and Feb 4th. He’ll be back to work on Feb 5th. Please send any IT request to help@chbe.ubc.ca.

Seminar – Dr. Anne Kietzig Tuesday, Feb 11, 12-1pm

Topic: Laser-induced patterns on metals and polymers for biomimetic surface engineering
Dr. Anne Kietzig
Chemical Engineering Department
McGill University

12:00 – 1:00pm
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
CHBE Room 202
Chemical and Biological Engineering Building
2360 East Mall, UBC

Click this LINK https://www.dropbox.com/s/hhwq843i5caegna/2014_Feb%20Kietzig_Anne%20poster.pdf to see Dr. Kietzig’s abstract!

Last Day to VOTE in AMS/GSS Election

Every vote counts! Make your voice heard! If you have not voted yet, vote now!



Cinema Salon at UBC Library

UBC library is showing movie?!!! There are two fantastic movies showing in the next two months!

Videodrome (1983)
Thursday, Feb. 27
Directed by David Cronenberg
Genre: Horror/Sci Fi
Run time: 87 minutes

A sleazy cable-TV programmer (James Woods) begins to see his life and the future of media spin out of control when he acquires a new kind of programming for his station.

To register, visit this link: http://elred.library.ubc.ca/libs/dashboard/view/4778

Madame Satã (2002)

Thursday, Mar. 27
Directed by Karim Ainouz
Run time: 108 minutes
Genre: Political Cinema/Rare Film

Loosely based on the life of one of the most famous drag queens of the 1930s. Born to slaves in Northern Brazil and sold at the age of 7 by his mother for the price of a mule, João Francisco dos Santos (Lázaro Ramos) battles stereotypes on the mean streets of Lapa, Rio de Janeíro.

In Portuguese with English subtitles
To register, visit this link: http://elred.library.ubc.ca/libs/dashboard/view/4779

Weekly News 18- Interdepartmental Party!, iGSN, Data Privacy Day

Leave of Absence (Doug)

Doug will be away as of Jan 29 2014 until further notice. In his absence Marlene Chow will be doing all consultations and will be located in my room 184 in the machine shop. Please do not disturb the guys on the floor they have work assigned to them. If you have work to be done please talk to Marlene Chow. her contacts are E-mail ( marlene.chow@ubc.ca )

Celebrate Data Privacy Day – January 28, 2014

Data Privacy Day is held all over the world on January 28 every year to raise awareness and inform people about their privacy rights and responsibilities. Here are some of the things UBC is doing to celebrate Data Privacy Day this year:

UBC has prepared materials on the following topical data privacy issues:

  • What are the restrictions on storing personal information outside Canada?
  • How do I access other employees’ emails or other electronic records without violating their privacy?
  • How do researchers comply with privacy and information security requirements?

To learn more about these issues, and other aspects of data privacy, we encourage you to visit UBC’s Data Privacy Day website to learn more about how to protect your privacy and the privacy of others.

Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Network IGSN

The iGSN is a group of enthusiastic graduate students dedicated to improving the graduate student experience at UBC.  Their mission is to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge-sharing between graduate students from different disciplines. By providing social, recreational, and professional development opportunities that are discipline-independent and highly inclusive, they hope to accomplish this task here at UBC. In particular, they hope to provide smaller graduate programs without established student associations a means to be included in social and recreational activities.  They run regular social activities throughout the year, subsidize and organize graduate student sports teams, and provide professional services for graduate students (Travel Award, Business Cards). You can join iGSN by visiting their website:

Interdepartmental Mixer

@Next Friday Jan 31st, 6PM to Midnight
Location: Thea’s Lounge at GSS Building

Want to expand your social bubble beyond your department? Come to mingle with graduate students from other graduate departments, such as MECH, Architecture , Neuroscience and others!

Food is provided for FREE!

There will be HOURLY door prizes.

Bring cash & ID for your share of drinks! (Cash Bar is at the event)

Facebook Event Page:

Weekly News 17-Building Security, Seminar, Helsa is away Biorenewable Cafe

Hello, for new readers of CHBE GSC official blog, my name is Jun Sian Lee, the VP Communication of Chemical & Biological Engineering Graduate Student Club (CHBE GSC) Executive Committee. Weekly News is a new initiative started by me to allow the information posted through email goes into a post format. Since last September I have been posting weekly news every Friday (or Saturday) to convey the events happening in the department. The information here is mainly aimed for CHBE graduate students but many events posted here is open to all the UBC students. I hope the weekly news is useful for everyone! Cheers, Jun

CHBE Building Security

After the December break, there continue to be reports of doors propped open and ongoing door lock damage. CHBE may be a target for break-ins.


  • Lock labs and offices when you leave.
  • Check that exterior doors latch securely when you exit the building after hours.
  • If exterior or stairwell doors are propped open, remove props and check that doors close securely.
  • Report doors and latches that are not working properly (email or phone Marlene 778-879-5105).
  • Report any suspicious people, unfamiliar faces (Campus Security 2-2222).
  • Do not leave valuables in offices.
  • Campus Security checks CHBE routinely and on receiving reports of issues. Security Officers may ask individuals for ID and/or authorization to be on the premises.

CHBE Speaker Series Seminar

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering is hosting a lecture by distinguished speaker Professor Tony Mikos,
on Monday January 20th, 2014 from 12-1 pm in CHBE Room 202.

Everyone is most welcome to attend this lecture.

Speaker: Antonios G Mikos is Professor of Bioengineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University. His research focuses on the synthesis, processing and evaluation of new biomaterials. His work has led to the development of novel orthopaedic, dental, cardiovascular, neurologic, and ophthalmologic biomaterials. He is the author of over 500 publications, 25 patents, editor of 15 books and the author of one textbook (Biomaterials: The Intersection of Biology and Materials Science, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008). He has been cited over 40,000 times and has an h-index of 109.

Title: Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering

For Abstract see HERE

Helsa is away

Helsa will be away as of tomorrow until further notice. In her absence, Stephen Godfrey will be covering. You may reach Steve by emailing gradsec@chbe.ubc.ca.

Please note that Helsa will not be checking her email while she is away. All emails should be sent to gradsec@chbe.ubc.ca. – Joanne

Biorenewables Café

The Biorenewables Café is an informal monthly gathering of biorenewables enthusiasts from academia, industry, and the general public. We meet over coffee/beers at the Railway Club in downtown Vancouver (579 Dunsmuir Street). This month, this Tuesday, January 21st, we are hosting Chris Bush, president of Catalyst Agri-Innovation Society, who will be talking about anaerobic digestion to produce biogas, ethanol, fertilizer, and clean water from manure.

For more details about this month’s event, please see the poster HERE. If you’re interested in the biorenewables sector in Vancouver, or just want to come and check it out, we welcome you to come and join us t at the Railway Club!

Fun Comic

Call for APSC/CHBE Research Day 2014 committee volunteers

Dear graduate students,

Have you ever wanted to get behind the scene and be a member of the organizing team of an event? If your answer is yes, please continue reading! This is an opportunity which you may want to consider.

After a successful Research Day 2013 (website link here), Research Day 2014 is currently looking to recruit volunteers to complete the organizing committees. We are looking for students who are passionate about team work, interested in developing their set of soft skills, and are willing to make commitments to meet regularly. We usually meet monthly; however, as we get closer to the day of event, we are going to need to meet bi-weekly or even weekly.

The positions available are:

  • Administrative committee,co-chair
  • Technical committee, co-chair
  • Marketing committee, chair

Please CLICK HERE to see the guideline for the roles and responsibilities of each committee. However, please also note that we are working as a team and we may need to help each other as needed.

By joining Research Day 2014 organizing team, you will enjoy working with an enthusiastic team and sharing/expressing your ideas as well as getting trained for organizing bigger events in your future career. You may also want to put this as a volunteer experience on your resume to demonstrate your project management capability, team work ability and leadership skill.

If you would like to join us, please reply to this email by this Friday, Jan. 17, 2:00 PM and kindly indicate your position of interest.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at researchday2014@chbe.ubc.ca if you have any questions/concerns.
Thank you for your contribution and we wish you success and scholarly progress in your research.

S. Alireza Bagherzadeh, M.A.Sc.
PhD Candidate
Research Day 2014, Chair

Weekly News 16-Jan Special Seminar, CHBE Safety Orientation, FIRETalk and more!

January 2014 CHBE GSC Professional Development Seminar

We are pleased to announce Mr. Claudio Arato as the speaker of the upcoming seminar in the professional development series.Mr. Arato was elected as an Engineers Canada Fellow in 2011 and received Community Leadership Award from UBC Faculty of Applied Science in 2013. He has also been a member of Industrial Advisory Committee of CHBE department for over ten years.
More info here: https://blogs.ubc.ca/chbegsc/2014/01/08/professional-development-seminar-jan-13-claudio-arato/

Title: Applications in Engineering – Opportunity & Risk in a Changing World
Date: January 13, 2014 (Monday)
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Place: CHBE 2.02 (2360 East Mall)

CHBE January Safety Orientation

New to the department or missed September’s Annual Safety Orientation?
We have a Safety Orientation scheduled in Next Friday.
Date, Time and Venue: January 17th Friday @ 9:00am in CHBE 204

UBC Research Common: FIRETalk

The Research Common invites you to participate in the upcoming FIREtalk: Creativity and Innovation to be held on Wednesday January 29th 4-6 pm. Submit your proposal for a 5 minute presentation by January 15th.
To sign up as a presenter click on the following link:
To sign up as an attendee click on the following link:

Call for volunteers to join Let’s Talk Science at UBC

Interested in Science and Engineering? Enjoy working with kids and youths? Want to give back to your community?
TLDR: Sign up as a science outreach volunteer with UBC Let’s Talk Science by filling out a short survey here. No experience necessary. We provide training. Commitment is flexible. We invite you to learn more about our exciting program by visiting our website at www.ubclts.com and reading about the various Outreach Programs.

Workshop: Learn about getting Canadian residency through the B.C. Provincial Nominee Program

For international students in CHBE:
Interested in applying for Canadian permanent residency? Government officers from the B.C. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will speak about current government regulations and application procedures.

When: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Where: Neville Scarfe Building, Room 100
RSVP: https://ubc-csm.symplicity.com/students/index.php/pid862296?mode=form&id=360023845fa42f7dcb456ecc7860bb7c&s=event&ss=ws