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Here is a link to the story which was featured on CNN.

To sum it up, an Afghan woman, Gulnaz, was brutally raped  2 years ago and as a result today she bears a child. Instead of receiving sympathy, she faces prosecution on the grounds of adultery–a 12 year sentence in Afghanistan.

Currently, she is in jail serving her sentence with her child. The only way around adultery in Afghanistan is to marry her attacker. Incredibly, Gulnaz is willing to take this action in order to “start a new life” for her daughter. Unfortunately, her situation is not as easy as that. In an interview with the man who raped her we discover that

“she would likely be killed if she gets out of jail. But he insists that it will be her family, not his, that will kill her, ‘out of shame.'”

Gulnaz’s story is just one out of thousands in Afghanistan. And while her predicament does bring some attention to women’s rights, sadly, it does not help them. Gulnaz is still left to face the reality of 12 years in jail, or to marry her attacker.

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