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Monthly Archives: March 2013

“you can choose to do what’s in your heart, you can bring your real work to the world, instead of a lesser version, a version you think the market wants. After all, what do you have to lose?” –>Seth Godin’s post lit a little fire inside me

Do something you love. Do something you love. Do something you love.

My dad, who’s a retired CA, has driven those 4 words down my throat for ages and here I am at school without a damn clue as to what I should do in life. I’m not really interested in anything that has to do with the business world.

Let’s jot down my interests:

  • sports
  • drawing
  • painting
  • extreme sports (i want to fly in a wingsuit before i die)
  • nature
  • reading
  • and goofing off of course

I don’t really know where to go with my life, and honestly I don’t want to end up behind some desk writing a bunch of numbers down–what’s the point of living if I hate it? I’d rather be broke working odd jobs around the world skydiving or jumping off cliffs. It’s a little selfish of me I’ll admit because I do hope to one day have a family and raise my kids and my hobbies (or dreams) all require a decent amount of money, and basically the only way I can get a decent amount of money is with a good, stable job. When I have a good stable job, though, I won’t be out traveling or jumping off cliffs–I won’t have time for that because I’ll be locked down behind a desk, making money to give me a good post retirement. I don’t want to have a good post retirement–I want a good now. That’s my dilemma. I need to find something I’m really like doing and that I’m really good at so I can be happy my whole life not just post retirement.

Sorry for such a ramble.


I agree with Troy’s opinion that this is a very moving advertisement. It features an overweight kid struggling through a jog, backed by some British dude in the background telling us greatness is something we can all achieve–no matter who we are (here’s the link to Nike ad). The power and uniqueness of this ad brought back memories of a commercial I saw a while back about smoking and the effects it can have on you. Take a look:

YouTube Preview Image

It’s very hard to watch, but at the same time it’s impossible not to.

Something about both of these ads leaves me awestruck. Obviously, the latter is a lot more disturbing, but I think both ads get the consumer engaged and thinking, which is a marketing department’s primary concern. I can’t recall any other commercials in which I’ve been so engrossed, but if you know of any please comment the link!

Hey y’all,

Haven’t you ever dreamed of being one of those INSANELY popular kids on YouTube who gets hundreds of thousands of daily views on their videos and makes crazy bank doing it?? Well, maybe you have, or maybe you haven’t. I’m here to talk about what I think makes a successful YouTube channel.

There are quite a few different, yet important, factors, but here are the MOST important 3:

Content, Production, and Regularity (in order)

1. Content

Every successful YouTube channel you visit or video you watch HAS some sort of content that is, apparently, relevant to a LARGE number of people. You need to make videos about sh*t that matters. That could be creating mountain biking videos, critiquing popular products, repeatedly hurting yourself to make people laugh, being really, really good at something–literally, the possibilities are endless when it comes to this stuff. Put yourself in your customers’ position, so to speak. If you wouldn’t think your videos are interesting neither would they.

2. Production

Once you think you have a good, original idea for a set of videos (or video if you just want one viral video), then you HAVE to start thinking about making it more eye catching. PURCHASE (or illegally download) some video editing software for goodness sakes and buy a half decent camera! It’s pretty self explanatory……if your video looks half decent, and not super amateurish, then there is a greater chance more people are actually going to watch it.

3. Regularity

The last main point is Regularity. This entails making regular posts (ie weekly or monthly). YouTube is essentially the same thing as having a blog, except it’s on video and you can do wayyyy more things. The tough thing is though, you need to choose a topic to YouTube about that won’t get old and won’t go away. For example, you won’t be able to create and sustain a successful YouTube channel by chopping off a limb each week because you’ll having nothing more to YouTube about after you chop the last leg off (i bet that’d still be super popular haha *facepalm*).

All in all to sum this up, you need to be smart and original and have a good idea to create a successful channel. This sounds like marketing for a company doesn’t it? Uhhhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaa duhhhhhhhhhhh THE SAME GOES FOR ANY COMPANY OR BUSINESS! I know I ripped on Marketing as a degree in my last post; however, I still think it is vital for company’s success.

Coleeberr out.

ps. sorry this post is so short I could literally write a 5000 word paper because there’s a sh*t tonne of stuff to yak about

pps here’s some dope videos you should check out (the biking video is my cousin’s video he filmed and edited)




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