Author Archives: ghassan barhoumeh

Course Module Tour with Google Classroom – Ghassan


For assignment #5, I have chosen to record a tour of my course module that was designed using Google Classroom. In my tour, I have explained how I used Google classroom to design my course and highlighted the use of Google Classroom.

I have recorded 3 parts for this assignment.

In the first part, I explain what is Google classroom, how to sign-in, how to create a classroom, invite students to it and offer a detailed explanation of the main pages (stream, students, and about).

In the second part, I demonstrated what is the main functionality of the main page stream such as how to post an announcement, how to create an assignment, how to create a question and reuse your posts.

The third part was explicitly dedicated to what teachers can do using Google classroom and what they cannot do.  I highlighted what Google products teachers can use in order to maximize the use of google classroom such as Google Drive, Forms, Sheets, Slides, etc.

In my recording, I tried to open new accounts of Google classroom to show “live” how can we do it. Additionally, I invited students and opened their Google classroom account to show the use of Google Classroom from the students’ perspective, and how students can interact with the assignments and questions posted on Google Classroom.


Part 1: click here to watch it:

Part 2: click here to watch it:

Part 3: click here to watch it:


Thank you


My Digital Story – Ghassan Barhoumeh

Water Cycle – Digital Story


This digital story is part of my course that I designed for the primary teachers titled: ICT for Primary Teachers. I used Google Classroom and Google Sites to present the course to the participants.

In this video, I am recording the investigation of the water cycle as I am teaching the primary teachers in Module one how to use this application called Pic-collage in the classroom.

So, I  recorded myself investigating and creating the water cycle images using the application.

After more than 10 tries, I present to you my digital story. It is about the water cycle.

I do apologize for the length of my story, I speak so slowly.




Ghassan’s Reflection – Intro Module

According to Yook-Kin Loong & Herbert, (2017) teachers are expected to use all forms of technology in the classroom in order to improve the learning process using all forms of Information and Communication Technology. Therefore, use of ICT pedagogy in learning is due to the fact that teachers are becoming more confident in using ICT in the classroom. The use of games at the primary level, social media, and multimedia production in middle school and above is becoming the norm in many schools.

However, in my role as ICT teacher and integrator in a primary school, I found that we, as teachers, are still somehow far away from the latest trends, software, and applications that we should use in the primary classrooms, as the updates and the modification of games and software are rapidly changing.  So, I have created a proficiency course that is targeted to teachers on how to successfully integrate ICT pedagogically in the classroom.

The course will help boost the teachers’ confidence to use technology in the classroom as this course is hands-on. Teachers are expected to use the software, applications, and multimedia production tools within 8 weeks. The course is 100% online. It is delivered using Google Classroom as a Learning Management System where a teacher can and are expected to learn how to use Google Classroom with their students in the upper primary level.  Google Classroom requires a certain level of proficiency in reading, typing, and using email, that it is not really suitable for students below third or fourth grade. According to Bates (2014), there are many factors to consider in choosing the correct LMS and that is where Bates created a model called SECTIONS stands to guide course administrators and creators on how to choose the most useful LMS for both the deliverer and the receiver.

Karagiorgas & Nieman (2016) mentioned that the rise of gamification started in Google trends as a term and google research tools are responsible for the popularity of the of gamification. In addition, they explain both categories of the games that are used in education in general as gamification which uses game-like features such as levels and points. The game is used to learn a subject or a strand of a subject, for example, multiplication or the use of punctuation. While game-based learning approach is where some games provide solutions, practice, or training on a subject such as a word bingo or video games in languages studies.

In this course, I want to focus on explaining how to use some games that are very popular with this cohort of students in order to get the students engaged in the learning process. Mathematics and Language use is being reported within my school as boring subjects that have no drill, and practice that is fun and engaging. So, I have chosen to deliver to the primary teachers in this course the use of Games such as Minecraft, Lego, and introduce the implementation of a great classroom management application called Dojo.

On the other hand, I was thinking to use Google classroom because of the hands-on assessment that I was looking to assign to the participants in order to get the best out of them in terms of using the software themselves so they can have the confidence to utilize it in their classroom. I have designed a variety of assessment that we, as teachers, really use in a classroom. So, I have chosen an individual assignment as a personal project that teachers can select from any subject with which they feel comfortable. Then we have included a group project where we try to foster the collaboration in the classroom among the primary students. The quiz is a way that primary school teachers can get some numerical data.  Finally, we designed a case study assignment where, as a teacher, we find some issues within the classroom that are out of the norm, so we seek advice and we try to accommodate this case if it is a student-based case such as a talented student or a challenged student. The participant should choose one case and report on it and investigate the use of ICT in this case and how they can help this student or issue. Therefore, I chose the second option of the assignment to make sure that I am including a variety of assessments. These tasks have success criteria and grading system.

Finally, participants will be able to have access to all the tutorials to every software or app that was included in this course for personal records in the future.  I used Google Forms for quizzes and course evaluation by the participants. It is a great tool for participants to use so they can re-use it in real life with their own students.

In sum, I am trying to create a course that is fun, engaging, and with lots of interaction for primary teachers as if they are the real primary students that would use these tools and develop these skills on one hand and enriching the ICT pedagogy of the primary teachers it the classroom, on the other, so they can be confident when using these tools with their students. The choice of LMS was familiar and popular among school teachers and the assessment was hands-on projects and activities.




Bates, T. (2014). Choosing and using media in education: The SECTIONS model. In Teaching in digital age. Retrieved from

Karagiorgas, D. N., & Niemann, S. (2017). Gamification and Game-Based Learning. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 45(4), 499-519. doi:10.1177/0047239516665105

Loong, E. Y., Esther Yook-Kin Loong, & Sandra Herbert. (2). Primary school teachers’ use of digital technology in mathematics: the complexities. Mathematics Education Research Journal, , 1-24.



LMS Selection Reflection

My Reflection on Assignment 2 – LMS Selection :

My reflection on this task will be divided into two parts; the first part will be on the assignment itself and the process of the assignment through to completion, and the second part of my reflection will be focusing on the group work since the beginning and all the collaboration and cooperation experiences that the group had to complete this task from A to Z.

Since I started looking at assignment #2 and reading the requirement of the task, it seemed to be an easy task that my group and I could accomplish fast and easy. To prepare for the assignment, I began considering the literature to understand the procedure of choosing an LMS.  I start drawing up questions regarding the rubric that we are tasked to create, despite being given little information. In addition to that, I also began considering the topic of learning management systems in the market, starting with learning about what kinds of features they offer to the institution, instructor, and student.  There were many features that are similar in many LMS, but each and every LMS has a unique feature that makes it a strong choice for some tasks and not so strong for others.

I was never tasked to choose a Learning Management System before, so through reading different articles, such as Choosing the Right Learning Management System (LMS) for the Higher Education Institution Context by Kasim, N. N., & Khalid, F. (2016). and Choosing and using media in education: The SECTIONS model.  In Teaching in digital age by Bates, T., (2014) I managed to understand that each LMS must have basic features that make the use of this LMS easy for all parties involved.

Secondly, I learned that by meeting with all the parties involved you would have a very good idea on how to link the teaching and learning components to the interactivity of this LMS, also keeping in mind the technical support, which plays a big part when choosing an LMS. After this initial research, I began to consolidate my ideas about where to start, what questions to ask, and which role to take within my group.

I, then, initiated the connection with my group outside the Connect UBC platform. I thought that if we met using Google Hangouts we would be easily connected using chat, text, and video conference. I must say that I was very lucky with all the members of my group: they were all ready and prepared.

Each member was accommodating to the other’s needs and we were all working well as collaborators among ourselves, especially that we found that some of the group members have done this task before in real life. We met twice to discuss the rubric, and we assigned tasked and finalized the assignment. The amount of collaboration and organization was very high. So, I would like to say that because of my group I learned even more and gained a real-life experience. So, thank you all and I hope to work with you in the future.

In sum, I can say that this assignment was a full hands-on assignment where I have learned many new skills regarding choosing a Learning Management System, and what are the major features and factors that are very important to look for when you work with LMS in the future.

Ghassan Barhoumeh

My Flight Path

I just landed!

I am ready to take off with this course !

I came from the pre-technology book generation, I did not grow up in North America where technology as we know it today, was noticeable to the public. I witnessed the evolution of the black board and the white chalk into white board and black marker then they have been joined with the overhead projector, then the electric projector. I have seen the days where they replaced all of them with a smart board, and then finally I am using the interactive board in my classroom. In the computer world, I have been introduced to the MS-DOS system for the first time when I was in high school. I used to store my documents on the floppy deck, then I start using the CD, then the DVD, then the external hard desk for storage, and today most of my information and photos are in the cloud. Continue reading