Updates from Thursday 24th October, 2013 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Rachel Lee
Climate Change- global warming
Land Degration- land pollution
Unemployment- inflation of prices
Child Labor-absence of education, poverty -
Oil Spills pollutes environment
http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/enbridge-s-kalamazoo-cleanup-dredges-up-3-year-old-oil-spill-1.1327268 -
Jiacheng Shen
Too much food that contain poisonous elements that can be legally sold in China which will largely affect human health.
Jingyi Li
Environment :air pollution-PM2.5 Social:…
Environment :air pollution-PM2.5 Social:unempolyment
animal testing
companies experiment on animals in order to modify/create their products -
Climate change (global warming) – caused by the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere
Curtis Zhao
Issues: Increase in global waste, depletion of the icecaps, abuse in drugs and alcohol.
Causes: Disregard for environment and people -
Maddie Ladner
Environmental: Increase of carbon dioxide due to more vehicles & factories
Social: Unemployment, poverty, delinquency, obesity, -
Taylor Tam
urbanization, expanding in to new environment as population grows
Jonathan Gugger
Economic injustice is a growing social issue. Movements like the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street express these concerns.
Krista Wilson
depletion of the arctic which is home to fewer and fewer animals from the increase of Co2 emissions resulting in melting the arctic ice caps
Changchun Dai
People are using illegal cooking oil in China to make money.It is much cheaper than regular cooking oil,
Increasing rates of Obesity, due to the fact of synthetic chemicals in our food and high prices for healthier foods.
Matt Gwin
Income distribution (1% vs. 99%); caused by personal enrichment in the 1% as opposed to the use of capital for overall economic growth
Huijia Yang
Unemployment; food safety,juvenile delinquency; air/water/noise pollution;
Cause: lack of regulations; technology is not so advanced -
Megan Chan
Overpopulation is a current social issue, caused by relaxed immigration laws, lack of contraception and poor women’s education.
Eric Cho
Environmental – Unsustainable resource use (caused by western lifestyle)
Social – Poverty (caused by resources being inflated – can’t afford -
Huang Yu Lin (Alan)
Income inequality due to gender or ethnicity. Possibly caused by employer preference.
Companies have focused more on profit making and have lost the aspect of helping society in general.
Air Pollution
Especially in undeveloped countries, people depend on burning wood and dung for their heat and cooking. -
youth unemployment is very important especially due to the financial crisis, climate change is a serious environmental issue
Emily Chang
Air pollution by cigarettes,can cause cancer (first hand & second hand smoke). The smoke companies cause addiction, smoke becomes necessity.
Tailing pondscause birds to be unable to fly after sitting in this pond because of oil in their wings and get stuck in this waste pond.
Meggie Liu
Land Use. The land degradation can come from chemical pollution of soil and groundwater through use of herbicides, and loss of biodiversity.
Social: unemployment, proper treatment of shareholders/employees
Environmental: global warming, wasting resources, pollution -
The ‘human safaris’ of Jarawas, one of the indigenous peoples of the Andaman Islands in India.
air pollutants from fossil fuel–>Globe warming
Yiyin Zhang
Pollution and insufficient waste.
Insufficient productivity. Increasing lazy persons. -
Alexander Wou
Increased pollution. It is caused by humans and their lifestyle(Co2 from cars). Companies also contribute such as the tar sands.
Matt Gwin 7:28 am on October 24, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Jennie Yan