Amounts: $10–stickers, $20—shoe laces; $50—shirts;$150—traditional accessories in Columbia; $200 traditional clothing in Columbia
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Huijia Yang
niche bloggers: eco fashion enthusiasts, people influential in following areas: yoga, recreational outdoors, organic/vegan eating.
Likely funders: fashion risk takers, people passionate about environmental issues/sustainability, green-living, energy conservative.
Emily Chang
The most popular flavors and the areas where the most consumers come from. The price of the goods and items that are often bought together.
Karlyn Evans
We agreed it would be both banks and money managers because they were loaning money and giving mortgages to people who were not eligible.
Emily Chang
Air pollution by cigarettes,can cause cancer (first hand & second hand smoke). The smoke companies cause addiction, smoke becomes necessity.
Emily Chang
Since facebook & twitter are both web 2.0,and facebook’s stocks began to freefall, therefore people will be reluctant to buy twitter.
Emily Chang
Although there are people who are against this new policy, people are still going to use google’s services because it is habitual.
Emily Chang
Aldo Shoes&Accessories- PoP:Shoes,heels,boots,handbags,jewelry,shoecare PoD:fashion forward,matching sets,free shipping w/ instore order
Mabel Teng
Buy 10! all or nothing.
Mabel Teng
forecast is used to predict the future trends based on past data. It depends on the product since there’s an equal likehood for each demand.
Mabel Teng
the company is able to get immediate feedback from the customers thus creating brand loyalty, faster to reach out to the consumers.
Emily Chang
This example took place in a classroom;therefore non-realistic.Hence,students will consider other factors if truly immersed in reality
Emily Chang
Hybrid cars are inconvenient because some places do not offer an “electric station”. Perhaps solar powered vehicles would be a better option
Huijia Yang 9:10 am on November 28, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
bloggers: fashion lovers; environmental advocates