Aspartame Health Risk Claims Seem Artificial

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that replaces sugar in several food products. Ever since James M. Schlatter discovered it in 1965, the public has had ongoing questions about whether consumption poses a potential threat to our health. The low-calorie sugar substitute is appealing with diabetes cases in Canada rising to 8.9% of the population. Canada approved the usage of aspartame in 1981, so why is there still a controversy?

Equal Sweetener                                                               Source: 怡口糖 by SoQ錫濛譙

People have accused aspartame of causing health issues related to toxicity, diabetes, cancer, seizures, and allergies. The reality is that most of these speculations are unsupported, and the government of Canada had to examine numerous research studies to allow Aspartame’s approval in the first place.

Haighton et al. reviewed past cancer epidemiology investigations that claimed to present evidence for these suspicions. After evaluating them, they concluded that the results did not give reasons to believe there was a correlation between aspartame and cancer risk. Considerations going into this decision included how many experiments used diet soft drinks as their main sample source, which contain other compounds and sweeteners besides aspartame.

Aspartame Structure                                  Source: Benjah-bmm27

However, there are health risks that have been discovered in regards to aspartame. It metabolizes into methanol and aspartic acid, as well as phenylalanine, a compound that negatively impacts patients with the disorder phenylketonuria. Therefore companies are required to label products to caution people of phenylalanine content.

The uncertainty around aspartame encourages the need for continued studies to identify the definitive effects of long-term aspartame consumption. It will keep Canada informed to lower the discrepancy between the public view and make sure that the acceptable daily intake, currently 40 milligrams per kilogram body weight, is up to date with health safety precautions.

For now it seems aspartame is here to stay, and we can continue to enjoy the sweetener.

Laugh Your Way to Death…

You must have heard the saying that “laughter is the best medicine,” but did you know that in rare cases, it may cause your death? Prolonged and intense laughter has been documented by researchers from University of Birmingham and Oxford to cause various medical conditions and, in some instances, death. 

Throughout history, since ancient Greece, people have died because of intense and prolonged laughter. While today some scientists claim that the cause of death was inaccurately reported due to the limited medical knowledge.  Laughter cannot directly cause someone’s death except suffocation triggered by laughing while eating.

Laughter is often recommended for promoting overall well-being and reducing stress. However, a recent study by researchers from the University of Birmingham and Oxford highlights the potential adverse effects of excessive laughter, particularly in individuals with pre-existing medical conditions.

Light laughter has been shown to benefit the cardiovascular system. However, excessive laughter can raise blood pressure and put strain on the heart. This can be particularly dangerous for those with heart problems such as coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure (CHF) -occurs when the heart muscle doesn’t pump blood as well as it should-. Simply put, a diseased heart may not be able to tolerate the increased heart rate and pressure caused by intense laughter.

Picture 3: Heart

In addition, excessive laughter can put pressure on the chest muscles. Therefore, it can be dangerous for those with respiratory complications such as collapsed lungs-the overlap of lung tissues-. Laughing too hard for extended periods of time can also lead to hyperventilation, causing shortness of breath and, in rare cases, temporary loss of consciousness.

Experts think that having a pre-existing illness was likely a significant contributor to death caused by laughing. Additionally, while it is not lethal, laughing excessively for an extended period can lead to difficulty breathing or even death.

Keep in mind that continuous loud laughter can be dangerous, but that doesn’t mean you should stop laughing altogether. A good hearty laughs every day is indeed the elixir of life, but make sure the laugh-out-loud moments don’t take your breath away. 🙂


Carcinogen Detected in Dry Shampoo Products

Consumers and retail workers hurried to remove dry shampoo brands, such as Dove, Bed Head, and TRESemmé, from their shelves due to the detection of carcinogenic benzene. The recall, announced by Unilever on October 18, 2022, applies to more than 1.5 million units sold from January 2020 to October 2022.

Benzene structure (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Benzene is a known human carcinogen, increasing the risk of leukemia and blood cancer in bone marrow.

Volcanoes and forest fires naturally introduce the compound into the environment, and we inhale low doses daily from human-related activities. The American Cancer Society recommends steering clear of second-hand smoke and car exhaust to decrease exposure.

Within weeks of the recall announcement, Valisure, an independent laboratory, submitted a Citizen Petition on Benzene in Dry Shampoo Products to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Valisure sampled air contaminated with dry shampoo products, and 11 product batches from 3 different brands exhibited benzene levels ten times the FDA limit of 2 parts per million. The persistent high concentration of benzene after product use indicates possible short- and long-term effects.

Unilever’s independent study assured customers that the amount of benzene in the products was “not expected to cause adverse health consequences”. In contrast, Health Canada received calls describing incidents or injuries related to dry shampoo products. Typically, customer injuries were irritations or allergic reactions.

Aerosol products could be contaminating your air (Source: Robert Howie on flickr)

Nine months before Unilever’s recall, Proctor & Gamble removed Pantene, Aussie and Herbal Essence dry shampoo and conditioner sprays from stores. On July 14, 2021, Johnson & Johnson recalled five Aveeno and Neutrogena spray sunscreens.

Valisure submitted multiple other Citizen Petitions regarding benzene contamination in consumer products, including body sprays, hand sanitizers, anti-fungal sprays and antiperspirants.

Obviously, benzene in aerosol products is no longer an uncommon occurrence.

Consumers should opt for powders and lotions as often as possible…or risk another recall.

Julia Sawitsky

Exposing the dark side of the skin-lightening industry

Healthcare experts are warning consumers to steer clear from skin-lightening products (SLPs) for the safety of their health. The 2020 CNN investigation on SLPs revealed dangerously high concentrations of some unlisted ingredients that can have detrimental complications to their users.

Hydroquinone, a potent skin-lightening agent used for hyperpigmentation treatments, can cause permanent blue-black facial discoloration or skin thinning with high-dosage application, said Dr. Desai, a board-certified dermatologist at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. 

Figure 1: Blue-black discoloration from long-term usage of hydroquinone-containing products. Source: Taylor & Francis Online  

Recently, optometrists at two corneal clinics in the UK had diagnosed three patients with corneal degeneration – a condition which leads to a loss of vision overtime, most likely from using hydroquinone-containing products for the past 3 to 15 years.

Corticosteroid, the most popular topical steroid for skin-inflammation conditions, also has a very potent bleaching effect. Chronic misuse of corticosteroid over an extended period of time at any dosage results in steroid dependent reactions – rashes, increased skin sensitivity to sunlight, and infections occur when a patient discontinues using topical steroid. 

Figure 2: Topical Steroid Dependent Face (TSDF). Source: CNN

Mercury, another dominating ingredient in many unregulated skin-lightening products which inhibits the production of skin pigmentation to reveal a lighter complexion. And in a note from the Pan American Health Organization, the well-documented list of associated risks from mercury poisoning does not look so pretty. 

Prolonged exposure to mercury ranges from organ failures such as kidney, liver, brain, and eyes, to psychological issues such as psychosis, depression, anxiety, and early-childhood development issues. 

Moreover, the determining factors when assessing a patient’s health on the severity of mercury exposure include the product’s concentration, period of exposure, other compounds changing mercury’s chemical properties, etc.

Due to the complex nature of these different coexisting factors, indicative symptoms of mercury poisoning may not manifest in the same way, raising another problem for proper diagnoses.

While exposure to mercury from skin-lightening products is mainly through skin absorption, inhalation of mercury vapors is not off-limit. In other words, users of mercury-containing products put not only themselves at risk of mercury poisoning, but also the whole household. 

Skin lightening, or skin bleaching, refers to the practice of lightening skin tone by reducing skin’s natural pigments. Dermatologists may prescribe patients products containing these active ingredients at low concentration to treat certain pigmentary conditions and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Due to potential adverse complications, many countries either banned or strictly regulate these ingredients. 

Not surprisingly, most toxic skin-lightening products remain accessible and promoted on many social media platforms or in local markets. Some even go undercovered by purposely mislabelling the ingredient list by omitting toxic ingredients or using counterfeit labels. 

So how should buyers go on from here?

“Consumers should always check the ingredients of their skin creams, be suspicious of very low prices which are likely to indicate the lotion is fake and potentially harmful, and never use a product containing hydroquinone”, said Simon Blackburn, chairman of Local Government Association’s Safer and Stronger Communities 


A Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion

On December 5th 2022, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in the United States successfully created the reaction that powers the sun – nuclear fusion ignition – for the first time in human history.

The announcement was made by the US Department of Energy on December 13th. Described as a “historic, first-of-its-kind” achievement, the event has excited the scientific community because of its potential as a clean energy source. 

Inside the LLNL’s National Ignition Facility, where the experiment took place. Credit: LLNL

To achieve ignition, the scientists had constructed “the world’s most energetic laser”, consisting of 192 powerful laser beams. This laser was used on a small canister containing the compounds deuterium and tritium, causing the compounds to fuse together. The reaction generated 3.15 megajoules of energy from an input of 2.05 megajoules, a markup of 54%. 

After over 60 years since researchers first began to study nuclear fusion, this result finally proved that controlled fusion that produces more energy than it consumes is possible.

Depiction of fusion: deuterium(D) and tritium(T) fuse to form the larger Helium(He) and release energy. Credit: US Department of Energy

Nuclear fusion is the process that allows the Sun to emit vast amounts of energy in the form of light and heat. It involves the joining of two atoms of a lighter element to form a heavier one, releasing energy in the process.

Compared to nuclear fission, which is how nuclear power plants generate energy, fusion is much more powerful. It is also much cleaner as it does not produce radioactive materials as a byproduct.

Because of this, many believe that nuclear fusion is a promising avenue for sustainable and eco-friendly energy in the future. However, there is still a long way to go until fusion can be viable for commercial use.

When asked to comment on the time needed, Kim Budil, the director of the LLNL, stated that “It’s probably two or three decades. Scaling from where we are today to what you would require for a power-generating plant is a pretty significant challenge.”

Director Kim Budil at the announcement of the achievement of ignition on December 13th, 2022. Credit: Mary Calvert/REUTERS

For the 8000 engineers, physicists, and chemists at the LLNL, this event is just the first step. Researchers will have to find ways to conduct nuclear fusion that are faster and cheaper, while also generating much more power. According to Budil, “What we need now is a scientific and investment strategy that allows us to make progress on all of these fronts simultaneously… [because] we need gain of a few hundred [megajoules] to make an energy system.”

Despite the many challenges ahead, Tim Luce, one of the leaders of the international fusion research project ITER, remains hopeful. “A result like this will bring increased interest in the progress of all types of fusion, so it should have a positive impact on fusion research in general,” he states.

A dog’s nose sheds light into a world we cannot see


Dogs are one of the world’s most beloved household pets. However, “man’s best friend” is good for more than just fetching sticks. Dogs are used all over the world for a variety of reasons. Dogs help save lives by being a part of search and rescue teams, bomb squads, and being support animals for those who have medical conditions that can be life-threatening. In the United States, there are roughly 500,000 service dogs helping humans increase their quality of life. A dog’s sense of smell is the key to its utility.

Bomb-Sniffing Dog

Bomb-sniffing Dog

In the past, dogs were mainly used to help hunt or herd livestock. Now certain breeds of dogs can pick up scents that can be linked to seizures, anxiety, or blood sugar. Recently Britt Grogan  went into diabetic shock as she was flying cross country. Luckily, she had her service dog Ruxx, who was able to sense her low blood sugar and notify her. “The dog literally saved her life by just telling her your blood sugar is low and you need to wake up and take care of yourself”.


A dog’s sense of smell is one of the most sensitive in the animal kingdom. Certain breeds of dogs have over 300 million scent receptors. Humans cap out at just about 6 million scent receptors in our noses. The way dogs smell is a more refined process than it is in humans. Dogs have a much larger olfactory system than humans which is key to their keen sense of smell. The olfactory system is responsible for the brain to process the sense of smell. The snout of a dog consists of its nostrils, respiratory epithelium, and olfactory epithelium. The olfactory system of a dog consists of a single passageway.  It starts from their nostrils connecting to their respiratory epithelium. The scent continues to travel up their snout to their olfactory epithelium which sends signals to their olfactory bulb that connects to their b

rain. The special thing about dogs is that their olfactory bulb takes up a larger part of their brain relative to humans. This allows their brains to process the mountain of information that their scent receptors send to their brains.



Physiology of Dog’s snout

It is incredible how useful and sensitive the sense of smell of a canine is. A dog’s nose sheds light on a world we cannot see.

Hyaluronic Acid – The New Skincare Regime

Hyaluronic Acid, a viscoelastic and highly hydrated macromolecule, is being praised by researchers of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) for its wide range of applications towards tissue healing and regeneration.

Not just by doctors and dermatologists, HA products become recognized and favoured by users all over the world nowadays.

In the science community, Hyaluronic acid(HA) has been around for quite a while. However, it only recently gain general public’s attention through extraordinary performance in the beauty industry.

Trended since 2021, the period when skincare users had lots of time to do our own research. Because of quarantine, a lot of us discovered our skin type, hence what was right for our skin. And us beauty gurus comes to love HA for its affordability, great benefits, importantly, its suitability toward dry, oily, and even sensitive skin.

What is Hyaluronic acid?

HA is commonly present in our household in the form of beauty products, eyedrops, topical medications, and more.

HA is a glycosaminoglycan that is nonsulfated and non-protein, which can be found in our skin, eyes, joints… Specifically, one HA molecule contains 2 unit of sugars, glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-glucosamine, connecting to another HA molecule creating a polymer.

HA serum from The Ordinary (Toronto-based) receives more than 32,000 reviews on Google, winning media attention for its low price, basic ingredients, and outstanding hydrating effect. Credit: DECIEM.

Why HA?

The nice thing about HA is its viscosity and elasticity, these two properties make HA a great lubricant, also, give it the ability to retain moisture and water.

In our daily life, HA’s moisture retention proves to be beneficial. One can build his or her skincare regime based on Hyaluronic Acid, from facial cleanser, exfoliator, to acne treatment such as toner (AHA/BHA), moisturizer and serum. The benefits of HA are unlimited, from skincare to hair products like shampoo and hair serum, supplements, and more.

In the medical field, HA is widely recommended by doctors and dermatologists for its great ability to heal tissues and regenerate new skin. According to scientists, HA is a highly promising material to explore the process of tissue engineering such as cardiac and cartilage repair.

Gone In a Bang: The Reality Behind Super Creatine

Bang Energy has become a well-known and publically recognized brand in the fitness industry. However, they have come under scrutiny after mismarketing some of their products.

Bang Energy Logo

Introduced in 2012, the branded Super-Creatine supplement found in many of their beverages has been shown to be ineffective and resulted in legal action from competing brand Monster Energy.


Many Fitness enthusiasts supplement their diet with creatine, most commonly in the form of creatine monohydrate, an amino acid that promotes energy production in muscle cells during high-intensity exercise.


Lasha Talakhadze breaks world record Clean and Jerk at Rio Olympics 473kg

Supplementation of creatine increases the body’s natural concentration of the amino acid, leading to higher levels of available ATP (stored energy molecule) in muscle cells during exercise. Creatine monohydrate remains one of the most well-researched fitness supplements in the world to this day.


In 2012, Bang released their popular Bang energy drink, aimed at gym goers with a new supplement in the mix; Super-Creatine. Super-Creatine, or creatyl-l-leucine, was a new revolution in creatine supplementation due to its binding with l-leucine, increasing its ability to pass through protein channels. However, a new study shows this is not the case.

A study performed at the University of Manitoba on differences in the effects of creatine monohydrate and creatyl-l-leucine supplementation suggests that the l-leucine bonded creatine is rendered useless, not more effective, than regular creatine.

Creatine Monohydrate Chemical Structure

The researchers found that creatine levels in muscle and brain cells increased slightly with creatine monohydrate supplementation from the control. However, creatyl-l-luecine showed no effect on creatine levels in the body, suggesting that super-creatine is anything but super.


This study performed under funding from Monster Energy was released in early 2022, which has led to lawsuits from the competing company regarding the misinformation in Bang’s products. In September 2022, Monster energy won 293 million dollars in their case against bang for the false advertising of Super Creatine. While Bang Energy stated they would remove the super creatine labeling from their packaging, it is still found in bold letters at the top of their cans.


-Tristan Ruigrok

The Gore-Tex enigma

Gore-Tex is a highly versatile material that has garnered a lot of publicity in recent years.

Gore-Tex Logo. Credit:

First invented in 1968 by Wilbert and Robert Gore, it is made of polytetrafluoroethylene, more commonly known as Teflon. Not the hard stuff though. It’s basically Teflon that has been stretched… a lot.

It is a magical material in many respects. Water simply glides off it, leaving it bone dry. Being also very breathable and light, it is no surprise that it is the ideal material for water resistant clothing. 

With the likes of Adidas and Nike incorporating it into their outdoor wear products, its widespread use and popularity has called into question the manufacturing process and its environmental impacts.

Teflon is a very durable material that does not degrade and lasts for a long, long time. This is a good thing right? Well, yes… But what happens when that fifteen year old jacket you own is discarded or lost, and finds itself buried in the dirt outside an abandoned parking lot? 

It persists. And doesn’t degrade. For centuries. 


PFC’s or perfluorinated compounds are those that contain only carbon and fluorine atoms. Teflon is derived primarily from such compounds.

Chemical structure of Teflon: repeating units of carbon and fluorine atoms. Credit:

The problem with PFC’s is that they tend to accumulate within our bodies and the environment. They are difficult to break down as they are quite unreactive.

A class action lawsuit at a DuPont Teflon plant found a very strong association between working with PFC’s and two types of cancer. Since then, numerous other studies have found a strong correlation between exposure to certain PFC’s and negative health outcomes.

To be clear, it isn’t the wearing of Gore-Tex products that is concerning. Also, not all PFC’s are harmful. However, the manufacturing process dispels many harmful PFC’s into the environment. 

Gore-Tex jackets are also near impossible to recycle. They are made in complex ways, and the design process involves multiple layers, glues, and components. 

Gore-Tex must not be completely written off though. Gore and company have assured investors and the public that they are phasing out the use of many harmful PFC’s in their manufacturing process. However, the effects of this are yet to be seen. 

There are also other, more intriguing applications of this remarkable material.

What is not talked about nearly enough is the role of Gore-Tex in medicine. It has shown to be ideal for usage within our bodies.

Being both porous and unreactive, it enables the body’s cells and tissues to grow through it without any side effects. This makes it a viable material to be used in sutures, grafts and other applications. 

Like most technologies, Gore-Tex is exceedingly complicated in many ways. Its strengths in one regard, prove to be its downfall in another. It seems the jury is still out on this one

– Salik Rushdy

Non-Hormonal Birth Control for Males May be Within Reach

There are currently no non-hormonal birth control pills on the market for females or males, despite these pills likely having fewer harmful side effects than the hormonal birth control methods available for females.

And since males continuously generate sperm while females are born with all potentially fertile eggs, it is easier for scientists to find approaches that reversibly stops sperm production in males rather than risk “spoiling” the non-renewable pool of eggs in females.

Picture depicting the meeting of sperm and egg, which leads to fertilization and pregnancy. Image Credit:

Recently, scientists at the University of Minnesota have found two promising compounds that may become the first non-hormonal contraceptive drugs for males. Testing on mice found that these compounds are effective at reducing sperm count and present no side effects.

The first of these potential drugs is a chemical named YCT529, reported by Dr. Gunda Georg’s group in spring 2022. This molecule was designed to inhibit the function of the protein retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR-α). Georg’s scientists found that a lack of RAR-α protein in male mice leads to sterilization, but no additional side effects. When YCT529 was orally administered to the mice for 4 weeks, their sperm count was drastically reduced, and the drug was 99% effective in pregnancy prevention.

Line structure of non-hormonal male contraceptive YCT529

Chemical structure of non-hormonal male contraceptive YCT529. Image Credit: Md Abdullah Al Noman

The second drug was reported by the same group of scientists in early 2023 and is named EF-4-177. The target of this molecule is an enzyme named cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) which is involved in sperm cell production. The scientists reported an over 45% decrease in sperm count of the mice after 28 days of treatment with EF-4-177.

Currently, a startup named YourChoice Therapeutics based in Berkeley, California is working to market YCT529 to humans soon. According to their website, the company has done testing on dogs and primates with positive results. Their graphics show that after two weeks of treatment with YCT529, sperm levels in dogs drop to zero and primates do not produce enough sperm to be fertile.

If a side effect-free non-hormonal birth control pill for males is introduced to the public, it would expand contraceptive options for those with testicles beyond condoms and vasectomy. As well, it would make it easier for the responsibility of pregnancy prevention to be shared between partners in a relationship.

Hopefully, more research to come will soon make non-hormonal birth control pills for males a reality.

~ Ying Cai