Author Archives: esteban proano

An infinitely large universe.

The Expanding Universe–growing, growing, growing with all the astral bodies staying in their relative same place. (Image: Courtesy of SLAC and Nicolle Rager)

Imagine a balloon with polka dots being inflated. As one blows air into the balloon, the dots move further away from each other. Easy enough, this is how scientists describe our universe.

The idea of constant expanding cosmos was introduced by Edwin Hubble in 1929. He found that the further galaxies are from Earth, the faster they appear to be moving. This speed was named after the scientist as the Hubble constant.

A new estimate of the universe expansion rate has been realized by Sherry Suyu and Frédéric Courbin in January 2017. They used variations on quasars reflections  (very luminous discs of matter moving around supermassive black holes at the middle of galaxies) to find out how fast they are moving away from Earth. The study concludes that speed at which the space is expanding is 71.9 ± 2.7 kilometres per second.

This finding has an agreement with the last Hubble constant calculation performed in 2016 (73.24 ± 1.74 kilometres per second). However, these two approximations significantly differ with the Hubble constant realized in 2015 (66.93 ± 0.62 kilometres per second). Scientist are not sure about the reason that might explain these discrepancy. However, three new theories have arisen.

The first theory states that dark energy (a still unknown, and little studied energy type in space) is making the universe expand. This theory explains that dark energy is been accumulated and becoming stronger over time. For this reason, dark energy might be moving bodies in the space away from each other at a faster rate.

The second theory analyzes the possibility that dark matter (an invisible space matter that makes astronomical objects move slower) have unknown qualities that make our cosmos expand constantly at an increasing rate.

The third and last theory indicates that Einstein’s Theory of Gravity might be wrong, since celestial bodies are constantly moving away from us at an increasing rate rather than staying at a constant range due to gravity pull.

In summary, we are now aware that the universe is expanding at an increasing rate and there is a new method to estimate this expansion rate. However, I came out with a new question. Is the cosmos expanding forever or it has a limit? This is a topic for our next blog post!


Is time traveling fiction or reality?

The wormhole in the movie “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”. Source: Live Science.

I’m sure the question “What if I had studied more for my exams?” crossed your mind at least once during your time in university. In order to answer this question we would have to travel to the past and check if studying more would have helped us. However, is time travelling possible?

There are many theories suggesting that time travelling is possible because time is relative. Einstein showed that there is a strong relationship between time and space as one cannot exist without the other. Since time is relative in different locations of the Universe, a being can be in a place where time passes slower than on Earth.

Traveling to the future can be made possible since velocity and force affect the normal state of time. In other words, if people would be able to travel approximately at the light velocity, they would be traveling to the future. The time on Earth would be a lot faster compared to the time passed when traveling at light speed. Additionally, a strong force of gravity could also alter time. For example, if we could be able to stay close to a black hole, a strong force of gravity would try to pull us. If we do not let this force pull us, we would experience that time goes slower than on Earth.

We can also think of Einstein’s theory of special relativity as a cube. There are many ways to cut a cube. When we think about our present, an event that everyone on Earth can perceive that happens at the moment, represents a vertical 90 degrees cut on our cube. However, what if someone far away in the universe is not at our same time line? This activity would create an angle between what the distant being considers the present and what is considered the present on Earth. Furthermore, this movement would allow this individual to presence the past or the future of the human society. Therefore, future, present and past are real in what we consider our present. For this reason we could think about the Novikov self-consistency principle ,  which explains the possible existence of parallel dimensions. If this principle happens to be true, we could say that traveling to the past is also possible.

There are other theories that explains the possibility of travelling to the past through wormholes. Simply put, a wormhole is a passage that connects two points in space and any object that goes through it can travel faster than the speed of light. They are predicted by Eisten’s theory of general relativity but there is no empirical evidence on wormholes existence and it would be extremely hard to manipulate them.

Therefore travelling in time is possible in theory, but I think it is not yet practicable with our current technology and knowledge of the physics of the Universe. Unfortunately we can’t count with time travelling to solve our studying problems yet!