Author Archives: Isaiah Youm

A Solution to Blood Shortage – in our Guts?

The shortage of blood, a global crisis

Blood, the fluid that runs through our body and grants us life, also provides someone with a fighting chance when donated. To emphasize this point, statistics from the American Red Cross states that one donation of blood has the ability to save up to three lives. However, blood is in short supply, not only due to its short lifespan, but also due to insufficient amounts of blood donations. Additionally, the limitation in blood supply occurs globally according to Dr. Robert’s research, further implicating the shortage of blood supplies to be a severe problem.

Why do we have different blood types?

For your information, each of us have different blood types, because of the sugars that exist on our red blood cells. Blood cells with type-A sugar would make it type-A blood, and if it has type-B sugar, it would be type-B blood. If it has both sugars, it would be type-AB blood. Lastly, if the blood has no sugar at all, it would be type-O blood, which is the ultimate reason for why it can be given to any patient.

For this reason, a person with blood type A cannot be given type B blood, as the body would reject this blood. In severe cases injection of the wrong blood could cause the patient to go into shock, a critical condition where the heart fails to deliver blood to vital organs, potentially killing them. Therefore, this limits the amount of blood accessible to each patient, as their blood supply is dependent on blood donors with the same blood type. 

A diagram that shows the surface of different blood types.

Figure 1. Antigens (the sugar molecules mentioned) are what determines what blood type you have. (Image obtained from Canadian Blood Services, hyperlinked to image)

The solution to our problem; Dr. Peter Rahfeld’s study

However, there is a solution. Dr. Peter Rahfeld’s team at University of British Columbia (UBC)’s Michael Smith Laboratories have successfully found a method in converting type-A blood into type-O blood through the usage of enzymes (molecules that allows chemical reactions) produced by gut bacteria.

Yes, gut bacteria. The ones that exist within our intestines.

Why gut bacteria – and how did they know that their solution would be from gut bacteria? Well, according to researcher Stephen Withers who was involved in the research with Dr. Rahfeld’s team, states that “they already knew that the lining of digestive tract contained [the same sugars] found on blood cells”. With the knowledge that there are 300 to 500 different bacteria in our gut, it seemed that there could be an enzyme that would cut sugars off of blood cells. This assumption was found correct, as they had found that the enzymes of a gut bacteria named Flavonifractor plauti was capable of cutting type-A sugar off of red blood cells. This means that converting type-A blood into type-O blood is now possible.

How does the enzyme convert the blood?

We have created a video (that can be seen below) that talks about Dr. Rahfeld’s research in-depth, and outlines the mechanisms of how blood sugar is removed from the surface.

What does this mean?

With previous research that showed success in converting type-B blood to type-O blood, this means that we are now able to remove both type A and B blood. Thus, converting all blood types to type O blood is now possible. How these findings will be implemented in the future is addressed with depth in our podcast that summarizes our interview with Dr. Rahfeld.

But regardless of this amazing scientific finding, more people need to actively engage in donating blood to solve the global crisis of blood shortage. So, go out there and start donating blood.


Thank you for Professor Baliga for guidance of this project.

Additionally, special thank you to Dr. Rahfeld for permitting us time to do an interview and helping clarify any questions that we had for the research.


Written by : Tara Behzadi, Simar Dhaliwal, Sana Furqan and Isaiah Youm

How we recycle isn’t helping the environment

(Credit: Vasiliy Ptitsyn/Shutterstock)

The effects of recycling seems to be over exaggerated due to the fact that not many are aware that improper recycling harms the environment than it does good. Tragically, improper recycling is done by many, whether intentionally due to situational circumstances or because they are unaware of proper practices. For your understanding, improper recycling is defined to be recycling strategies that makes it harder for recyclable materials to be recycled, or harms the environment more than intended. This article will go over some of the major improper recycling methods that we need to be aware of, so that we can assure that we take full responsibility for our future – a responsibility that everyone must hold.


One thing that we do that represents improper recycling the most is how we dispose of our plastic bags. Interestingly, it has been found that many people put plastic bags in the plastic section, or one of the recycle bins. However, these plastic bags, even if they are stated to be biodegradable, cannot be recycled in this manner. This is because, firstly, biodegradable plastic bags need to be in a condition where they can be broken down by bacteria – hence “bio”-degradable. This condition is only met if the plastic bags are in landfill, but the bags will never be able to reach landfill if it is put in the ‘plastic’ section.


Ironically even if they are thrown away properly, green consumer advocate Debra Lynn Dadd states that contemporary landfill cannot degrade materials “because they are compacted so tightly, [they] do not let much air in”.  The severity of the issue can be further implied as she was able to find “25-year old hotdogs”, as well as “50-year-old newspapers” in the landfill that were still readable. This is what we define as situational improper recycling, where we are not able to recycle efficiently even when putting in our efforts to do so, because the circumstances does not support it. This calls for attention by the government, or any other institutes to devise a new method into reinforcing biodegradation in landfills. However, the general public is not demanding, or aware of this fact because they are negligent towards it.


Furthermore, Items that are in the plastic section is moved to a recycling center, where workers sort items accordingly. One would assume that machinery would be involved, as the daily trash production globally is immensely high – and yes, machinery are involved. However, when plastic bags are in the recycle bin, the “soft plastics clog up the machinery”, meaning that you could break the recycling center. When plastic bags enter the recycling center, Mike Tunney, area recycling director for Waste Management states that it “contaminates their recycling streams, [slows down] their systems, drives up [the] cost [of the process], and hurts the quality of the materials”. Specifically, Tunney informs us that the plastic would plug the gaps of the machine, and that more than five hours are spent removing these materials from the machine. Plastic bags, therefore, should either be “reused”, returned to retailers, and most importantly, thrown into “regular trash”.

  • Figure 1. News that outlines how improper recycling practices of plastic bags do more harm than good to the environment


Another issue that needs to be outlined is that people are simply, not recycling properly. Mark Badger, the executive vice-president of Canada Fibers state that “almost one in three pounds of what goes in a blue box shouldn’t be there”. This, contaminates the existing recyclable materials from being recyclable to non-recyclable, as it is stated that even a few spoonful of peanut butter can contaminate a tonne of paper. Furthermore, China, the world’s biggest importer of recyclable material, started banning imports of paper with more than 0.5 percent contamination, making contamination an even more significant problem. This meant that these paper, had to be in almost perfect condition. Any small deformities, such as a stain on paper has now made it become utter trash. To add insult to injury, it has been found that “North American cities are struggling to meet” the standard of the 0.5 percent contamination, serving as a further implication of how poorly we are recycling.

  • Figure 2. This outlines the contamination rate of recyclable material that is caused by improper recycling practices all across Canada. Statistics are shown to be from April 2018. Further implies, that most of North America isn’t passing the threshold to pass paper material over to China.


So, what can we do? First, it is clearly evident that we must be careful of how we dispose of our plastic bags, or any other items. Never assume that something should go in a blue bin, even if it has the recycling symbol. This is because depending on your region, it may not be recyclable, like how a “coffee cup lid [is] not recyclable in Toronto”. Search up what is recyclable to be able to identify what materials go in what, and plastic bags should go into the regular trashcan. There are many more things that you can do to properly recycle – and there are many more improper recycling practices that are continued today, that you may not have known. There are simply too much to cover in one article. So, do the research – bear the responsibilities that we must take in order to protect our world, for today – and for tomorrow.


Written by – Isaiah Youm

The dead don’t speak – but they can move

It’s become common sense that something dead cannot speak or think. However, what if they can physically move? Although it sounds like something out of a horror-movie, new research shows that this phenomena has been found to be of certain truth.


Australian researchers at the Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research have based their research on the post-mortem movement of the human body using a camera to create a time-lapse of the movement by periodically taking images of the corpse every 30 minutes for duration of 17 months.  For the entire duration of the filming process, they revealed that the corpses had continuously moved.


“What we found was that the arms were significantly moving, so that arms that started off down beside the body ended up out to the side of the body” states medical scientist and head director of this research, Alyson Wilson, to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


The cause for such movement was articulated by the research team to be a “process of decomposition”, based on a previous published study that outlined that the human body  “[tends] to mummify rather than decompose in the Sydney environment”. Thus, the research team specifically reasoned that the movement of arms could be a result of “shrinking and contracting” of body tissues when the “body’s [muscles dry] out”.


To arrive to this conclusion, Wilson and her team were the first to use a time-lapse camera to record the position of the body on a daily basis. They had put the body into a cage with entrances on each of the sides to prevent researchers from disturbing the body. Each of the according alphabets are all cameras that have been placed for the experiment to take pictures of the corresponding body parts. A gives a full top view of the body, B gives a view of the face, C and D allows the observation of the hands, and E provides a full profile view of the body (Figure 1). In (Fig. 1), the colored lines represent the corresponding location of where the camera has been situated. The converging points of two of the same colored lines indicate the position of the camera to give the readers a better understanding of the scope of the experiment, and allow it to be reproducible for any other scientists.

Figure 1. Diagram that shows the location of the camera placements (A,B,C,D,E) for the experiment. (F) is the subject of experiment. Colored lines correspond to the camera placements to indicate the precise dimensions of where the cameras were placed (A; Red | B; Dark blue | C; Dark green | D; Light green | E; Light blue)


The images captured by the cameras were compared against their devised system of allocating points for the level of decomposition that the body has achieved. This point system derives from the categories and stages of decomposition (from Megyesi et al. 2005), where points are tallied for each decaying symptom the body shows. The points would then be totaled to indicate the stage of decomposition the body is at. Thus, the degree of movement can be recorded with its stage of decomposition. 

For further comprehension, below is a video that describes the stage of decomposition, but take note that the video itself is unrelated with the conducted research; this is due to the fact that the researchers did not permit their videos regarding the research released to the public. However, this knowledge should give you a better understanding of how the body decays, allowing you to correlate it with the movement of body stated within the literature, considering that this is a complicated and informative topic.


  • Figure 2. Video describes the stages of decomposition of the human body. Video is not associated with the actual research, but here as a guide to help you understand the different stages of decomposition for your further understanding to relate it to the degree of movement mentioned within the research article

In this video (Figure 3), which again, is unrelated to the actual research (due to the same reason above), shows how the study of decaying human body helps the forensics team assess a collection of data made by real-life samples in different decaying conditions. This would help the forensics team that find bodies in different environments to compare it with different decaying states that have already been recorded by a research team, because bodies decay differently depending on the local environment. As a result, the forensics team would be able to compose a more precise and accurate diagnosis of how someone had died, aiding any investigations associated with it.

  • Figure 3. Video describing how the study of decaying human bodies help forensics teams. This video is here to help you in how this research (dead  bodies can move) has an effect in contemporary society.

Thus, this major discovery brings new light into our society of how forensics teams could interpret their data or the recreating the crime scene itself. As Alyson states, “this knowledge could be significant in unexplained death investigations”. Until now, forensic scientists have assumed the position of the discovered body to have remained in the same bodily position since the time of death, unless some other force has moved it. Now that knowledge of post-mortem movements have become clear, forensic scientists can now devise a new method in diagnosing the specificity of the cause of death. 

Written by Isaiah Youm | September 23. 2019

  • Edited October 14. 2019