Author Archives: Taranom Behzadi

A Dance to Remember: The Incredible Courtship Display of the Peacock Spider

If you think finding a girlfriend is difficult during cuffing season, imagine what the animal kingdom goes through each mating season. For example, take a look at the very colourful Peacock Spider (also known as the Jumping Spider, genus Maratus).

Taken from Shutterstock

The peacock spider is native to Australia. The genus is filled with a striking array of contrasting colours, from white and yellow to reds and blues that seem iridescent on their bodies.

Scientists looked more in depth at their impressive display of colour to better understand how they were able to capture such a wide range of beautiful, vibrant hues on their bodies. They found that the colours on their abdomen were actually from very small scales on their body. These scales also produced an iridescent and shiny reflection when the light hit them just right, all in the hopes of capturing a female’s attention and impressing them.

Females do not have the same pigmentation on their bodies, and they are generally a little bit larger than their male counterparts. This is known as sexual dimorphism, when the two sexes in the same species display different traits other than their sexual organs.

The species practices interspecific sexual competition, also known as “female choice”. Males have a very difficult time getting female attention to mate with. One wrong step, one wrong flick of their legs, and they’re out of the game, literally. If the female decides that she finds the courtship display to be uninteresting, she will likely attempt to kill the male. If she is successful, the female will feast on the male. The male may try to escape by jumping away, but if he is not quick enough he will meet his end. If the male is lucky, the female will find him worthy of a mate and copulate with him. However, even then the male is not yet free. The female may choose to eat her mate after he’s finished being useful so that she’ll have enough energy to carry the babies and make sure they hatch. This is known as sexual cannibalism, and it is terrifying.

As if these little guys didn’t have it rough already. I mean, look at this picture. It’s a face only a mother could love.

Taken from Shutterstock

Scientists also studied the courtship dance of Peacock spiders and found that vibration signals are also a part of the complex body ornaments (colourful abdomens) and motion displays (the raising of their third legs in an upward motion).

The animal world has such interesting displays of courtship. Some are species specific behaviours, found nowhere else in the world, just like our jumping spider friends.

Taken from Shutterstock

At least we humans have it a little easier. Imagine going out for the night to the bar in the hopes of finding that special someone. The prettiest girl you’ve ever seen is just across the room, and you have to shoot your shot. You begin your courtship display, flashing your shiny bling, vibrant t-shirt, and hip dance moves. The worst that could possibly happen is her laughing at you for your embarrassing dance skills. Aren’t you glad you aren’t a jumping spider?

So, if you’re having a tough time trying to cuff a girlfriend this winter season, maybe it’s time to learn a thing or two from the insect world and win your girls over … through flashy, vibrant colours and the power of dance.

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To watch their courtship display on youtube, go here.

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For a short BBC video on peacock spiders, find it on youtube here.

Written by Taranom Behzadi

Why You Should Care About Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis, also known as MS, is a chronic and progressive disease. The symptoms can range from tremors, double vision, blindness, inability to speak, and in some severe cases, paralysis and death. One’s symptoms depend on where MS has targeted, and there is no cure as of today. 

MS gets its name from the plaques, or “sclera”, that form in the brain where cells have been destroyed. The word “sclera” is Greek, meaning “skleros” = hard. These sclera may occur anywhere in our brain. Typically, the location of the sclera is the reason for a certain symptom. For example if sclera form near or on the optic nerve, which is responsible for sight, then symptoms of blindness or double vision may arise. 

To better understand the full force of the disease, we need to discuss how it occurs in the first place.

Our central nervous system (CNS) consists of our brain and spine, and in the CNS we have helpful messengers that transmit signals between each other to tell our body to move, breathe, and basically survive. These helpful messengers are called Neurons. Neurons have a “head”, “body”, and “tail” end. Messages are received at the head, which is composed of dendrites and the cell body, and transmitted down the body (axons) to the tail (axon terminal), which finally sends the signal over to the soma of the adjacent neuron. 

The axon has a protective blanket around them called myelin, and myelin is created by a special type of cell called an oligodendrocyte. MS is a disease that is caused by one’s own immune system targeting their own oligodendrocytes and myelin, resulting in the neuron losing its armour. Without it, it can no longer send signals down to its neighbours! 

MS itself does not target the oligodendrocytes, but rather our own immune system does. Our immune system is our bodies form of protection against harmful substances (known as antigens) that may have entered our body. The antigens are recognized by our immune system and eliminated to protect us. For an unknown reason, our immune system causes an autoimmune reaction against the oligodendrocytes. An autoimmune reaction occurs when one’s body mistakes it’s own healthy cells for antigens.

So, why should we care about all this? 

The problem is that scientists are still unsure what actually causes MS. We know the “where” and the “how”, but not the “why”. There are speculations in the field with convincing evidence pointing to autoimmune reactions that target the oligodendrocytes being the “cause” of MS. However, without knowing 100% why MS occurs, scientist cannot formulate a cure! Doctors have been prescribing medication to improve quality of life by treating individual symptoms, but this is only a short-term solution and varies from patient-to-patient. 

MS can be a very frustrating experience for patients because the symptoms can be so diverse, and their doctors may not be able to give them a proper diagnosis for years! Because of this, many afflicted individuals are told that their symptoms are “in their heads” or given an improper diagnosis. 

There is a dire need for more funding and research on MS. 

For more information, please take a look at a crash course video posted on youtube by “Osmosis”.

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Written by Taranom Behzadi