Category Archives: Biological Sciences

A Solution to Blood Shortage – in our Guts?

The shortage of blood, a global crisis

Blood, the fluid that runs through our body and grants us life, also provides someone with a fighting chance when donated. To emphasize this point, statistics from the American Red Cross states that one donation of blood has the ability to save up to three lives. However, blood is in short supply, not only due to its short lifespan, but also due to insufficient amounts of blood donations. Additionally, the limitation in blood supply occurs globally according to Dr. Robert’s research, further implicating the shortage of blood supplies to be a severe problem.

Why do we have different blood types?

For your information, each of us have different blood types, because of the sugars that exist on our red blood cells. Blood cells with type-A sugar would make it type-A blood, and if it has type-B sugar, it would be type-B blood. If it has both sugars, it would be type-AB blood. Lastly, if the blood has no sugar at all, it would be type-O blood, which is the ultimate reason for why it can be given to any patient.

For this reason, a person with blood type A cannot be given type B blood, as the body would reject this blood. In severe cases injection of the wrong blood could cause the patient to go into shock, a critical condition where the heart fails to deliver blood to vital organs, potentially killing them. Therefore, this limits the amount of blood accessible to each patient, as their blood supply is dependent on blood donors with the same blood type. 

A diagram that shows the surface of different blood types.

Figure 1. Antigens (the sugar molecules mentioned) are what determines what blood type you have. (Image obtained from Canadian Blood Services, hyperlinked to image)

The solution to our problem; Dr. Peter Rahfeld’s study

However, there is a solution. Dr. Peter Rahfeld’s team at University of British Columbia (UBC)’s Michael Smith Laboratories have successfully found a method in converting type-A blood into type-O blood through the usage of enzymes (molecules that allows chemical reactions) produced by gut bacteria.

Yes, gut bacteria. The ones that exist within our intestines.

Why gut bacteria – and how did they know that their solution would be from gut bacteria? Well, according to researcher Stephen Withers who was involved in the research with Dr. Rahfeld’s team, states that “they already knew that the lining of digestive tract contained [the same sugars] found on blood cells”. With the knowledge that there are 300 to 500 different bacteria in our gut, it seemed that there could be an enzyme that would cut sugars off of blood cells. This assumption was found correct, as they had found that the enzymes of a gut bacteria named Flavonifractor plauti was capable of cutting type-A sugar off of red blood cells. This means that converting type-A blood into type-O blood is now possible.

How does the enzyme convert the blood?

We have created a video (that can be seen below) that talks about Dr. Rahfeld’s research in-depth, and outlines the mechanisms of how blood sugar is removed from the surface.

What does this mean?

With previous research that showed success in converting type-B blood to type-O blood, this means that we are now able to remove both type A and B blood. Thus, converting all blood types to type O blood is now possible. How these findings will be implemented in the future is addressed with depth in our podcast that summarizes our interview with Dr. Rahfeld.

But regardless of this amazing scientific finding, more people need to actively engage in donating blood to solve the global crisis of blood shortage. So, go out there and start donating blood.

“Future implementations in converting all blood to type-O blood” Tara Behzadi, Simar Dhaliwal, Sana Furqan, Isaiah Youm
Audio Player


Thank you for Professor Baliga for guidance of this project.

Additionally, special thank you to Dr. Rahfeld for permitting us time to do an interview and helping clarify any questions that we had for the research.


Written by : Tara Behzadi, Simar Dhaliwal, Sana Furqan and Isaiah Youm

Species Moving Due to Climate Change can have Adverse Effects on Ecosystem Function

Global warming isn’t just affecting the planet’s ice, it’s also affecting the habitats of many species on the earth. This, in turn, is causing these species to look for new homes elsewhere, which is resulting in competition between native species, and species that are newly moved, called dispersers. A recently published study from the Dr. Chelsea Little is looking into how this competition may be negatively affecting natural ecosystems as a whole and how we can better preserve them.

A Little about Dr. Little

We recently interviewed researcher Dr. Chelsea Little , a Killam postdoctoral research fellow in the Biodiversity Research Center at the University of British Columbia. In her latest publication in The Royal Society,  she investigates the connection between food consumption and dispersal; how the migration of a species from one habitat to another might affect the functioning of a natural community called an ecosystem.

About Her Research

Dr. Chelsea Little’s studies were based on two aquatic species, Dikerogammarus villosus and Gammarus fossarum, that are found in freshwater systems of Switzerland. Based on experimentations conducted with respect to consumption of leaf litter, which plays a key role in nutrient recycling in freshwater ecosystems, it was seen that Dikerogammarus villosus as a dispersing species outcompeted the consumption of leaf litter three times higher than the native species Gammarus fossarum, further highlighting the consequences of dispersal syndromes on ecosystem function.

Dikerogammarus Villosus – Image from Flickr

Gammarus Fossarum – Image from ePhoto

In our video below, Dr. Little explains some of the questions we had about the implications of dispersal syndromes on our ecosystems.

To further investigate the methodology of Dr. Little’s research, our podcast showcases her findings, her procedure, the challenges she encountered, and her insights about the potential impacts of dispersal.

What’s in store for the future?

As the effects of climate change increase, many species are going to have to migrate away from their original habitats to more suitable ones due to ecosystem changes. Dr. Little states, ”This really is sort of at the nexus of two big challenges that we’re facing as humanity,  like one is climate change, and a lot of species are going to be shifting where they live, expanding into new places, leaving other places – and the other is habitat loss.” This change could open up new interactions within the ecosystem as organisms find their new niches. In the long term, it is possible that these new dispersers might outcompete native species in their environment, which can cause a disruption in the food chain.

What should we do about this? It is beneficial to learn more about how ecosystems work as it educates us on how our actions can impact ecosystems through our Global Footprint. By managing our ecological footprint, we can reduce our impact on the Earth by practicing good sustainability methods such as recycling, composting, or reducing consumption of resources including water and electricity.

Written by: Edmund Kwan, Jennifer Yu, Gurkaran Bhandal, Harshitha Nagesh

A Dance to Remember: The Incredible Courtship Display of the Peacock Spider

If you think finding a girlfriend is difficult during cuffing season, imagine what the animal kingdom goes through each mating season. For example, take a look at the very colourful Peacock Spider (also known as the Jumping Spider, genus Maratus).

Taken from Shutterstock

The peacock spider is native to Australia. The genus is filled with a striking array of contrasting colours, from white and yellow to reds and blues that seem iridescent on their bodies.

Scientists looked more in depth at their impressive display of colour to better understand how they were able to capture such a wide range of beautiful, vibrant hues on their bodies. They found that the colours on their abdomen were actually from very small scales on their body. These scales also produced an iridescent and shiny reflection when the light hit them just right, all in the hopes of capturing a female’s attention and impressing them.

Females do not have the same pigmentation on their bodies, and they are generally a little bit larger than their male counterparts. This is known as sexual dimorphism, when the two sexes in the same species display different traits other than their sexual organs.

The species practices interspecific sexual competition, also known as “female choice”. Males have a very difficult time getting female attention to mate with. One wrong step, one wrong flick of their legs, and they’re out of the game, literally. If the female decides that she finds the courtship display to be uninteresting, she will likely attempt to kill the male. If she is successful, the female will feast on the male. The male may try to escape by jumping away, but if he is not quick enough he will meet his end. If the male is lucky, the female will find him worthy of a mate and copulate with him. However, even then the male is not yet free. The female may choose to eat her mate after he’s finished being useful so that she’ll have enough energy to carry the babies and make sure they hatch. This is known as sexual cannibalism, and it is terrifying.

As if these little guys didn’t have it rough already. I mean, look at this picture. It’s a face only a mother could love.

Taken from Shutterstock

Scientists also studied the courtship dance of Peacock spiders and found that vibration signals are also a part of the complex body ornaments (colourful abdomens) and motion displays (the raising of their third legs in an upward motion).

The animal world has such interesting displays of courtship. Some are species specific behaviours, found nowhere else in the world, just like our jumping spider friends.

Taken from Shutterstock

At least we humans have it a little easier. Imagine going out for the night to the bar in the hopes of finding that special someone. The prettiest girl you’ve ever seen is just across the room, and you have to shoot your shot. You begin your courtship display, flashing your shiny bling, vibrant t-shirt, and hip dance moves. The worst that could possibly happen is her laughing at you for your embarrassing dance skills. Aren’t you glad you aren’t a jumping spider?

So, if you’re having a tough time trying to cuff a girlfriend this winter season, maybe it’s time to learn a thing or two from the insect world and win your girls over … through flashy, vibrant colours and the power of dance.

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To watch their courtship display on youtube, go here.

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For a short BBC video on peacock spiders, find it on youtube here.

Written by Taranom Behzadi

Is a Lack of Sleep Causing you to Age Quicker?

Are you pulling all-nighters to catch up on assignments and study for exams?

A new study  has found evidence that a lack of sleep can lead to many affects that could be detrimental to your health, such as cardiovascular disease, and most surprising of all, premature aging.

The study, which used fit-bits and other wearable sleep-quality assessing devices to track the average hours slept and and quality of sleep people got per night found that people who slept less on average per night had shorter telomeres than similarly aged peers who slept a healthy amount, which may prove that they’re aging quicker. The researchers considered above 7 hours to be a healthy amount for an adult to sleep each night.

Telomeres are part of your DNA, at the very end of the strands. Their purpose is to act as a prevention from important DNA code from being cut short. This is important because DNA actually gets shorter every time it is used, thus the shorter your telomeres are, the closer you are to losing important parts of your genetic code.

DNA in it’s signature “coiled ladder” formation.

Because telomeres often lose length in a predictable way, shorter telomeres are a very good indication of aging, and are thus often used as biological markers for age. Furthermore, telomere shortening has been linked to all causes of death, as well as quicker onset of age-related diseases. Due to this, shorter telomeres in sleep deprived people is evidence that their poor sleep may cause them to age quicker, and ultimately die younger.

Beyond premature aging and cardiovascular disease, which I mentioned earlier, a lack of sleep has also been linked to many other health complications such as high blood pressure and obesity.

Often times, we students glorify our lack of sleep, and accept it as a natural consequence of the heavy course load that we chose. Some people may even claim that lack of sleep is impossible to avoid as a University student while using caffeine to fight exhaustion. A recent study found that up to 60% of University students are not getting enough sleep. Research such as these studies show that there are serious consequences to a poor sleep schedule, and that getting a good sleep should be a priority.

Where do we go from here? The researchers believe that this important insight into the health effects of poor sleep should inspire public policy changes. For example, later starting times for schools and work places could be a good place to start, so that people can fit a healthy amount of sleep into their schedules. 

And as for you, the person reading this, remember: get your seven hours – you’ll live longer.

-Gurkaran Bhandal

Expecting Pain Can Actually Make It Worse

Are you thinking about how much that flu shot is about to hurt? Trust me, don’t dwell on it. Your thoughts can play a defining role in how much pain we perceive and feel. Recently, a study published in Nature Human Behaviour showed that the brain learns when to expect a great measure of pain and then responds accordingly to it.

Image from ShutterShock

What exactly is pain?

Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensation and emotional experience linked to tissue damage. Its purpose is to allow the body to react and prevent any further damage. In the following TED-Ed talk, Karen D. Davis describes the pathway of how pain is felt in our body and why the “pain experience” varies from person to person.

Painful! Or is it?

The study conducted at the University of Amsterdam explores how the brain can learn when to expect a great pain and adjust its response accordingly. Neuroscientist Marieke Jepma and her colleagues gathered 62 brave volunteers to participate in her research. To begin, a small patch was placed either right below the elbow or knee of the individual. This patch contained an electrode which could heat up to a certain temperature to inflict pain. The individual then had to lie down in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine, which uses magnetic fields to scan brain activity. Next, a screen would signal each time the pain they were about to experience would be extreme or more bearable. Before and after each instance the patch was heated, the participants were asked to rank on a scale from 1 to 100 how much the pain would hurt and how much it actually hurt.

When the screen suggested the incoming pain would be very bad, the participants rated the heat as quite painful and when it suggested the pain would be bearable, they rated the heat as less painful. The MRI scans showed a similar pattern. After a signal for high pain, the brain activity acted as if the pain was bad. Following a cue for low pain, the brain responded as if the heat was less painful. However, in reality the electrode temperature remained constant each time. The results showed that the participants’ rankings — and their brains — had responded based on what they had been taught to expect. Jepma concluded that not only the perception of pain is biased but also the brain’s response.

So can we just ignore it?

Well, not entirely. Jepma further explains that her team’s work isn’t to say that the pain is all in your head. The pain is real and relays important messages to the brain. Further research in this field can potentially help doctors find methods on how to better treat pain. For example, being able to change expectations could improve patient responses to drugs for pain. Next time, in order to ease the pain you might want to think twice before you react.

Edmund Kwan

November 11, 2019

Exposure to Blue Light Leading to a Shortened Lifespan

Nowadays, lightbulbs are not the only reason our sleeping schedules are affected but the blue light emitting from our screens also plays a huge role in keeping us up once it becomes dark outside. With the amount of technology used daily, whether it involves completing an assignment on our laptops or checking social media multiple times throughout the day could be the leading cause to accelerated aging.

Blue Light Affecting Eyes via Screens in Dark Room
Image Source: Allure | Getty Images

A Bright Idea

Before lightbulbs were invented life was simple, and people would go to bed as soon as the sun went down. The effect light has on our health is often disregarded when in fact it’s critical to understand. Who thought such a small artifact present all around us could lead to detrimental effects? However, light is necessary for life and is an aspect which changed the world. Therefore, understanding the history behind the lightbulb is important as the following video produced by Neha Barjatya describes.

Out of Our Sight

In particular to light, humans are exposed to an increasing amount of blue-light produced through light emitting diodes (LED) every day. Recent research conducted at Oregon State University suggests that even though light may not be reaching our eyes directly, blue wavelengths have the ability to reach our brains and retinas that further damage cells.

In the specific study conducted by researcher Jaga Giebultowicz and colleagues, flies exposed to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness exhibited having shorter lifespans when compared to flies that stayed in complete darkness throughout a 24-hour period. The Drosophila melanogaster are common fruit flies and useful model organisms as their cellular and developmental mechanisms are similar to humans and other animals. When exposed to blue-light their retinal cells and neurons had impaired locomotion as they were not able to partake in common behaviour of being able to climb the enclosures walls. When mutant flies without eyes were looked at, they seemed to display the same impairments, suggesting that the simple presence of blue light wavelengths are harmful.

Further analysis on light spectrums showed that without the blue, lifespan only shortened slightly; it was only once blue light was added that there were drastic shortages.  Although, Giebultowicz whom specializes in analyzing the bodies biological clock claims that natural light is critical for the bodies circadian rhythm as it allows for physiological processes such as brain wave activity, hormone production and cell regeneration to occur. She continues to state, “if given a choice, avoid blue light”.

A Future Without Blue-Light?

With many cures found for diseases within the past century, human lifespan has already increased significantly even though we continue to use increased amounts of artificial light. Humans in general are often driven to focus on ways to increase lifespan through acting healthier. And with advanced science always proving to provide methods that design better health spectrums for the population, there is no doubt eliminating blue light may become a solution for the future. As of now though, researchers recommend setting device screens to block blue emissions for longer living!

Written By: Sana Furqan

Why You Should Care About Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis, also known as MS, is a chronic and progressive disease. The symptoms can range from tremors, double vision, blindness, inability to speak, and in some severe cases, paralysis and death. One’s symptoms depend on where MS has targeted, and there is no cure as of today. 

MS gets its name from the plaques, or “sclera”, that form in the brain where cells have been destroyed. The word “sclera” is Greek, meaning “skleros” = hard. These sclera may occur anywhere in our brain. Typically, the location of the sclera is the reason for a certain symptom. For example if sclera form near or on the optic nerve, which is responsible for sight, then symptoms of blindness or double vision may arise. 

To better understand the full force of the disease, we need to discuss how it occurs in the first place.

Our central nervous system (CNS) consists of our brain and spine, and in the CNS we have helpful messengers that transmit signals between each other to tell our body to move, breathe, and basically survive. These helpful messengers are called Neurons. Neurons have a “head”, “body”, and “tail” end. Messages are received at the head, which is composed of dendrites and the cell body, and transmitted down the body (axons) to the tail (axon terminal), which finally sends the signal over to the soma of the adjacent neuron. 

The axon has a protective blanket around them called myelin, and myelin is created by a special type of cell called an oligodendrocyte. MS is a disease that is caused by one’s own immune system targeting their own oligodendrocytes and myelin, resulting in the neuron losing its armour. Without it, it can no longer send signals down to its neighbours! 

MS itself does not target the oligodendrocytes, but rather our own immune system does. Our immune system is our bodies form of protection against harmful substances (known as antigens) that may have entered our body. The antigens are recognized by our immune system and eliminated to protect us. For an unknown reason, our immune system causes an autoimmune reaction against the oligodendrocytes. An autoimmune reaction occurs when one’s body mistakes it’s own healthy cells for antigens.

So, why should we care about all this? 

The problem is that scientists are still unsure what actually causes MS. We know the “where” and the “how”, but not the “why”. There are speculations in the field with convincing evidence pointing to autoimmune reactions that target the oligodendrocytes being the “cause” of MS. However, without knowing 100% why MS occurs, scientist cannot formulate a cure! Doctors have been prescribing medication to improve quality of life by treating individual symptoms, but this is only a short-term solution and varies from patient-to-patient. 

MS can be a very frustrating experience for patients because the symptoms can be so diverse, and their doctors may not be able to give them a proper diagnosis for years! Because of this, many afflicted individuals are told that their symptoms are “in their heads” or given an improper diagnosis. 

There is a dire need for more funding and research on MS. 

For more information, please take a look at a crash course video posted on youtube by “Osmosis”.

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Written by Taranom Behzadi


Animal testing: Where do we stand?

A sketch depicting mutual dependency in human-animal relationships. Source: The Telegraph UK

Human dependency on animals has a long history spanning over a million years. Historically humans have partnered with animals for a variety of purposes required for their mutual consumption and existence. From domesticating animals for meat, agricultural practices, hunting activities, transport etc.., to  employing them for developing and testing therapeutics, it would not be completely wrong if I were to say that we humans became a little selfish along the way. For more than a decade there has been an increase in this awareness but there is still an ongoing debate with the pros and cons of employing animals for research. But how far have we come along in developing effective medications at the expense of animal welfare? Read more to find out! (P.S Some images have graphic content!)

Rodents are most commonly used laboratory organisms. Source: Flikr

First of all, if we look at the historical origin of using animal models for  research, the idea was born 2400 years ago when researchers realized the functional and anatomical similarities between humans and animals. Prominent thinkers such as Aristotle documented their findings based on observational and experimental studies conducted on animals and this was further spread across Europe and other parts of the world. With technological advancement in the previous decade such as sequencing of mouse and rat genomes and the development of the first knockout mice/rat , animal models have become an indispensable tool in biological research. Advantages such as the ability to recapitulate life processes, understand mechanisms under normal and diseased conditions and manipulate these mechanisms to develop novel effective therapies have favored their increased use in research. Significant breakthroughs have been made using animal models in the past decade in fields such as aging, neurodegenerative disorders, different types of cancers, gene editing etc…

Bovine fetuses are subjected to cardiac puncture during FBS extraction.Source:

One could argue that animals models promote animal welfare by developing therapeutics for animal diseases however majority of experimentation conducted on animals are extremely inhumane. To give you an image of how badly animals are exploited, let me state an example. Foetal bovine serum (FBS) is a constituent derived from young calves that is used for culturing human/animal cells outside the body. It is widely used by labs across the world but not many researchers are aware of its ethical concerns. FBS is harvested from bovine fetuses by puncturing the heart using a syringe and drawing blood. All this is done without anesthesia! And the reason this is being done in live organisms is because blood drawn from dead fetuses have the tendency to clot which is unfavorable for research purposes.


Source: Flikr

For experimental purposes animals are subjected to various activities that involves restraining, collection of  blood samples from various parts of the body, performing surgeries with or without anesthesia, overdosing, behavioral tests, inoculation of tumor producing cells, sacrificing and harvesting body organs for analysis etc.. which causes severe discomfort to animals. Even though its extremely difficult to eliminate animals from being used in research, steps can still be taken to reduce suffering as much as possible.

So where do we currently stand and what can we do to promote animal safety ?There has been a major debate in the past decade and  a lot of steps have been adopted in hope to promote animal welfare. Recently, 3D cell culture systems, micro arrays, artificial organs, organs on an electronic chip, computer based simulations have been developed, it is better to reduce animal experimentation as much as possible or replace them completely using these or other alternative strategies. Adaptation of the 3 R’s that aims to replace, reduce and refine the use of animal experiments needs to be strictly employed by research investigators to ensure animal welfare. Scientific personnel must be well trained in animal handling and certified prior to conducting experiments. Furthermore, the concept of ethical applications have been adopted by various countries that evaluates project plans prior to conducting experiments. These evaluation committees are composed of panelists from various backgrounds that assess  and approve whether a certain study ensures animal safety or not. Most cosmetic industries are also adopting to cruelty free methods of testing their products, which are increasingly popular among their consumers, this should be encouraged further.

Source: Flikr

In conclusion, it is possible to adopt alternative strategies but currently it is not feasible to completely abandon the use of animals in research. Some would argue that this is still beneficial for  a mass population when compared to the sacrifice of a small percentage of animals. That small percentage could grow rapidly and possibly lead to ecological imbalances and suffering in the future so this issue still needs to be taken seriously. With rising technological advancements and inventions such as organ on a chip  (video by Wyss institute included below) there is a small ray of hope that animals will be completely spared from being used in scientific experiments.

Written by Harshitha Nagesh