Category Archives: Biological Sciences

A Novel Treatment for Benign Bone Tumours

A new Canadian study has described a novel way to effectively treat a benign bone tumour, specifically Osteoblastoma, using an antibody called Denosumab.

The study, which took place over the span of 46 months detailed using Denosumab to treat a young  18-year-old man who described symptoms of pain and swelling in his hand. The man was diagnosed with Osteoblastoma in his right thumb. However, this was a complex case because he was a concert pianist! This made traditional treatments such as surgery unappealing, since the patient would risk ending his career due to surgeries being too invasive and his ability to move his thumb and play the piano could’ve been greatly reduced post operation.

An x-ray of the patients hand pre-surgery (Kooner and Ferguson 2019).

The patient was given a variety of options in treatment and ultimately decided on trying Denosumab as it would pose the least risk to his mobility, as many other traditional methods had high risk of long-lasting pain even past recovery.

Denosumab is an anitbody that works by blocking the signalling pathway between two types of bone cells, called Osteoblasts, which make bone and Osteoclasts, which eat bone.  These cells allow calcium to be recycled and old bone to be replaced with new bone. In Osteoblastoma, the uncontrolled increase of Osteoblasts causes a lump of immature bone to form, which can be extremely painful due to the physical location of the tumour and the pressure it causes on joints and muscles. By preventing the ability for the Osteoblasts to communicate with Osteoclasts, Denosumab prevents the further growth of bone, and also reduces the size of the benign tumour due to the immature cells eventually dying and not being replaced.

A diagram showing the way that Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts work together to form new bone, Retrieved from

The treatment was injected six times within three months along with oral calcium and vitamin D pills, which served to promote regular bone growth. Initially it was successful, as the patient reported no pain and full ability to move his thumb and tests showed that the tumour was gone, but the pain came back again 22 months post treatment. Testing showed a recurrence of the disease and a second treatment regiment was undergone. After the second treatment, the patient has since been entirely pain free and has even been able to continue playing piano full time, something that would’ve been unthinkable with other surgical methods that are most commonly used as treatment in cases of Osteoblastoma. Tests once again showed that the tumour was gone, but that the original bone was now slightly denser than normal, though this had lesser adverse effects on health and dexterity than other treatments used to treat the disease.

Although this case study shows extreme promise, and was a great fit for this particular individual , there is still much more research to do on the effectiveness of Denosumab as a drug for all cases of Osteoblastoma, which can occur in many other parts of the body including the spine and feet.

There are also adverse side effects to using Denosumab, which include muscle pain, electrolyte imbalance and dense bones. This trade-off, however, was more than worth it for this particular patient, whose career could’ve been completely ended by surgery. Ultimately, this case study shows the great value in multiple treatment methods being available to those who need them, in order to maximize their quality of life.

-Gurkaran Bhandal

Are Cats a Man’s Best Friend?

We’ve often heard of the saying,  “A dog is a man’s best friend,” but that doesn’t mean that cats can’t be as well! A recent study from the journal Current Biology found that humans and cats can share an attachment bond with each other, and that this is not just limited to dogs.

In this study, they conducted a test where an adult cat or kitten was left in a room with their owner for two minutes, followed by two more minutes alone. They were then reunited with their owner for another two minutes. The frequency of “meow” vocalizations were recorded in the alone phase as a measure of separation distress. They noticed that during the time the cat was left alone, the number of vocalizations was much greater than in the company of their owner, signifying distress in the cat. Consequently, they discovered cats share a very similar attachment to their owner as do infants. This sign of human attachment persisted through the cat’s adulthood. Therefore, this shows that cat-owner relationships are closely related to parent-child relationships.

Image from SkitterPhoto

They’re not Kitten around!

Humans find companionship with their pets and thus being one of the reasons we feel so close to them. Another study in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science found that most owners regarded cats as family members with developed socio-cognitive skills. For example, the cats noticed visual and audio cues of humans such as the pointing of an arm and recognizing their owners’ voice. The researchers noted that there were certain traits in cats that were similar for dogs. For instance, both cats and dogs were seen as more emotionally matching with their owners, meaning they feel emotionally closer with them. This shows that there are strong attachment and emotional bonds between cats and their owners.

Image from Pixabay

Paws for a moment.

So what is the cat-ch? You may have heard people treating their pets as if they were their own children, and there is a lot of meaning to that. These studies enforce the idea that cats are just as capable of forming strong bonds with their owners as with dogs, especially if you put in the effort to do so.  The ability to share a close relationship with your pet is what makes them so special to us, and more so the reason we should consider every one of them, even cats, our best friend.

Edmund Kwan

Sep 30, 2019

Revised Oct. 21, 2019

Weekend catch-up sleep is not the cure we hoped it to be


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Image by Free-Photos on Pixabay

Most of us have probably caught ourselves fantasizing about the best part of the weekend – sleeping in. After a hectic and crazed work week, our sleep-deprived states eagerly await the feeling of refreshment that comes along with those extra hours of shut-eye. However, recent evidence found by Depner and his colleagues in an early 2019 study shows that paying back our sleep debt on the weekends still come with a health cost.

The effects of sleep deprivation

On a basic level, we all know (and feel) that an insufficient amount of sleep leads to health complications. There have been numerous studies and data to support that people who fail to get enough sleep are at a higher risk of developing chronic diseases, along with a plethora of other health-related issues such as mood disorders and decreased immune function, all of which are documented in the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School. The following video by TechInsider, featuring professor of neuroscience and psychology Matthew Walker, goes more into depth about the effects of sleep deprivation on the brain and body.

Sleeping more on the weekends cost us

To combat these potential health risks, most people try to get more sleep on the weekends in order to boost up their daily sleep average, which is currently recommended to be between 7-9 hours for adults. Unfortunately for those of us who do, the paper published by Depner and his colleagues in Current Biology shows that “weekend recovery sleep” is not an effective strategy in combating sleep deprivation. In fact, the paper points out that these extra sleep hours may increase weight gain, promote excess caloric intake, and negatively impact how the body handles insulin.

On another note, a study published in Stress and Health in 2010 found that maintaining a consistent sleeping pattern proves to be beneficial for us, and that getting those extra hours on the weekend alone are not enough to combat sleep deprivation as they may disrupt our internal clocks, making it even harder for us to fall asleep and to wake up.

What we can do to combat sleep deprivation

Since getting extra sleep on the weekends is not our cure to sleep deprivation, the best we can do for now is to try and maintain consistent sleep schedules by distributing that extra sleep we would get on the weekends to weekday nights.

Sandra Yoo

Sept 29, 2019

Revised Oct. 21, 2019

A Solution to the Rise in Obesity

We all care about our health to a certain extent! It’s not surprising that in a world filled with McDonalds XXL portion sizes and an unlimited amount of unhealthy fast food options that over the past few decades there has been an increase in the rate of obesity. Obesity can be labelled as a medical condition where an individual carries extra weight or body fat which could have significant impacts on their health.

Body Mass Index: Numerical values are indicated by BMI = Body Mass/Height
Image Source: Vector Stock
Artist: MicroOne

With growing concern about obesity due to the risks it implements, it’s important that we take actions to prevent it from spreading and causing severe health problems for many individuals around the world. Health risks associated with obesity include heart disease, diabetes, and gastrointestinal diseases; as well as other disorders that are yet to be identified.

The Gut Bacteria That Could Cure All

At the University of Utah health department, researchers have recently identified a class of 20-30 bacterium in the gut known as Clostridia which protects mice against becoming obese. The study suggests that the same bacteria also controls weight gain within humans. If we are able to alter the amount of Clostridia present in the gut, this could mean a whole new lifestyle for many.

Specifically, in the observational study, Ph.D. June Round has claimed that healthy mice have lots of Clostridia, whereas those with impaired immune systems lose the bacteria’s as they age hence weight gain. Even when unhealthy mice with minimal Clostridia are fed a healthy diet, they tend to become obese. However, when the mice were reinjected with Clostridia, they are able to maintain slimness.

Clostridia in Healthy and Unhealthy Mice Gut
Image Source: Science Mag

Results gained from the study found that Clostridia prevents weight gain through blocking the intestine from absorbing any fat consumed. In particular there are a couple molecules produced by Clostridia that prevent the fat absorption and further isolation of these molecules could lead to treatments for obesity. Additionally, it was established that our immune systems also play a key role in maintaining balance among the diverse bacteria present within the gut. If the bodies defence system is weak, some bacterial species are able to dominate and shift health towards a negative direction. It is critical for the immune system to operate and recognize specific bacteria appropriately in order to produce proper antibodies.

What Could This Mean For Us, Humans?

Considering humans display to have Clostridia within the gut as well, research concluded that the lack of this bacterium in humans leads to obesity as well as type 2 diabetes. With more mirroring and understanding the connections that underlie from mice to human there is hope for our world. New treatments will provide individuals, like ourselves to hopefully be at less risk from the treats we consume.

Written By: Sana Furqan

The dead don’t speak – but they can move

It’s become common sense that something dead cannot speak or think. However, what if they can physically move? Although it sounds like something out of a horror-movie, new research shows that this phenomena has been found to be of certain truth.


Australian researchers at the Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research have based their research on the post-mortem movement of the human body using a camera to create a time-lapse of the movement by periodically taking images of the corpse every 30 minutes for duration of 17 months.  For the entire duration of the filming process, they revealed that the corpses had continuously moved.


“What we found was that the arms were significantly moving, so that arms that started off down beside the body ended up out to the side of the body” states medical scientist and head director of this research, Alyson Wilson, to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


The cause for such movement was articulated by the research team to be a “process of decomposition”, based on a previous published study that outlined that the human body  “[tends] to mummify rather than decompose in the Sydney environment”. Thus, the research team specifically reasoned that the movement of arms could be a result of “shrinking and contracting” of body tissues when the “body’s [muscles dry] out”.


To arrive to this conclusion, Wilson and her team were the first to use a time-lapse camera to record the position of the body on a daily basis. They had put the body into a cage with entrances on each of the sides to prevent researchers from disturbing the body. Each of the according alphabets are all cameras that have been placed for the experiment to take pictures of the corresponding body parts. A gives a full top view of the body, B gives a view of the face, C and D allows the observation of the hands, and E provides a full profile view of the body (Figure 1). In (Fig. 1), the colored lines represent the corresponding location of where the camera has been situated. The converging points of two of the same colored lines indicate the position of the camera to give the readers a better understanding of the scope of the experiment, and allow it to be reproducible for any other scientists.

Figure 1. Diagram that shows the location of the camera placements (A,B,C,D,E) for the experiment. (F) is the subject of experiment. Colored lines correspond to the camera placements to indicate the precise dimensions of where the cameras were placed (A; Red | B; Dark blue | C; Dark green | D; Light green | E; Light blue)


The images captured by the cameras were compared against their devised system of allocating points for the level of decomposition that the body has achieved. This point system derives from the categories and stages of decomposition (from Megyesi et al. 2005), where points are tallied for each decaying symptom the body shows. The points would then be totaled to indicate the stage of decomposition the body is at. Thus, the degree of movement can be recorded with its stage of decomposition. 

For further comprehension, below is a video that describes the stage of decomposition, but take note that the video itself is unrelated with the conducted research; this is due to the fact that the researchers did not permit their videos regarding the research released to the public. However, this knowledge should give you a better understanding of how the body decays, allowing you to correlate it with the movement of body stated within the literature, considering that this is a complicated and informative topic.


  • Figure 2. Video describes the stages of decomposition of the human body. Video is not associated with the actual research, but here as a guide to help you understand the different stages of decomposition for your further understanding to relate it to the degree of movement mentioned within the research article

In this video (Figure 3), which again, is unrelated to the actual research (due to the same reason above), shows how the study of decaying human body helps the forensics team assess a collection of data made by real-life samples in different decaying conditions. This would help the forensics team that find bodies in different environments to compare it with different decaying states that have already been recorded by a research team, because bodies decay differently depending on the local environment. As a result, the forensics team would be able to compose a more precise and accurate diagnosis of how someone had died, aiding any investigations associated with it.

  • Figure 3. Video describing how the study of decaying human bodies help forensics teams. This video is here to help you in how this research (dead  bodies can move) has an effect in contemporary society.

Thus, this major discovery brings new light into our society of how forensics teams could interpret their data or the recreating the crime scene itself. As Alyson states, “this knowledge could be significant in unexplained death investigations”. Until now, forensic scientists have assumed the position of the discovered body to have remained in the same bodily position since the time of death, unless some other force has moved it. Now that knowledge of post-mortem movements have become clear, forensic scientists can now devise a new method in diagnosing the specificity of the cause of death. 

Written by Isaiah Youm | September 23. 2019

  • Edited October 14. 2019