Tag Archives: DNA

Is Genetic Editing the Future?

Genetic editing, is it good or is it bad?

Many people have been debating about this for a while now. One recent news that came out in November talked about a scientist who genetically edited a pair of twin girls. The scientist, He Jiankui, used CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the babies genome which he claims would allow the babies to have a better resistance to HIV and AIDS.

Human egg cells. Image by Виталий Смолыгин. Retrieved from https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=42719&picture=cell

What the scientist did was that he disabled the gene, CCR5. This disables the HIV virus from entering the cell because the gene forms a protein pathway. With it disabled the virus cannot get in since there wouldn’t be a pathway. The problem with disabling the gene is that people without this gene has a greater chance of being infected by other viruses.

An image of DNA structure. Image by Виталий Смолыгин. Retrieved from https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=31530&picture=structure-of-dna

There have been many concerns on how this genetic modification can affect the babies because of the fact that this method hasn’t been truly tested. A professor in the University of Oxford, Julian Savulescu, said, “Gene editing itself is experimental and is still associated with off-target mutations, capable of causing genetic problems early and later in life, including the development of cancer.”

Many people condemned the scientist for his seemingly unethical way of human experimentation. But gene editing has been happening for a while and have been proven to heal genetic diseases, it is just that it hasn’t been experimented enough to know for sure that it is safe to be used on humans. One example would be a team of researchers that was led by Gerald Schwank. They were able to successfully correct the mutated genes in the liver cells of mice thus healing the mice from the metabolic disorder phenylketonuria.  Another example is that gene editing was used to reduce cholesterol levels in mice that were still in their mother’s womb. This is done by targeting the gene that regulates cholesterol. The experiment was successful and the mice born were healthy.

So, would you consider gene editing the future?

This video talks about genome editing using CRISPR-Cas9. Published by McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT.

This video is about the scientist, He Jiankui, and his experiment on the two twin girls. Published by The He Lab.

Gloria Chan

Is Eastern Wolf a Distinct Species?

The top-down regulation of ecosystems requires the action of top carnivorous predators like wolves. However, due to human activities, there has been a large reduction in the number of wolves in North America, which requires our immediate conservation. It is urgent to save endangered species because protecting endangered species like wolves from extinction is protecting ourselves from extinction. To be specific, without wolves in the ecosystem, the conditions of other animals and plants will be disturbed and altered unpredictably, and the disturbance may result in a more wide-spread collapse of species, including human beings.


Wolves in Yellow Stone National Park affect many aspects of the ecosystem (credit: National Park service)


Eastern wolves, native to North America, are one of the wolves/coyotes that have been disappearing, and are claimed to require protection by the law. The origin of eastern wolves (Canis lycaon) has been the subject of an ongoing debate and controversy. Specifically, while some claimed that eastern wolves are a distinct species, others argued that they are the hybrids from other wolves.


Eastern wolf (Canis Lycanon) (credit: Michael Runtz)


As the debate proceeds, scientists have found controversial evidence, including morphological and genetic analysis of wolves, giving inconsistent interpretations of the origin of eastern wolves.


Different canis types, eastern wolves (second from left) (credit: ScienceNews)


According to the law, only endangered species are qualified for protection, while hybrids are not. Therefore, the mysterious origin of eastern wolves creates problem for the government because whether eastern wolves are qualified for protection by law cannot be determined currently.

In conclusion, the most urgent act is for scientists to solve the mystery of the origin of eastern wolves, and then the government can determine whether eastern wolves should be saved as a top predator.