Connect Announcements

Connect Announcements

Archive for the ‘Connect’ Category

Connect Maintenance – March 23, 2013 07:00-08:00 PT

Posted by: | March 22, 2013

Connect will be unavailable on Saturday, March 23rd from 07:00 to 08:00 PT due to system maintenance.

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Filed under: Connect, Service Maintenance

Connect Scheduled Maintenance – March 3, 2013 07:00 – 08:30 PT

Posted by: | March 1, 2013

Connect will be unavailable on Sunday, March 3rd from 07:00 to 08:30 due to system maintenance.

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Filed under: Connect, Service Maintenance

RESOLVED – Connect Service Disruption February 19, 2013

Posted by: | February 20, 2013

The issue concerning bounced email sent from Connect to Hotmail and has been resolved. The issue was isolated between Feb. 16-18 and was a result of a mail relay being blocked.

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Filed under: Connect, Uncategorized

RESOLVED – Connect Service Disruption February 20, 2013

Posted by: | February 20, 2013

This issue has now been resolved as of 13:00. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Filed under: Connect, Uncategorized

Connect – Service Disruption February 19, 2013

Posted by: | February 20, 2013

Email sent from Connect to Hotmail and email addresses is being rejected.  Technicians are currently investigating.  No ETA for problem resolution

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Filed under: Connect, Uncategorized

Connect – Create Course & Enrol User Delays February 19, 2013

Posted by: | February 19, 2013

Instructional support staff have reported delays when using the Create Course and Enrol Users tools.  These transactions are delayed due to mass course creation for summer 2013 courses.  Mass course creation is expected to complete Tuesday evening.

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Filed under: Connect, Uncategorized

Connect Maintenance – Saturday, February 2, 2013 07:00-08:00 PT

Posted by: | February 1, 2013

Connect will be unavailable from 07:00 to 08:00 PT on Saturday, February 2nd, due to system maintenance.

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Filed under: Connect, Service Maintenance

Wimba Voice Service Maintenance

Posted by: | January 25, 2013

Wimba Voice tools may be unavailable for a 30 minute period during the maintenance window of: Saturday, January 26 (19:00) – Sunday (03:00).

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Filed under: Connect, Service Maintenance

CANCELLED: Connect Maintenance January 26, 2013 07:00-08:00 PT

Posted by: | January 23, 2013

Cancellation of the Connect maintenance on January 26, 2013 07:00-08:00 PT . This will be rescheduled for a future date.  

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Filed under: Connect, Service Maintenance

RESOLVED: Connect Discussion Errors – January 8, 2013 15:30 PT

Posted by: | January 8, 2013

The issue concerning subscribed discussion forum/threads in Connect have now been resolved.

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Filed under: Connect

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