Author Archives: seanturn

Deepening Knowledge – Resources For and About Aboriginal Education

Module 2 – Post 5

This site has an excellent collection of Aboriginal music, articles,  film and videos as well as lesson plans for educators. It showcases the top 5 Aboriginal albums of 2013, up and coming Aboriginal artists and many more useful tools students and teachers can use in the classroom. Below is a video that is found on this site that features Wab Kinew who is named by Postmedia News as, “One of 9 Aboriginal movers and shakers you should know.” There are many more music videos on the site.

Aboriginal Perspectives

Module 2 – Post 4

The diversity and richness of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples present challenges and opportunities for teachers since educators are required to include Aboriginal perspectives in their lessons. There are currently over 600 recognized First Nations governments or bands in Canada and the First Nations, Inuit and the Metis constitute Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. This Aboriginal Perspectives website contains information that will will teachers in including the different perspectives in their lessons.

The following is an excerpt from their website:


  • “We have used video material featuring Aboriginal people and cultural activities as a base for constructing teaching resources and we invite teachers to use these resources. We also encourage teachers to use this video material to construct their own lessons.
  • We have conducted workshops with teachers from grades 3 to 6 to help them include an Aboriginal perspective in their mathematics lessons. On this web site are the lessons, background material on the Aboriginal themes for the lessons, and a description of the material in the kits that the teachers received at the workshops.
  • Included is a collection of Aboriginal games which provide a rich source of material for the construction of lessons.”

Aboriginal Perspectives

Module 2 – Post 3

This site is intended for high school and upper elementary teachers and students that features National Film Board of Canada documentaries by and about Canada’s Aboriginals peoples.

Some of the things that students and educators can do on this site are:

“• Watch key NFB documentaries on Aboriginal themes from the 1940s to 2004.
• Learn about past and current issues relating to the lives of Aboriginal peoples through excerpts or complete films.
• Read critical commentary on the issues.
• Develop critical thinking and media literacy skills.
• Use the Excerpt Library tool to develop a personal collection of film excerpts.”

Integrating Aboriginal Perspectives into Curricula: A Resource for Curriculum Developers, Teachers and Administrators

Module 2 – Post 2

This document is intended to assist curriculum developers and educators in integrating Aboriginal perspectives into Manitoba’s curricula. Even though it is directed towards educators in Manitoba, it can be used for educators around Canada. It outlines the goals intended for Aboriginal students but also for non-Aboriginal students. For each subject and for each grade, it outlines the PLO’s or the Prescribed Learning Outcomes that each student should be able to do by the end of the grade. Although each province has their own PLO’s, this is a great document that includes examples for educators to use.


Module 2 – Post 1

This literature review talks about how to incorporate Aboriginal perspectives into curricula. It examines the history of Aboriginal education in Canada and explains Indigenous knowledge and pedagogy and of Aboriginal learning styles and the different ways of learning. There are great and practical ways for educators on how to integrate Aboriginal perspectives into the curriculum. This paper wraps up by discussing the implications of the research and looks into the future for Aboriginal education.

A New Understanding of Culture and Communication: The Impact of Technology on Indigenous Peoples

Module 1 – Post 5

This webpage includes links to various sites and articles to answer questions such as: 1) “Where can I find sources that give a general overview of the affect of technology on indigenous peoples?” 2) “What uses of new technology are most beneficial to indigenous groups?” 3) “What are some problems Native Americans have encountered in gaining access to telecommunications technology, and what solutions are being explored?”

Technology and 10% Language Revitalization

Module 1 – Post 4

This article shares a statistic on BC First Nations people and how only 5.1% are fluent speakers in their language. There is an interview with an individual named Dustin Rivers who incorporates technology into learning a language called Where Are Your Keys (WAYK). It’s described as an “Open-source community based method designed to accelerate the language-learning process.” He has used this method into learning the Squamish language and is encouraging others to use it to.

Keeping Aboriginal Languages Alive: Passing on Squamish to the Next Generation

Module 1 – Post 3

This article outlines the Squamish language and how elders teach and share stories in their language to children from the Capilano Little Ones School on the Capilano Indian Reserve on the North Shore. The program is intended to keep their language alive.


IC Magazine – A Publication of the Center for World Indigenous Studies

Module 1 – Post 2

This online magazine that has been around for the past 10 years, includes over 3000 articles that cater to the world’s Indigenous Peoples. Some of the articles outline their rights, interests, needs, hopes and contemporary challenges. The magazine’s motto reads, “To educate, inform, challenge and inspire the international community.”

Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous and Local Communities: International Debate and Policy Initiatives

Module 1 – Post 1

This paper will review international law and policies regarding the rights of indigenous people and local communities. As such, they are defining the role of traditional and indigenous knowledge in the organization and conservation of biodiversity.