Tag Archives: multi media

Entry 1: Jackson 2Bears

Jackson 2Bears is a multimedia artist and cultural theorist who’s work “explores the aesthetics of contemporary Indigenous identity—its various manifestations, transformations, simulations and hybridizations—within the context of our hyper-mediated, technologically saturated culture     (http://jackson2bears.net/).”

My first exposure to his work was through his Vimeo posting of  ‘Ten Little Indians’: a remix embedded with visuals that creates a very strong artistic portrayal of children being stolen from their families by social workers.

                  10 Little Indians [Remix] – 2005 from Jackson 2bears on Vimeo.

Jackson 2bears is also a member of Beat Nation: a group who’s aim is to promote Indigenous hip hop culture. Their belief is that through this popular medium, they are not assimilating to colonialist culture; rather, they are challenging it by using mainstream technology to promote Indigenous culture.

“These artists are not turning away from the traditions as much as searching for new ways into them. Hip hop is giving youth new tools to rediscover First Nations culture. What is most striking about this work is how much of it embraces the traditional within its development. (http://www.beatnation.org). ”

For me, I am interested in Jackson 2bears work because it directly challenges the notion that Indigenous culture is a historical reference. Both sonically and visually he portrays our modern environment through a critical Indigenous lens.

Entry 2: Sounding Out!

Sounding Out! is peer-reviewed weekly podcast/publication that unites sound artists, scholars and professionals all with the aim of investigating how sound effects us politically, culturally, and emotionally. In addition to their regular contributors, Sounding Out also curates other peoples work and allows outside contributions from interested researchers, artists and readers.

What I like about this project is that they are providing a platform for contributors to present work that otherwise do not have access to  academic communities.

Essentially, Sounding Out can be considered a searchable portal for a very underrepresented sonic community.

Through the site I have managed to find the following topical recordings & writings:

Unsettling the World Soundscape Project: Soundscapes of Canada and the Politics of Self-Recognition

Sounding Out! Podcast #47: Finding the Lost Sounds of Kaibah

Sounding Out! Podcast #40: Linguicide, Indigenous Community and the Search for Lost Sounds

Sounding Out! Podcast #60: Standing Rock, Protest, Sound and Power (Part 1)

Sounding Out! Podcast #58: The Meaning of Silence


Entry 5: NFB Archive Film Remix – Souvenir

Souvenir is a NFB film remix project. Using archived film footage, Indigenous artists, Michelle Latimer, Kent Monkman, Caroline Monnet, Jeff Barnaby and Tanya Tagaq have created a series of films that explore Indigenous identity through the reclaiming of non-indigenous portrayals of Aboriginal communities (http://canadianart.ca/features/nfb-souvenir, http://blog.nfb.ca).

Below are links and descriptions of the four featured films:

Sisters & Brothers by Kent Monkman is a film that juxtaposes archived images of bison herds with images of residential school survivors. The film makes connections to the extermination of the bison population with the genocidal practices of white settlers.

Nimmikaage (She Dances for People) by Michelle Latimer challenges the construction of the Aboriginal female identity by white settlers.

Etlinisigu’niet (Bleed Down) by Jeff Barnaby comments on how the colonialist Canadian mandated initiatives to exterminate the ‘Indian problem’ has failed. That despite genocidal practices, Indigenous populations remain.

Mobilize by Caroline Monnet examines how Indigenous identity is constantly being pulled in two directions because of the influence of colonialist culture on Indigenous communities.

FNESC: B.C. First Nations technology team wins international award

Thursday, June 18, 2015

FNESC: B.C. First Nations technology team wins international award


This is an example of First Nations people creating educational technology in order to affect the quality of community living. A B.C. FN multimedia team has created a 3D training tool for operators of small drinking water systems. They have won international recognition for their success and the software is widely used. One component of the software has also been adapted for use in grade 8/9 mathematics curriculum.