Here is the Fri 1PM Quiz 3 Question.
Fri 11AM Quiz 3 Question
Here is the Fri 11AM Quiz 3 Question.
Fri 10AM Quiz 3 Question
Here is the Fri 10AM Quiz 3 Question.
Handouts and Notes for 2017/02/10
Sorry to be late on this!
We’re working on the new handout on tug-o-war (and divide-and-conquer) today. In addition:
- The exam is coming on Wednesday. Read the important post on Piazza about the exam! This also explains what’s happening with tutorials next week.
- There’s no class or office hours on Monday. Happy Family Day!
- Victoria has scheduled some weekend office hours. Use them!
- Vaastav and Stephanie are holding a review session for the exam on Tuesday 14 Feb 5-7PM in MCML 166.
No new pre-reading for next class, but be aware that we will likely post some text that will appear on the exam to help you prepare for it (rather than spend time during the exam reading that same text). If we do, we’ll do it on Piazza as an announcement by Tuesday at noon.
Fri 9AM Quiz 3 Question
Here is the Fri 9AM Quiz 3 Question.
Thu 11AM Quiz 3 Question
Here is the Thu 11AM Question.
Wed 1PM Quiz 3 Question
Here is the Wed 1PM quiz question.
Solutions for Clustering Completed
Tue 1PM Quiz 3 Question
Here is the Tue 1PM quiz question.
Quiz 3 Pre-Reading
Here are problem domains to help you prepare for Quiz 3. We recommend you spend a few minutes reading through all of them before your tutorial!