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Welcome to CPSC 320!

Hello and welcome to the website for the 2019S2 offering of CPSC 320 (Jul-Aug 2019). We’re getting set up right now. Expect additional content on this site as the term approaches. I look forward to seeing you in July!

In the meantime, please set up your e-mail account, which you’ll need almost immediately for GradeScope submission of assignments and return of quizzes, assignments, and exams. Your email alias (which you can view in the previous link) is used to identify you on Gradescope. As Gradescope is hosted outside Canada, we want to remind you to keep your @ugrad alias private, just as you would any other account information.  If you choose not to keep your @ugrad alias confidential, please note that UBC will proceed on the assumption that you do not object to Gradescope potentially identifying you personally, and that you are consenting to the storage of personal information on Gradescope servers outside Canada.