The Social Media War

The dynamos of social media have been in an ongoing war to outshine each other, but what really is their strategy?

Each company started with a simple concept for their users, for example Vine’s main purpose is to share short, looped videos. The issue is that as new social media apps surface, with innovative ideas, everyone wants to incorporate the “next best thing” into their brand. When Vine emerged, Instagram decided to integrate videos into their news feed.

Social media enthusiasts use different apps for assorted purposes; one simply does not go on Pinterest to chat with people. By separating the companies, people unmistakably knew what they were getting at each site.

Competing with Facebook, Instagram, and others,Twitter started to loose money. With recent modifications to its service, Twitter has left people confused and dazed. It is still a top contender but could change be the reason for this fall in users?

Gene Muster, an analyst at Piper Jaffray says, “The future of social media is not going to be a winner-takes-all scenario. No service can be all things to all people.” Keeping a clear brand proposition simplifies trying to surpass one another, and leaves consumers satisfied.

October 6, 2013Permalink