Creativity FTW!!!
Oct 20th, 2010 by derekli
You know what really gets my attention in ads these days? It’s not humor or graphics, but instead I value creativity. The promotional video for Google Chrome really caught my attention when I saw it. The clip highlights all the major features of the new Google Chrome web browser with wildly captivating use of creativity. My initial thought was that they would use some highly advanced methods to present this new technology but instead, they use quite manual and primitive methods to present them. The sudden constrast really caught my attention and made it enjoyable to watch while learning every feature of the new Chrome. The parts that I like the most were the can firing to show the speed of the browser and the unravelling of yarn to show the tabs ahha. This really helped to position and solidify my perception of Google being the leading innovator in the business.

That’s all for this week. I wish everyone the best of luck for the marketing midterm tomorrow and any other upcoming midterms in the near future.