Student Letters: Recent

Date: April 13, 2012 4:14 PM
Subject: Future Students
Author: Amanda M

I first wanted to state that I have taken quite a few women’s studies courses and headed into this course with the same type of outlook: a bit of a regurgitation of material, simply produced by a different author. However, I was sorely mistaken. Do NOT underestimate this course: the material,the activities, the discussions, all of the requirements for this course differ from the average women’s studies class. To be completely honest, this class is an uphill grind: the amount of material is vast and dense, the constant sporadic discussions on the discussion board can be a bit irritating for a more organized person, and the group projects can be a bit frustrating to complete successfully via the internet. However, the amount of amazing information that you now curse and are thankful for being aware of, is truly priceless. The saying, “ignorance is bliss” truly pertains to this course in that you will look at everyday happenings & variables in a way that you simply cannot change. There really is no going back to the way of viewing your world as you once did before this course. Along with that, the ability to pour all of your evolving thoughts and beliefs into a number of journals is quite cathartic,because you feel as though you have the opportunity to tell a piece of yourself, your story, to someone who actually wants to listen. Overall, you’ll get out of this course what you’re willing to put into it, and I would highly recommend to dive fully in to the material right from the beginning (though it is tempting to put it off half-way through). So if you’re ready for hard-work and true self-analysis by having your ideas & beliefs turned inside out and upside-down, venture down the path this course will take you on, because the payoff is worth the constant grind.

Date: April 13, 2012 4:14 PM
Subject: Future Students
Author: Kimberly B

I apologize, but I am about to start on a bit of a dour note: this course is hard. It has a lot of content (much of which goes against our initial inclinations) and it does not follow the grain of your typical UBC psychology course. Indeed, I imagine it doesn’t follow the grain of most UBC courses. The assignments are atypical, involving more reflection than regurgitation. The discussion forum gets hectic as ideas fly and if you’re a busy person, as I was while taking this course, you’re going to have a tough time keeping up. There’s also a heavy focus on group work which can be difficult and frustrating, especially in an on-line course. All that being said, this course will change your university experience and, if you let it, your life as well. It’s filled with new and difficult perspectives and it requires that you think and not take for granted all information that is fed to you — a great skill to extend into the rest of your life. If you’re looking for an easy course, you won’t find it here BUT if you really want to expand your horizons and learn something new (actually a lot of somethings new) then this is the place to do it.
Good luck!

Date: April 11, 2012 8:40 AM
Subject: Future Students
Author: Camille H

Dear Future Students,
when I began this class in september I had a minimal awareness and understanding about gender and the way it effects us. I had always thought it played an important role in shaping who we are as individuals and our society as a whole but I was never aware of the extent to which it shapes our lives until taking this course. Initially, coming into this class I assumed there would be a lot of information explaining the
differences between men and women, demonstrating that women often got the short end of the stick. I was completely wrong. This is one of the first classes i’ve taken that demonstrated how important the similarities are between genders and illustrated that ever group of individuals along the gender spectrum deals with their own set of issues. It gave me a completely new and refreshing outlook on the subject. As far as the activities went, I found them challenging but rewarding. The journals (which I found extremely frustrating at the start) forced me to delve deeply into issues i’d never thoroughly considered before. However, I found the discussion boards and web conferences to be the most rewarding. I never realized there was so much to learn from and about my classmates. It was interesting to hear how differently each and every individual person experiences gender sooo differently. I believe it is this sharing and learning from classmates that makes this course so unique and distinguishable from every other course i’ve taken in university.

Date: April 11, 2012 8:40 AM
Subject: Dear Future Students!
Author: Jennifer B

Dear Future Students,
This class for me completely challenged many of the ideas that I thought I already knew and believed about gender. It made me hyper aware, as I saw gender everywhere and in almost everything that I was doing. What has changed for me is how I have become increasing critical and reflective of myself and how I choose to see, interpret and react to examples of gender. The moment for me when things began to change was during my oral group presentation. This was one of the best projects for me; it was a way to examine something that was very personal and real in my life and in an academic way also give meaning and explanation to why I felt a certain way. This particular project forced me to look a gendered issue from perspective that I would not normally have viewed and because of that I was able to draw deeper meaning. Even though this hyper awareness is truly rich and rewarding it can be exhausting and frustrating at times. Sometimes you realize that it is much easier to ignore all these messages that you see, but in the end you need to make the decision for yourself if you want to ignore or if you want to examine the world and this class really makes you face such a decision. I read one of these letters before starting this class and one of the pieces of advice was to “let the process change you”. I fully embraced that and I hope that you do as well.
All the best. JB

Date: March 28, 2012 7:42 AM
Subject: To Future Psyc 320 Students
Author: Tiffany J

Let me start by saying great choice on taking this course! It will change your life, and I’m not being dramatic by saying that. This material along with Jessica and Evelyn’s fantastic way of presenting it will allow you peel back a layer and view our world with a new perspective on how genderized our society is. When I first took this course I thought that I was pretty adept at picking up on many of the sexist influences that permeate us on a daily basis. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Not only was I not seeing how negatively women are impacted by the expectations that are attached to our gender role, but I was ignorant to many of the pressures that men face as well. Going through this process is not easy. When you begin to look at the world from this new perspective it can result in anger, frustration, sadness and at times a desire to return to ignorant bliss. But just remember that nothing ever stays the same and if you find yourself dealing with uncomfortable feelings during the course just know that most of us former students felt the same way. But the ultimate result of this course is excellent because knowledge is power!! And Psyc 320 has made me not only feel more powerful and confident but it’s also allowed me to feel compassion versus frustration for people that are still caught up ‘doing gender’. You’ll learn what that means soon enough if you don’t already 🙂
Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Date: March 28, 2012 7:42 AM
Subject: Letter to Future Students
Author: Kirsten M

Everyone’s “Ah-ha” moment will come at a different time. However, if you stay current with the readings and participate in the online discussions I guarantee you will experience an intellectual break through, albeit perhaps not until the end of the course. I highly encourage you to be skeptical of what is being presented and discussed. Not because of a weakness in the course but because it is through questioning others you will question yourself and challenge the gender biases you’ve been packing around for years. As soon as the course begins, spend 1-2 hours familiarizing yourself with the Vista site. It is a worthwhile investment of your time, as is filling in a calendar with due dates. Don’t be disappointed if someone does not reply to one of your brilliant online posts. Sometimes people are busy and other times the topic may be too painful or too unrelatable. For those of you who dislike or dread working in groups, fear not. It is a surprisingly rewarding and satisfying experience. I leave this class with a keener sense of feminism and what it means to be a woman. I realize sexism is not just about how women are parented, socialized and institutionalized, but men too. I find I now notice headlines, conversations and car commercials with a much more critical eye. I know I can’t launch into a debate every time someone says something I perceive to be sexist but I am learning which hills I’m willing to die on and why. Gender is just one element of a very complicated list of everyday “isms”, among them race, ethnicity, age, abilities and sexuality.This class will teach you research skills/analysis that will undoubtedly help you explore what it means to be female and what it means to be human.

Date: March 26, 2012 9:29 AM
Subject: A letter to future students
Author: Emily P

As a Women’s and Gender studies major the focus on gender in this class was nothing new to me because I think, read, and write about gender in all of my classes. Because of this I was a bit hesitant to take this class at first, thinking that just the “basics” of gender and would be taught and thus I may not get much out of it. I was also really worried that the content of the course wouldn’t be looked at through a critical feminist lens that aimed to deconstruct gender, stereotypes, and assumptions. However, looking back on the seven months I’ve spent in Psyc 320 I can easily say that my fearful expectations were blown out of the water. Although I was already very aware of gender’s influence on myself and others at the beginning of the term, the course pushed me to look at my own gender in ways that I’d been too afraid to. As a result this class has been one of the most personally influential classes I’ve ever taken. The journal exercises along with the classroom presentations from other students and the discussions that ensued led me to look introspectively inside myself. Journalling was definitely the most uncomfortable process I’ve ever been through during my university career. It meant being honest and open with myself, and always digging deeper than the surface. And although the process wasn’t necessarily enjoyable, it was the journalling that I feel led to the most change through critical self-reflection and engagement. I would recommend this class to everyone, whether you’ve taken a class with a gender-focus before or not. I think that it has something to offer for everyone. The most enjoyable part of the class for me were the classroom presentations and the group project #2 because I got to work with others and hear their incredible experiences. The most challenging part of the course, apart from journalling has been making comments on the discussion boards. There are always so many comments and responses and I often got overwhelmed, wanting to respond to them all. Unlike an in person classroom setting you’re unable to just put up your hand and say what you want, so I found the discussions can take up a lot of time and effort. Additionally the profs are super helpful and give lots of feedback.
Good luck! I know you will get as much out of this class as I did!

Date: March 26, 2012 9:29 AM
Subject: Future students
Author: Rachael S

Hello students, I thought I was quite aware before I started this class of how gender strongly influenced my behaviour, thoughts, feelings, choices etc. but as I came to learn and gain a greater understanding I was enlightened. I was challenged in areas and in ways I previously hadn’t in a Gender psychology course I had taken. And even in areas of my life where I did not really want to challenge, because I was comfortable with it…Through the journals and self exploration and experimentation I was able to work through those areas and challenge them head on in my intra-actions, and interactions. Now that I have finished the course my awareness has changed my thoughts, behaviours, and feelings in a very positive manner. The process of change was difficult but rewarding for me. I would do it again. I was able to learn through the group activities such great disparities that I had not recognized before. Just the opportunities for males and females in our culture are still quite polarized. I have always been led to believe that the gap has been closing, but I believe the gap has just changed to one that is less overt and more benevolent. I think the biggest and most important aspect in going to this course is being open to change, and being self- aware of why you do or say the things you do.
Good luck!

Date: March 25, 2012 12:20 PM
Subject: A letter to future students
Author: Rebecca W

Dear future students,
To be honest I took this class because I thought it would be an easy credit for my degree, and did not really think about what the content of the class may consist of. ..
All I can say is.. WOW! I have learned so much about so many issues that face our world, society, and myself on an individual level. I felt that at the beginning of the class that I had a pretty good understanding of my own thoughts and feelings about gender and the way it influences our everyday lives. But over the course of this class, my mind has been opened to so much more. I find that I question things more; I use a critical mind about everything, rather than blindly believing/ following something because “that’s the way it’s always been” or “because my parents/teacher/friends said so.” I must say that the process of this change was such a great experience. I really enjoy learning and being able to apply it to my everyday life. Future students keep an open mind and get involved in the discussions! It is always great to hear others opinions and share experiences, you never know what story someone has to share.
Enjoy! And study hard 🙂

Date: March 24, 2012 9:48 PM
Subject: Letter to future students!
Author: Erin M

Hey everyone! You will learn a lot about yourself through this course, and it may challenge some of your previous thoughts and beliefs. I found that in each section on the course, I learnt something about gender that I had never even considered before and now because of this course I have a new outlook on many aspects of gender or in some cases I can view something in more than just one straightforward way. The section I found particularly interesting was that of, relationships and commitments and the power and violence section. Make sure you keep on top of the readings and engage in a lot of discussion and you will be sure to get a lot out of this course. The journals are also a great way of expressing yourself and even learning more about yourself, your experiences and what they mean to you.
Good luck and enjoy!

Date: December 12, 2011 7:10 PM
Subject: A letter to future students
Author: Sarah D

Dear Future Students,
I entered this class with a basic familiarity of gender issues and how I perceived gender. I was familiar with how I felt gender issues related to or effected me, but this class brought these understandings to a much deeper level. This class will place a small voice in your the back of your mind that helps you think critically about how you experience gender, gender stereotypes or gender bias on a day to day basis. This course helped raise my awareness of how gendered our society today is. Stay open to learning what you can from the course, and put in as much as you’d like to gain from it. I gained the most insight into my own gender experience when I stood up for something that didn’t make sense to me, or didn’t generalize to my own experience of gender. If something about gender bothers others but not you (or visa versa), speak up, because your experience of gender is unique and every bit as important. Participate in discussions and learn from others! The process of unraveling gender can be complex and difficult, but do your best to remain curious!
All the best,

Date: March 18, 2012 8:44 PM
Subject: New Students
Author: Tiffany K

Hello New Student!
Being the subject of your own self exploration is such an integral and important aspect of being a well rounded human being. This course pays homage to this process and encourages you to dig deep. This is the first time I have encountered a University course that allows for this type of exploration and I am deeply grateful for this experience because, it has brought to the surface so many personal issues that have helped me heal and deal with. It really is an invaluable type of therapy. I recommend that you dig deep, as deep as you can, you are anonymous and this makes it even easier to expose yourself. Don’t be shy because we are all in this together, exploring learning and reshaping our ideas about gender, and more importantly ourselves! Grow, laugh and love!

Date: December 12, 2011 7:10 PM
Subject: A letter to future student
Author: Nicole G

To be completely honest I didn’t read any of the letters prior to starting this course. But I decided to write one regardless. To keep it sweet and simple this course truly changes your perspective of the world. Gender is constructed and as many other aspects of our every day life. Society and other more subtle factors unconsciously form your identity. This course enlightens the many factors that encompass gender and how gender is interwoven in nearly every aspect of Western culture. I found this course to be surprisingly interesting and easy to read through, I hope you find the same.

Date: November 23, 2011 11:49 AM
Subject: A Letter to Future Students
Author: Sasha D

Writing to the future is always an interesting concept – who knows how much might have changed by the time someone reads this? The first thing I have to say feels and is going to sound corny, so I’m just going to put it out there: if you let it, this course will change you. It will change the way you think, the way you feel about certain things. It will make you pause in an interaction you’ve completed a hundred times and think about how and why you are acting as you do. I blame and thank this class for turning me into a self-identifying feminist. Before the class, there were inklings of feminism in me, but I did not actively engage in gender. What do I mean by this? I mean that I didn’t really think about how gender stereotypes affect my life, aside from things very obvious to me. I didn’t think about how gender affects both males and females, and I did not really desire to change things as they are now. At the end of this course, I find myself wanting to change the way others are treating gender, I want other to respect it as a construct the way I do, and also desire to change it as it exists in our society and globally. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what it was that changed me. Maybe it was reading about things like “women’s work” or women’s and men’s health issues and being able to draw direct parallels to my life. Maybe it was just spending so much of my time, everyday, working through this class. That being said, I have a piece of advice for you, future students: if you can avoid it, do not accelerate this course. I did, as a necessity. And also because if I can rush through something, I usually will. I feel like this is a course that deserves to be savored – you can bet I’m going back for some of the “suggested reading” after the final. This class is worth the $500+ you are paying for it. The instructors are wonderful, and the things you learn about your classmates and how they experience the world in web-conference are incredibly powerful.
Enjoy this class, open up to it. That’s my advice.