Using graphic narration to deepen students’ analyses.

I will describe the use of graphic narration to deepen students understanding of the Truth and Reconciliation 2015 report with this quote from one of my students. A PDF of the completed 3-cohort graphic narration follows the quote.

The last thing I will talk about is the truth and reconciliation graphic novel session. This class is probably the most interesting in my opinion as it is a class discussing the aboriginal hardships and history. This is very interesting as it has many facts that may have been missed in high school and other education. Also we go over the reconciliation documents and make a cohort cartoon with all our images compiled summarizing the documents. This was a really good experience and is beneficial in law enforcement as it allows us to learn about the most victimized group of individuals that are over represented in the jails. It is good to know the history of Canada and see what exactly was done to the aboriginals so a neutral eye can be taken when dealing with them with empathy and compassion.

Truth and Rec. Graphic Narration FALL2016