Getting Social

Some of you may remember the days when if you heard an unknown company name, you would trudge over to the Yellow Pages, haul it down and see what clues you could glean from the company ad. You might even call the company up in person, ask probing questions and hang up worry-free, knowing that they would have no idea who you were or where you were calling from.

Now, of course, if you want to research an unknown company name, chances are that you will go online. What kind of website does this company have and what are people saying about them on social? No online presence? Dodgy.

Statista reports that as of mid-2014, more than 1.8 billion Internet users have access to social networks. With this astounding online growth have come an astounding mob of social media experts, many of whom urge contradictory tactics. How to know what is the best social media approach for you and your venture?

What’s the endgame for social media? Here are some thoughts from entrepreneur and CEO of Hearsay Social, Clara Shih writing for the Harvard Business Review:

Where is Social Media Going?

Social Media Week
This annual event, started by Toby Daniels in New York, now spans the globe and involves a dynamic range of industry speakers. Here are some excerpts on their You Tube Channel.

The Paul Cubbon Social Media Series
UBC’s Paul Cubbon – Faculty in Marketing & Entrepreneurship at the Sauder School of Business – has created five videos on social media and its relevance for business..

1. Social Media Landscape

2. Social Media Triage

3. Social Media Triage II

4. Social Media Influencers

5. Social Media Monitoring

5 Social Media Rules Every Entrepreneur Should Know
Here is an animation from Entrepreneur magazine.

Taking Your Social Media Stand
A. What are some common threads you see through at least three of the above videos?

B. How can you apply these social media lessons to your particular venture?

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