Glenn Knowles

Name: Glenn Knowles

Name of Current Business:

Gem logo 18pt signature email logo

What we do in our business:
We produce artisanal chocolates and confections, using organic, FT chocolate, and all natural ingredients. We also sell gelato, sorbetto and hot beverages.

choco 1

Why this particular business?
Food can be more than a functional input to power our bodies. It can be an art, evoking sensory pleasures. I strive to make beautiful chocolates that deliver a sensory experience. I pursued fine confections as a personal challenge to create a new business from scratch, outside of my comfort zone and away from previous career as a senior officer in the securities industry.

Biggest day-to-day challenges as an entrepreneur:
1) Brand awareness
2) Sales growth
3) Increasing cash flow while continuing to deliver a quality product
4) Hiring staff who act as brand ambassadors

Greatest delights in being an entrepreneur:
If you’re passionate about something, it ceases to be work. I’m fortunate to have found my passion. Creating confections that trigger excitement and pleasure for my customers validate that I’m doing something worthwhile. Having freedom from corporate malaise can be invigorating as your chart your business’ course. Meeting lots of new people & customers can be enriching.

coffee chocolates

Four key pieces of advice you would give to future entrepreneurs:
1) Be passionate about the business.
2) Have one year of working capital set aside when you launch as the early years can require a lot of reinvestment.
3) Brand your business properly.
4) Beware of advertising & social media gimmicks and trends that will vaporize your time & money without meaningful payback.

Where do you see yourself going as an entrepreneur in the future?
Hopefully I am an entrepreneur for the long haul and do not need to return to the corporate jungle. I want to continue to develop new products and use new sales channels to reach a greater customer base.

chocolate box

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