The New Pitch

“The elevator pitch?” asks Daniel Pink. “That’s a little 20th Century. Today if we want to spread our ideas, sell our cause or improve the world, we need some new ways to pitch.”

A. Inc Magazine analyzed the 400 entrepreneurs that have pitched Shark Tank since 2009. See the link below (inexplicably called ’10 things i learned etc…)

After reading through their six key takeaway lessons, choose the four lessons that you think would be most important for you and your venture if you were pitching potential investors. List some specific points you would include in your pitch to address each of these four Inc lessons you are focusing on.

B. Below, Pink – author, most recently of To Sell is Human. The Surprising Truth About Moving Others – offers 3 brief, research-grounded animations on: 1) The Question Pitch, 2) The Email Pitch and 3) The Rhyming Pitch.

to sell is human

A. Below, Pink offers a Practice Sheet for 6 types of pitches. Write down your response to each of them…

1. The One-Word Pitch
2. The Question Pitch
3. The Rhyming Pitch
4. The Subject Line Pitch
5. The Twitter Pitch
6. The Pixar Pitch

For #6, Pink refers to the Pixar storytelling approach – 22 key rules, set out by former Pixar story artist, Emma Coats.


Practicing Your Pitches

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