Posted by: | 10th Jan, 2013

Thank you for Marx and the Polyglot and the privilege of learning

Hello Teachers,

Yesterday I met with Teresa and was given two lovely books as gifts, received with gratitude. It means a great deal to me that you have kept me in your thoughts while you are so busily preparing for the teaching adventures that await. These books will be my companions as I endeavor to appreciate the changes in my own little world and in the world at large. Books have that amazing capacity to function as a conversant. A good book does this: as you read its pages, it reads your mind, it sends out feelers into thoughts unformed and prods them into existence. It doesn’t put the thoughts there…the thoughts are always your own, but without good literature, those thoughts might remain dormant for an entire lifetime. Isn’t that what the theory of reader response was meant to enlighten us about? I wish also to thank you not only for the books, but for allowing me to share in your seminar II inquiries. Your groups have already gone much deeper into content-related explorations, and your questioning is sophisticated and purposeful. I feel honored to have spent time learning with you and from you. Thanks for all these wonderful gifts.


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