Symposium on project- and community-based learning

Context and Theoretical Framework

We have learned that building a sense of ownership and relevancy for students is key to improving classroom motivation and meaningful engagement with materials. One area that we are all interested is in using project-based learning in which students are involved in long-term projects and are given the majority of responsibility for their own learning.  In addition, we would like to explore the idea of community-based learning in which students make connections outside of the classroom to enhance their learning experience. In this project our team will consider implementation of experiential, project-based learning, as well as building community links and partnership as a means of fostering ownership and relevance in education. We are all Language Arts teachers who would like to emphasize the human in the Humanities- the real-world application of reading and writing as a means for human connection.

Inquiry question: How do teachers implement effective project-based learning that connects classrooms with a broader community?

Individual Projects


Hello all,

Thank you for this excellent symposium. You’ll find my detailed comments on your individual project pages.

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