
Since 2017, UBC’s departments of EOAS and Geography have been working in partnership with the University of Central Asia (UCA) to design, develop and transfer the 22-course curriculum making up UCA’s new undergraduate B.Sc. program in Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES).


Initial project information is provided on several pages via the main menu above, and blog posts seen here.

Why have we in EOAS and Geography been so thrilled to participate on this journey? See our “why we’re excited” page for some thoughts on benefits to individuals, departments, UBC and our partners.

The first cohort of students who will take these courses registered in the first of their 5-year degree program in September 2016. Our courses start in September 2018 and 2019. Our journey began in March 2017 and have benefited from many courses taught by UBC faculty. Please let us know if you have questions, concerns or comments. Postings on this blog hopefully can serve as a means of seeing how progress unfolded.

Here is a short video on the opening of the first of three campuses. The one shown here is at Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic, while the Earth and Environmental Sciences program will be offered from the second campus in Khorog, Tajikistan, which opened September 2017.

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