Team Assignment Reflective Post


I love our Team Toyota! We have Jessie, Melat, Sujaree, Kamila, myself and Valeria in the team(Please see the picture below). And here is why!

#1: All of us come from different countries: Hong Kong, Ethiopia, Thailand, Russia, Myanmar/Burma and Latvia [Note: the teammate from Hong Kong grew up here so she’s more of a Canadian. Another teammate grew up in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. I grew up in Singapore. And that just makes our team even more  diverse]

#2: We try to make the most out of different strengths each of us have and minimize individual weaknesses. A few members are better at editing and writing whereas some are too good at being creative or with technology especially for the video assignment. We differ in skills such as being detail-oriented and organized and also in how some of us have more interest in coordination and external relations (such as contacting professor and Toyota Dealership). Since we all have other course-works and commitments such as jobs and volunteering, we tried to work things out so we get things done on time that meet the standard we set for ourselves.

#3: What can be cooler than having a team of chicks talking about cars and Auto industry? Yes, we are all girls in our Team Toyota and I’m proud of it! 

#4: We learnt a lot from this group projects! From trying to come to a consensus despite our disagreements about ideas and strategy to trying to figure out how to use certain equipment/computer program, we learnt about each other, group dynamic and new skills.

#5: We had a tonnes of FUN!!!. Having a pizza/cheese cake party before the first/SWOT assignment was due. Filming in the rain. Waking up at 5am to pick up friends at different locations and drive to Richmond to film outdoor.



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