I found this unit to be very interesting. The integration of social media networking and report proposal writing is truly something I have not been formally evaluated on prior to this course. Although I have created a LinkedIn profile during the first year of my undergraduate studies, I have never gotten the opportunity to have peers review or critic my profile. As a science student, I have written many research reports, but I was mostly evaluated for the content rather than the format of formal report proposals. Throughout my entire years of being an undergraduate science student, it was a process of imitation, through examining other report proposals and copying the style without a solid understanding of the format of a formal report proposal.
To my surprise, I actually quite enjoyed the process of brainstorming and preparing my report proposal and outline. I think it is because I have chosen a topic that I have had plenty of experience in and it is an issue that I have always wanted to address but never got the chance to while I was working full time at Telus. This unit gave me the opportunity to put my ideas into action. Although I am a bit nervous about talking to the business analyst team at Telus, I am very excited to see the results of my research report. Once I have the results from my surveys, I will be able to propose the implementations that I think is necessary to make a change at Telus.
For this round of peer review, I was partnered up with Jojo, who proposed a brilliant idea of implementing vegetarian options in her local dumpling restaurant. Through reviewing her proposal, I learned to always revise my own work in the reader’s perspective. To Jojo, she was very familiar with the restaurant so she understood a lot of the background information that most readers would not understand. To use my report proposal as an example, I may know the impact a CCTS complaint has, but the reader (Jojo) does not. Next time, during self-editing process, I will remember to re-read my writing from the reader’s perspective before submitting my work. Similar to unit 1, I think that the peer review process not only helps me with my work that I have already submitted, but it also serve as helpful reminders and tips for my future writing.
My revised report proposal: 301 Lisa Liang Revised Formal Report Proposal
Peer review received for the proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2019wa/2019/10/15/peer-review-of-report-proposal-reducing-ccts-complaints-at-the-telus-call-centre-in-burnaby/