Welcome to Lisa’s English 301 blog! The purpose of this course is to equip students with the tools and practice that they need before entering the world outside of their academic career. This course will give students the opportunity to explore different writing techniques in professional, business, and technical context. Students will learn to work independently as well as collaboratively with their classmates. With the engagement of the online community, students will have the chance to learn from one another through peer review and online discussions. This course will guide students through writing and putting together application letters, emails, formal reports, application packages, and web folios.

This course is composed of 4 units. In the first unit, students will learn the basic principles of technical and business writing and practicing these techniques through a collaborative group environment. The second component of this course will require students to design and review report proposals. As our society has become more digitalized, it is important to explore online resources and that will be what the majority of unit 3 is composed of. Students will have the opportunity to create Linked-In profiles and search for jobs/volunteer opportunities online. The last unit of this course is a windup of English 301. Students will have the opportunity re-writing reports, organizing, and completing applications

I am very excited to explore the depths of this course. Having to learn English as my third language, it won’t be an easy journey for me, but I’m relieved that there will be lots of practice in this course. That being said, I am grateful that UBC offers a course that can provide students with the writing skills they need after leaving the university. I believe the knowledge I retain from this course will be re-used over and over again for many years to come.