Category: Team Rocket

Darius Zhang, Dave Borrel, Jenny Li, and Catherine Yu

Peer Review of Definition for Machine Learning

TO AUTHOR: Dave Borrel, Student FROM REVIEWER: Catherine Yu, Student DATE: October 4, 2021 SUBJECT: Peer Review of: Definition of Machine Learning    I have reviewed your definition of Machine Learning. Thank you for completing the task in a timely

Definition of Cognitive Dissonance

Introduction For this assignment ENGL 301 students must choose a complex term from the student’s discipline or profession and provide 3 definitions: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition and an expanded definition. The objective of this assignment is to understand

Definiton Assignment

Definition Assignment For the assignment, the term I chose is a term that I learned in my Chinese course: “Dao” (or Tao) “Dao” is a very abstracted term, but it is very important in Chinese culture. Students who major in Chinese

1.3 Definition of Immune Imprinting

Definition of Immune Imprinting The objective of this week’s assignment is to understand the importance and role of definitions when it comes to communicating technical terms to non-technical readers. This assignment offers students the opportunity to hone their technical writing

Three Definitions of Machine Learning

Dear Team, The assignment focuses on creating 3 definitions of a relatively complex term in our respective fields to a non-technical audience. The objective of the assignment involves understanding the importance of definitions, and writing the appropriate level of detail.

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