Category: Twirling Gold

Morgan Lorenz, Danisa Rambing, Johnathan Tam, and
Jordan Zhao

Assignment 1:3: Defining “Health Equity”

Introduction:  For Week 3, Assignment 1:3, our team was instructed to create three definitions of a relatively complex term used in our profession for audiences that may not have experience in this field. This aids our understanding of the importance

Assignment 1:3 – “Self-management” Definition

Introduction: For the week three assignment in unit one, we were instructed to create three definitions of a relatively complex term used in our profession for audiences that may not have experience in this field. By doing so, we would

Assignment 1:3 Defining “User interface”

User Interface Introduction: The purpose of the following assignment is to define the term and concept of User interface to a non-technical audience through a series of definitions, such as situational , parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions. The assignment also

Assignment 1:3 – Virtual Reality Definition

VIRTUAL REALITY The purpose of this assignment is to understand the precision necessary for definitions in the professional setting as there can be many representations or meanings in many different fields. This assignment aims to build effective communication in explaining

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