Author Archives: tamar tucker-harrison

Unit 1 Reflection

Unit 1 required us to compose introductory communications, as well as a definitions assignment. The definitions assignment requires us to take a technical term and create a situation wherein we would be required to construct a set of definitions for an intended audience.

Definitions Assignment:

In creating an idea for my definitions assignment, I struggled to select a technical term that would not be to abstract yet would also require a significant amount of explanation to fully explain the concept. I found that using “shot distance” from my experiences in film production was sufficient for this and found it fitted well with the purpose of the assignment.

Peer Review

I found that following the guidelines for the peer review provided a thorough and effective means of constructively providing feedback on the work of my classmate. By using this guideline to review Brionne’s work, I found that I was far more adept at providing feedback than I had expected. Brionne chose to define “Frontotemporal Dementia” and I provided feedback concerning the organisational structure of the report. The biggest takeaway for me in this peer review opportunity was how I could specifically address the purpose and fallings of specific elements of the writing.

Definitions Assignment Revision:

I am typically hesitant to incorporate the suggestions of peers, as I often feel content with my finalised work. However, I adopted the suggestions of my classmate, Brionne and corrected issues in my work that were grammatical, structural and aesthetic failings. I realised that listening to the suggestions offered by increased both the visual and professional appearance of my work.

Peer Review:


Revised Assignment: Assignment 1.3 (Revised)

Invitation to Prospective Team – Brionne McWilliams

To: Brionne McWilliams <>

From: Tamar Tucker-Harrison <>

Date: January 11, 2019

Subject: Invitation to Prospective Team – Brionne McWilliams



I have read over the application letter you posted and I would like to reach out to you to propose that we form a writing group.

I believe that your experience as a psychology student would be invaluable to a technical writing team. I believe that it would be quite complementary to combine your understanding of the human psyche with my own academic experience as a student of media and communications. Your experience caring for children with mental disabilities demonstrates an attentiveness to care and a strong will, I think you would make an excellent addition to the team.

Please find my own application letter enclosed for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you, I can be reached at



Tamar Tucker-Harrison

Invitation to Prospective Team – Beenish Fatima

To: Beenish Fatima <>

From: Tamar Tucker-Harrison <>

Date: January 11, 2019

Subject: Invitation to Prospective Team – Beenish Fatima



I have read over the application letter you posted and I would like to reach out to you to propose that we form a writing group.

I believe that your experience working in an intense research project would be invaluable to a technical writing team. I believe that it would be quite complementary to combine your practical experience in an official setting with my own academic experience as a student of media and communications. Your real-world experience with medical institutions is an important indicator of the care you will have had to exercise in delicate situations.


Please find my own application letter enclosed for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you, I can be reached at



Tamar Tucker-Harrison

Invitation to Prospective Team – Cathrine Sarmiento

To: Cathrine Sarmiento < >

From: Tamar Tucker-Harrison <>

Date: January 11, 2019

Subject: Invitation to Prospective Team – Cathrine Sarmiento




I have read over the application letter you posted and I would like to reach out to you to propose that we form a writing group.

I believe that your experience working at a consulting firm is invaluable to a technical writing team. I believe that it would be quite complementary to combine your practical experience in an official setting with my own academic experience as a student of media and communications. I believe that your attentiveness to the delicate nature of crafting responses to colleagues and clients is an asset.


Please find my own application letter enclosed for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you, I can be reached at



Tamar Tucker-Harrison

Application Letter Memorandum to Instructor

To: Erika Paterson <>
From: Tamar Tucker-Harrison <>
Date: January 11, 2019
Subject: Writing Team Application Letter

Erika Patterson,

I am writing to inform you that I have formulated a letter of application seeking to join a technical writing team.

Within my letter, I made an extensive effort to highlight the value of my involvement in the Media Studies programs at UBC and the relevance of this field to a technical writing team. Within it I mentioned:

  • Personal writing strategies
  • Academic involvements and perceived relevance
  • Contact information

This application letter has been posted to my blog and I have also included it in the footnote of this memo.


Tamar Tucker-Harrison


Enclosure: 301 Tamar Tucker-Harrison Application letter

Application letter

English 301 99C Technical Writing

University of British Columbia

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4


Prospective Writing Team Members,


I am applying to be a part of a professional technical writing team. I am in the Bachelor of Media Studies program, now in my third year of studies. My program involves a lot of collaboration with other members of the program and I feel well equipped to contribute to a team-based assignment.


As a student of media, I apply a critical lens to the way mediums communicate messages. Analysing media involves scrupulously combing through texts in order to understand how modes of communications and compositional decisions create meanings to a reader or an audience. The aim of media studies is oriented around understanding the effects of communication methods, whether that refers to the medium as a whole, or to specific strategies within it. Technical writing seeks to establish a very clinical and formulaic approach to constructing texts; I place great emphasis in my own writing on creating strong and clear narratives. My work in media studies has involved work in film production, this has meant writing pieces that require strict adherence to a code of writing, such as scripts. Such efforts have reinforced the need to create texts that follow these guidelines in order to be clearly and efficiently read by peers and evaluators.


I believe my academic profile makes me a strong candidate for a technical writing team. I can be reached at and I look forward to hearing from you.



Tamar Tucker-Harrison

301 Tamar Tucker-Harrison Application letter