

The E-portfolio Learning Commons is intended to be, as much as possible, a site where the teacher-visitor actively rather than passively discovers how and why to implement electronic portfolios. While that is an ideal, the reality is that a web site cannot meaningfully simulate the construction of an e-portfolio, which as a process can take many months and involve numerous stages of creation, revision, consultation, cooperation, and reflection. Outside of a context in which a known audience is interacting with the site in a structured and accountable way, it is impractical to assume an experience incremented in pre-planned learning outcomes, and probably inauthentic to try. The Commons instead isolates parts of the e-portfolio process in order to suggest representative exemplary activities. Specifically, the site focusses on brainstorming, collaboration, and presentation.

The general goal is that by the time the user exits the site, she or he will have the knowledge and encouragement to begin the lengthy and individualized process of implementing e-portfolios in his or her educational setting. Secondarily, the user will also have had an opportunity to participate in a community of practice focussed on addressing some of the challenges and opportunities of e-portfolios.