Category Archives: In the beginning…

What are you doing from here? The best of the best.

Have you checked out UBC’s new brand of “From Here” added to “A Place of Mind” recently? The UBC website changed it’s look last Tuesday to fit the new brand. There’s also this website for the community to use. On the right side of the page, you can tell everyone what you are doing from here.

Here are a few submissions that made me laugh really hard:

Be aware of course drop deadlines to save yourself heartache From Here.

Kanye is a meanie, Alumni

I need to play Farm Town. Can I log into Facebook From Here.

Pikachu, Other

If I pierce my skin over here, for some reason I bleed From Here.

A. Einstein, Other

All the people look like tiny little ants From Here.

Imat, Alumni

How do I get to the men’s lavatory From Here.

I.P. Freely, Faculty

I can see Russia From Here.

Sarah Palin, Other

With UBC being a place of mind, Zombies will be happy to get some brains From Here.

grRaaugghhh Braiiiins!, Other

Now to offset the inappropriate submissions, here are some positive ones sent in to UBC. Enjoy:

The view is inspiring, and the possibilities endless From Here.
B, Student


Dave, Community

From here we learn to co-exist peacefully From Here.

Kathleen Meadowcroft, Other

I can become someone I couldn’t be before From Here.

Kaitlin, Student

Inspire. From Here.

Ben, Student

Gossip Girl Season Premiere? pfft let’s embarrass Erica on the internet instead.

If you haven’t already met Mark, a fellow first year UBC Blog Squad Member, you probably should. Today I developed a really bad cold and was lucky enough to have classes from 9am-4pm today with a 2 hour reading break in the library. I haven’t even had classes for one week and I’m already sick- lucky me. So when I decided to take a nap this evening, Mark showed up at my door with Ikea ginger snap cookies and some cough syrup. After working on healing my short little body, he took me to his room to brew me some lovely tea to help my throat. What a sweetheart. See, use bloggers are the best souls in the world.

So here’s the fun part. Mark is half aware of this and half unaware. He gave me some blackhead strips to try out for fun and suggested I wait until I’m healed later this week. Little does he know that I am a huge fan of public embarrassment and I decided to take photos and blog about my experience of trying blackhead strips for the first time. He also doesn’t know that I’m advertising this on my blog either (surprise!) or that I have no respect for my ill little body and I went ahead and put them on my face during today’s Gossip Girl season premiere that everyone but me was watching. PS, Kevin our Residence Coordinator loves Gossip Girl and has a flat screen tv in his room to watch it on. Pure dedication.


Meet Maegan and Megan! Roommates and the photographers for the evening’s events.


Before shot of my face in our Totem bathroom.


I’m absolutely crazy about LUSH products and it’s all I use. Here’s my super weird looking facial scrub called Dark Angel.


Scrubbing up my face getting ready for the blackhead strips.


Applying the white strips to my forehead and nose.


Directions: Leave on face for 10-15 minutes until it hardens.


Step 2: Blue steal.


Harden quicker blackhead strips, I know I look hot and all in them but I’ve got readings to do.


Step 3: Texting Vanier friends while waiting for the time to pass is a must.


Step 4: Time’s up! Let’s get pulling!


Getting the most painful one done first: the nose strip.


Blackhead removal action that you cannot see which is great because that would be just awkward.


The forehead strip hurt more then I thought. Thanks Mark for providing me with entertainment.


Strips are all done! Thank goodness. Time to clean off the strip area again with my crazy black stuff that scares people.


Now some LUSH Tea Tree Toner.. ohhhh yeahh 🙂


Squeaky clean! Results: Some blackheads were removed from my nose area but, I should of left it on a little bit longer instead of getting inpatient around the 12 minute mark. I am now ready to go to class lookin’ gooood and to surprise Mark with this blog post. 🙂

Here’s a story… my friends told me to post this.

On the first day of classes last week, I spent the entire 50 minutes that my Poli Sci class takes lost in the Chem building looking for the lecture hall. Turns out, I should of been looking for room 150, not room 105 because room 105 surely does not exist hence why I never found it. I ended up in the basement of the Chem building many times in restricted area where all kinds of crazy testing goes on with doors saying “DO NOT ENTER” and danger symbols. I’m smart, that’s why I’m here getting a degree, right?

Today, yes indeed my friends, I found the Tutorial for the Poli Sci class just fine. We were asked to define liberty and I cannot help but think of this clip from the “MANtage” at 43 seconds into the video. I brought it up with some people in the tutorial but they looked at me like I was from space. Little do they know how badly I wish UBC was in space…

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Never taken a Polic Sci course at UBC? Here’s the course summed up in one website.

My seriously awesome Poli Sci professor who wears metallic silver sneakers to class wanted to share this website with us last week. Want to know how Kevin Bacon is connected to everyone that exists? Check out the Oracle of Bacon. Because really, the Canadian Government Lecture would make no sense without this important information. Btw, Poli Sci 101 is a great course for anyone considering it. Yes I learn real stuff in class too.

I AM UBC. I AM [Insert Here].

This is me being a smartie pants and being reflective. Already, my university education is taking over my beings and I now live only to get paper cuts on fresh textbook pages and to take the 99 B-Line like it’s my religion. I literally eat, sleep and breathe UBC and that’s not so bad- the air quality here is great and UBC Food Services make great sandwiches. So here’s what I’ve been thinking of.

I feel different, like not the same Erica from Ontario. You travel half way across the globe to reach Vancouver or, for some, you’re only from California but still considered an international student. You’ve gown in to this person that at the age of 18 (or what might be 14 like the youngest 2013 Undergraduate Student currently at UBC) knows who you are. You have your qualities like keeping a neat room, being passionate about clubs, and watching the Office on a Thursday night (good choice, I approve). But as my Visual Arts professor explains, you’re being pulled out of your context. You’re like a piece of work from Italy being put up for display in the Lourve. You’re not the same even though you brought your self just exactly as you were in.. California.. or Kenya.. or Panama.. you are automatically different. There’s no way you can stay the same! Now you’re in VanCougar (Katie on 2nd floor Nootka shout out right there) And just like my English Professor Judy Brown says, there are countless ways you can read a piece of literature, it’s all in the approach. You’re the same piece of literature but being read differently because you’re in good ol’ VanCougar. I like that name. VanCougar. I wonder what happens when I google it. Just googled it, turns out its a local band. Shout out to the four ladies of VanCougar ( Thanks for having an awesome name.

Back to the topic of the post- I feel different. I feel like I’ve lost some pieces of me, gained some good and bad qualities, and I have already made mistakes. By the way kids in my French class, don’t laugh at me so much next time when I raise my hand with what I think is the answer but surely I am told it is not. I still am the same Erica who is really bad at second languages. I’ve gained the bad quality of a messy room. This place was trashed yesterday. I spent my Saturday morning cleaning it up. Side story.

I have faith in the hands of UBC that I’ll gain more good qualities then bad. That I’ll wake up every time a fire alarm goes off in res and I won’t just become lazy. UBC is my Lourve and it will give me exposure to the world. Not only to wacky international tourists visiting for the Olympics but to all the wickedly awesome people that come to be pieces in the art gallery with me. It’s pretty fantastical that even though I’ve been moved from Italy into the Lourve, there’s still some of Italy in me no matter where I go. So rest assured Erica, no matter what you’ll still have some of who you are in you. I wonder if anyone out there already feels like they are different too. Like they are loosing a sense of what is important to them like homework or are loosing focus and just partying all the time. I’m liking the Lourve. And it’s awesome because really cool tourists can check me out and learn random facts about me. I’d so want to be a Paul Gauguin, that man is the bomb. Who says bomb anymore? I think Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head does…

Here’s why UBC is my Lourve.


YouTube Preview ImageWhen I walk the UBC campus and smell the fresh smells of Totem Park hallways, this video exemplifies those same feelings that I get when I’m in that hallway or on campus and get to watch first years jump in a jumping castle to the point where it falls over. Everyone on campus wears bright coloured shirts and walk around following strangers and high-fiving everyone they see. UBC students are just that awesome. My favorite part of the video is when everyone takes off their coloured shirt (like faculty colours) and show off their white tees and together, fight the lone wolf with their blow up hammers and bats. I would like to note, that the 5:30 mark is true UBC pride but not to be misunderstood that UBC likes violence, we’re all tree huggers in BC, it’s how we do. Put down your organic chemistry textbook that you paid a million dollars for at the bookstore and watch what UBC feels like on a regular weekday.

Do you want to see Shamu with me? Yes I do, I love Shamu.

I’ll see you tonight on the SUB West Lawn at the FirstWeek ‘Under the Stars’ Dance Party with me sparkly blue FirstWeek wristband. Are you stoked for The 26th Annual Welcome Back BBQ tomorrow on MCInnes Field? I know I don’t even need to ask you to go since everyone will be there and it’s free. It’s between 2pm and 8pm and here are two bands lined up for your pleasure and to take your mind off of your readings that are due next week. Check out Thunderheist’s Jerk it and Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head’s Sophisticated Side Ponytail.  Green Go and DJ’s Sex Attack will also take the stage as UBC Food Services fills your tummy with yummy goodness. See you there Thunderbirds. YouTube Preview Image YouTube Preview Image

Music Monday

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Today, first floor Nootka smelt like spicy pasta. Second floor Nootka, where I call home, continued to smell like a 2 week old damp face cloth and decaying oranges. I think the smell has invested itself into the carpet. Enjoy some Crimewave by Crystal Castles vs Health. Katie on second floor Nootka recommends this beat.

My bed in Totem is too high for me to get into.

I’m just that short.

Here’s a run down of a few things from my first two days on campus. Stay tuned to my usual UBC-in-space-type-blogs very shortly. A girl in the Totem dining hall totally recognized me from this blog today, shout out to her!

DO NOT ever (and they mean ever) put ANYTHING on the counters of the UBC Bookstore cash registers. It will set lots and lots of alarms off if it has one little bit of something that the security system doesn’t like.

Raise up your bed to put lots of stuff under it. Also, move it to the wall where the window is. It makes your room nice and big big big. PS, I’m in the corner at the end of the hallway. My door is always open! Come in and visit like Maegan and Kirsty do!

Don’t loose your debit card in your room on the first day… don’t ask why it cannot be found but ask why your mother doesn’t let her use her VISA more often.

There is a really awesome Sushi place outside of the 98 B-Line bus stop on Howe. It offers “Happy Hour $2 Sushi.” go for it. The 98 B-Line bus to Robson is no longer existent starting tomorrow! Very sad, very sad. Note to self: Figure out how to get to Robson all over again with new bus route.

The stairs going to Wreck Beach suck, but worth it. It’s awesome getting to see the planes landing at the air port and even get to hear them too.

Also click me to get a FirstWeek preview of Thunderheist which just so happens to be one of my favorite Canadian musicians! Thunderheist- Jerk it