Category Archives: Involvement/Leadership

Three Cool Finds & One Governor General

Cool Finds, yo.
Are you really bored? Click me.

I wish my man was on a horse like this guy. Click me.

The rumours are not true. Totem Park is not like this. Click me.

One Governor General, just chillin.

Can you tell that’s me in the right corner with the long brown hair that likes to twist and turn into many random directions?

5 reasons why it is awesome to go to the Athletes Village and chill with Michaelle Jean, Canada’s Governor General, and some athletes on a Friday afternoon.

1) You use cafeteria trays to eat lunch and chat, it isn’t a formal event. Which gives you the chance to hear about the Governor General’s trip to Haiti that she just returned from the day before.

2) Have you ever noticed how awesome her hair is?

3) You get to meet many Paralympic Athletes in the village, including the sledge hockey team, who tells you about their unlimited access to free Coca Cola with their secret Coke pay passes.

4) Sam Sullivan and youth from his foundation here about the lunch time gathering and come to hang out as well. Other West Coast (Mob)ilizers decide to tag along too. Why not? It’s wicked-awesome. We all munch on the nicest food together and talk about the most incredible things like Haiti, disability awareness and understanding, and how lucky we are to be Canadians.

5) Michaelle Jean is one inspiring lady to listen to.

Whuddup BlackBerry Photos

Return of the BlackBerry!

I forgot to tell you that over Christmas my stolen BlackBerry was replaced. Since the beginning of Term Deux, I’ve been snapping photos with it’s tiny little camera everywhere I go. It’s like having great photos for TwitPic, but you are too lazy to use TwitPic. So you upload them onto your UBC Blog instead.

Totem's 10 by 10!

Totem Park’s 10 by 10 Campaign for Free the Children! Poster making in the PRC with Charlene!

Weekends with friends!

Going out on the weekends with Nicola and Maegan!


Buying last minute tickets at a ridiculous price to see Phoenix and 300 fans storm the stage is the way to go!

Music Monday & A huge accomplishment

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The Arcade Fire- Wake Up

It’s a good song, and a good throw back to when I used to watch Much Music before going to school in the morning. I remember their music videos. And I was a confused young child. It also reminds me of EQAL’s promotional video. Click here to check out the video. Because of the video, all I see is Alicia Silverstone getting out of a pool when I listen to this song. They are the folks behind LonelyGirl15. Never heard of LG15? Google it, it was huge. I even had a small acting role in one of their shows within the LG15 canon. Say whatttt?

Accomplishment: In only a few short days, I have gone from halfway through season 2 of How I Met Your Mother to the season finale of season 4. Legen- wait for it- dary!


Oh yeah, attention all prospecteeves, I’m going to be a Residence Advisor in Totem Park next year. See you then.

Ohhh yeahhh.

A typical Totem Park Sunday for Erica:

– UBC REC League soccer game. Team name: Tiger Pants. We’re legit.
– WTFL football game.
– Post soccer game. Trying to get the best shower in the floor bathroom before your other teammates.
– Lunch. Dim Sum Sunday or Belgium  waffles and ice cream? Or the classic scrambled eggs and bacon?
– Laundry. Today I was the cool kid who made their washing machine fill up with bubbles and suds.
– Watching Ferris Bueller’s Day off (The best movie to come out of 1986) on Mega Video. It’s becoming kind of a Sunday afternoon tradition.
– Back to the laundry room. I pay to have my clothes go through the dryer a second time and hope they all are dry by the end of their second round.
– Chocolate milk run. I go for the large carton.
– An attempt at studying is eventually made. Emails are always answered.
– Facebook creeping.
Dinner with my floor mates in the  Dining Hall around 6pm, everyday, like a ritual.
Post-dinner. Random things from my “To Do” list, work on getting things done for the West Coast (Mob)ilizers Program, catch up on more How I Met Your Mother, and pretend I like to read my text books.
– Magda’s trip for some onion rings and candy.
– I go into Megan & Maegan’s room several times to either a) bug them b) tell them a funny story or c) talk really loudly after quiet hours in their room for the purpose of AJ having to close their door.
– Bed. Eventually. But this semester, it’s pretty early compared to what it used to be.

I’ve been thinking of all you high schoolers lately..

Camile posted this to my facebook wall along with the photo- “i think youre in a ubc recruiting email i got! =D”

Yep, that’s me. Second from the right. Even without the reminders that Blog Squad links are sent out to prospective UBC students, I think about you guys (the prospecteeves) most likely on a daily basis. When I was applying to UBC, I read all of Phoebe’s Blog from beginning to end. I began dreaming of being on Blog Squad and making the most amazing and interesting resource for you guys, the prospecteeves, to get to know UBC without actually visiting campus. I never saw Vancouver or campus before move in day in Totem Park. Blog Squad, facebook creeping, twitter searching, lurking, googling and many YouTube searches lead me to the decision that this school was right for me. And you know what? UBC- It’s all I dreamed of and more. It’s never disappointed me and I don’t ever want to leave.

So, my dear prosepcteeves, since you are sent here to learn about what life at UBC is like, I’m going to be posting more content related to you. It is my personal goal to communicate just how wicked-awesome UBC life is and for you to feel the same passion I have just by reading my blog posts. I hope that I will become your Phoebe and that if you want to know more about something that you will leave me a comment. I’ve already had some prospecteeves email me and we are meeting up next Friday for lunch when they are here visiting from Ontario! How cool is that?

So, as I finish this blog post before I head off to Buchanan for French 102, I want all of you to know that Pizza Pizza from Pacific Spirit Place in the SUB makes amazing cheese-less pizza (I’m lactose, okay?) and that Vancouver is the most beautiful place I have ever come across in Canada.

Greetings, from the UBC Visitors Centre

Whuddup my small group of blog readers since I have not posted in a few decades. Okay, that is stretching the truth a little bit, but none the less it feels like decades have gone by since the Olympics arrived. I can’t even picture in my mind what Vancouver looks like without swirls of blue and green all over the place and what Granville looks like without men in Canada hockey jerseys trying to rip trees out of the ground. True Story.

This is me telling the truth. It’s not stretched. The Olympics has turned Vancouver into a house party out of a terrible music video on Much Music. I’ve found one UBC Ski and Board Club shirt, one million Canada hockey jerseys, one man with barely no clothing dancing on Granville, four opportunties to take a photo with punks for $2,  several dedicated Denmark curling fans, the Green Men from the Canucks games and I have found no Olympic protestors.

The lines to get onto a train at any Canada Line or SkyTrain station are ridiculous. The wait for a twenty second ride on the zip line that is set up in Robson Square is five hours. To get into the Vancouver Art Gallery, it is a 2 hour wait. The wait to get into The Bay to buy red mittens- upwards of five hours as well. I want to experience the Olympics but I feel unable to do anything unless I want to commit several hours for a 30 second experience. VANOC should of adapted the Disney World FastPass system because this is just getting silly.

It’s been a week since Opening Ceremonies, so in brief, here is how wicked-awesome my Vancouver 2010 experience has been. I watched the Opening Ceremonies dress rehersal, got turned away for the Alexisonfire show which was shortly after cancelled, attened womens curling which had more enthusiastic fans than mens hockey at Canada Hockey Place had, cheered on China as they played Russia at UBC Thunderbird Arena, welcomed the world with intereactive art exhibits for CODE Live and the Cultural Olympiad, visited friends in Toronto at a national conference that brought together my entire scholarship class, ate two crepes, spent $70 on one meal in Cactus Club, bought several candy apples from Rocky Mountain, saw Stars live in concert, watched Canadian Luge athletes speed past me in Whistler, and welcomed guests on to UBC campus at the Visitors Centre- where you can find me right now as I write this blgo post.

I cannot stess enough how amazing it is to have the Olympics here in Vancouver. So many exciting things are happening which compliments all the other exciting things in my life that are curently happening as well.

I really want to get back on track with communicating to the people who stumble across my blog, including the people who type in “Daniel Magder UBC” into Google and end up here (Yes, Google Analytics tells me that) and all of the potentional new students who are given the Blog Squad link when the apply.

Love you all, stay classy, and attend a few free concerts for me. Girl Talk next week anyone?

Music Monday and a University Student’s Finances

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Vampire Weekend- California English

No word of a lie, this is the only copy of the song I could find on YouTube that wasn’t live. Enjoy this crazy arm flailing girl.

Just bought: A longboard and maple candies
My bank account is: Hurting, especially after the purchase of the maple candies… I mean longboard. And UBC Food Services is going to swallow up more of it soon.
Money can fall out of the sky if: I sell my Olympic tickets on the fan to fan section of
What I really want is: Cheaper tickets to see Phoenix next time.
The cost to legally obtain Photoshop for VISA 110: Outrageous.
Voting in the AMS Elections: Priceless.