Category Archives: Music Monday

Music Monday & A Special Happy Birthday..

Today, indeed is my birthday. Not only my birthday, but a milestone birthday that marks the beginning of my adulthood. So with it being my 18th birthday what am I doing today? I’m buying Bingo scratch cards, claiming my free drink at Starbucks, and studying for my last two exams. But first I get to start my day off with a 7am run with Hannah along old NW Marine Drive. The cool thing about that is I can watch the sky turn from night to day over the water, a nice way to celebrate turning 18. Not so cool is the 7am factor and the cold.

Can I just say that today was the first day that Vancouver received snow? Super awesome because it felt so weird without a little white on the ground. There is usually a ton by now in Ontario. I’m not used to this warm West Coast weather or the fact that most of the snow is already gone and it hasn’t even been 24 hours.

I have two songs for this very special Music Monday.

First are there guys, doing the best cover of Poker Face I’ve ever seen. ’nuff said.
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And secondly, Walking On A Dream by Empire of the Sun
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A special shout out goes to Nick who drew bunnies in my birthday card, because he thinks that’s what girls like, and for putting such a spectacular effort into my birthday card. Thanks 🙂

Music Monday & the end of the term.

Here we are. The last few glorious and most stressful few days of the term. Where every major assignment is due and you spent your weekend partying. Things have been interesting this weekend. From emergency AMS meetings to making American Thanksgiving dinner in Marine Drive Residence to the UN taking over the knoll (which I visited the next day and with much disappointment I found that the flag was no longer there) and all the way to the annual Totem Park Winter Formal. I can say that I will not be sleeping until Thursday thanks to my exciting weekend as I have pretty heavy homework load. I can promise you that Thursday I will be in bed all day and you won’t see me until dinner time, if that.

Since it is the end of the term, it’s time for an end of the term resolution. Kind of like new years, but cooler.

Here it is: For Term 2 I will never have another sleepless night and I will plan better for all of my midterms, term papers and exams.

Here is Passion Pit‘s song called Sleepyhead for your listening and stress-crying pleasure. I know all I want to do is sleep and never endure another sleepless night after this term.

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Music Monday

On Saturday night, after the SEE Conference, the Vancouver Me to We Mobilizers hosted their Break the Silence concert event. Break the Silence was held just as the Vow of Silence ended, to celebrate our achievements of being silent for 24 hours and to talk about our experiences from participating in the Vow. For more fabulous info on just why, click here or here.

The night was a huge success. Scott and Kelly, Mobilizers from the island, took the ferry over to be with us and others came from Surrey by SkyTrain. Steph and Angie from the Free the Children office came by and shared some FTC videos with everyone at the cafe. I also had a chance to see my Co-Mob Lead, Tes, once again! Tes lives in Surrey so we don’t have time to see each other often. Since I co-lead the west coast Mob, I had the opportunity to say “wicked-awesome” and “cool beans” into the microphone a lot while introducing speakers. Made my day.

We took over Our Town Cafe on E Broadway (btw the cafe is wicked-awesome, check it out for a cool study space) for Break the Silence and had a really awesome band called The Left play for us. They were absolutely hilarious and at one point they shouted out, “this will be our last song for the evening. Thank you for coming out and we’ll see you at the after party at Erica’s house. If you weren’t invited…  …we’re sorry.” Right away they began playing as loud as they could before I could even think about the joke I just heard. Funny and amazing guys. So here I am, sharing one of their songs with you. In this video I can’t help but laugh and understand why they were talking about coffee beer bongs before they played it on Saturday.

Here it is. The Left- Drinking About You. Oh yeah, Hi Meg!

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Music Monday

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Meiko- Boys with Girlfriends

This song is so simple and has been stuck in my head all weekend. Like most simple, sweet and cute songs it makes you want to pick up a guitar and learn a few things. I really feel free and innocent when I watch this, and then enjoy trying to figure out why the giant bear is there. Enjoy.

I’ve been working on my 2500 word paper for Modern Art History 227, and here is a little first draft from a part of it that can relate to how we are as people socializing and connecting with one another. I’ve really been thinking about focusing time on myself, like trying to go to the gym or reading some of the non-academic required books in my room or trying my hand in some print making. I really want to invest in me, you know? And up until now I’ve been sinking in my pool of work, school, boyfriend and trying to find time to sleep. I’ve pulled my first few homework-based all nighters this year and I’ve missed out on events like Halloween. Yes, I skipped out on Halloween. So here I am, in November, working on myself as a person. I want to glow from the inside out.

“It is interesting that people try to cover up the bad product that they are selling with labels and advertising. The product that is themselves is awful, absolutely terrible and repulsive as well as probably destructive. Yet, they look for other means than working on changing the product and go straight for false advertising and a creative campaign. Why is covering up the first step to solving our problems? Whether it be mistakes we’ve made or realizing we have gone too far, instead of trying to take a step back; we look to putting a new gold label on the situation.

We never want to work on the product. We never want to find out what will make us happier or what will make us a better and well-rounded individual. In the end, we cheat ourselves and forget about the nuitrients label that goes with our false claims. We look to other sources to back up our cover, our front, our disbelief, to make others believe what we so dearly want to be true. Wouldn’t it just be easier to work on ourselves, truthfully?

This is a lesson that we get out of the painting that raises so many questions. Gauguin wrote letters back to France that he deliberately wanted others to read. He wanted people to learn the legend of his masterpiece. [insert quotes from letters and discussion which is something I don’t want to bore you with.]”

PS, the paper is all on Guaguin’s painting- Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? A really interesting thing my prof told me is that I should think more about the questions then trying to answer them or trying to find the one answer. That is so true to life. The Painting can be seen below and over-sized for this blog post. Ta-da!

Music Tuesday & I’m back British Columbia!

I’m back from presenting at OSLC in Niagara Falls and I’ve returned to living life large in Totem Park. Ohh sandwich bar, how I missed you. Now it is time to crack down on my term papers. But first, tonight I’ll be in Lasserre 104 with the Art History Student Association watching the Rape of Europa. It’s a free film put on by the AHSA which is pretty awesome. Since it is an awesome event, you all are invited as my personal guests. A few weeks ago they showed My Kid Could Paint That which was a great documentary that came with free popcorn. I forgot to invite you.

Since I’ve been hanging out in airports and other provinces, I have neglected Music Monday. Well, I flew back in the middle of the night last night, successfully missed my VISA 182 studio by accident, and here I am with some Music Tuesday lovin’ for you.

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David Bowie- Young Americans

Music Monday.. because I remembered. Today’s theme: Songs about being seventeen.

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Blitzen Trapper: FurrYouTube Preview Image

The Beatles: When I Saw Her Standing ThereYouTube Preview Image

Kings of Leon: 17

Life update:

I wrote my first midterm today.. note to self: always double space and only write on one side of the paper. Another note to self: remember this before you write all of your answers down.

My floor in res started the legendary game of Sock Wars last week with our bro floor. I was killed only a few days in. I was tricked by a clever text inviting me to join them for a chocolate milk. Even though I never put effort into playing Sock Wars like carrying the safety item (which was a textbook, how easy is that) none the less, I was owned by strategy carried out by Sam.

My residence diet: I consume 5 whole honeydew melons a week, as pointed out by Katie, which replaced my grapes addiction. I have mistakenly bought the biggest container of crab soup you have ever seen when all I wanted was tomato. Chocolate milk is still a favorite even with my intolerance and I have drank way too many Vitamin Waters that I can’t even look at them anymore. Otherwise, I discovered peanut butter and bananas help to keep me awake after I start to fall asleep in my lectures. I felt like more food experimentation was necessary so I tried apples and churned honey…. no good, don’t try it. Who churns honey anyways? I just want regular honey.

When my RA writes on the weekly question board in the bathroom, “Who is your celebrity crush?” you can expect “EDWIN” and “DANIEL MAGDER” all over it. About four times. And then “EDWIN” a few more times on the mirror.

Music Monday

YouTube Preview Image This song is one of my favorites of the entire summer. I sang this song while I was on the trail in Algonquin Park in August. It popped up in my head especially when I was walking through swamp water up to my knees and I would come out covered in mud. It reminded me of Jenny Wilson (in the video above) and her white moon boots or what could be sneakers from the 90s… hard to tell but, I like the sound of moon boots.  Super cool moon boots, Jenny. Her song, “Like a fading rainbow” is my choice for the day.

Music Monday

YouTube Preview Image A few nights ago, someone came by my room and put some of their music into my iTunes Library. I’m enjoying all of their sweet tunes and it’s really relaxing. This song in particular keeps popping up when I put my library on shuffle and the part about bones always catch my ear. Band: Islands. Song: Don’t call me Whitney, Bobby.