Category Archives: Second Year

Hi from Venice!

Its really rainy here, and hard to use this Italian keyboard in a little internet cafe by the train station, but I wanted to let everyone know that Im currently traveling Europe with my friend AJ from UBC before I move to Kenya for the summer and it has been awesome.

We just finished up Paris and are in Venice and Milan for a few days before doing the south of France, Barcelona and then up to London to finish it off. Afterwards, I will be interning at a healthcare and school facility in Mombasa, Kenya called Camp David through the Foundation for Sustainable Development (

I hope to blog as much as I can (internet access depending) so until I arrive in Kenya, I have a few things to share about Paris and Venice.

Disneyland Paris is a lot of fun when you have mini mouse ears and Space Mountain has only 5 minute lines, tea cups to ride in, and everyting is bilingual in case you cant understand what French Peter Pan is saying. Win win win.

In Paris, you may come across random bread festivals, see many space invaders (google it) on the corners of buildings, and get lost in the Egypt exhibit in the Louvre. I take this information from personal experience.

Napping in random gardens is acceptable in Paris and everyone dresses better than you with their cool European stores and fashion sense.

Venice rains so much more than Vancouver. It only took 5 minutes outside for my pants to be fully soaked through and the copy of Hamlet that I bought from Shakespear & Co from Paris was ruined even though I had it in my backpack.

Venice is just as confusing as the lay out of Egypt exhibit in the Louvre while it is under construction. So many dead ends, so many staircases that just lead to water, and so many bridges that just look like the last. There are three things in Venice to buy. Something made out of glass, masks, and I heart Venice clothings. AJ will probably buy at least two out of those three things. I think the rain damage on most of my stuff is worthy of a take away from Venice in itself.

Until the next internet cafe I hit, have a wonderful rest of May and I hope everyone is having a great summer!

I like to try new things…

…Especially since moving to Vancouver. Like pole dancing lessons through the UBC AMS Mini School, learning to longboard, starting my own company, and joining a UBC REC soccer league.

The newest thing I’ve done is learn how to snowboard. Every weekend in March I went to Grouse Mountain on the North Shore and learned how to board with a small group of women and our instructor Chris. I had never been down a mountain before, or even lived near mountains in the suburbs of Ontario, and I have to say that moving to the west coast was the greatest thing I’ve ever done.

I could easily reach the mountain through public transit here on campus so if you’ve never learned to snowboard and you are coming to UBC in the fall you can experience the sport too. Check out some photos that my friend Magda from our snow school group took last weekend as we took our final lesson together. Fun fact: Magda is a production assistant on Twilight. Super cool, right? PS. Thanks to all my friends (Katie, Megan, and Lauren all get big shout outs) for supporting me in obtaining my goal through lending me a lot of their equipment and my mom for believing in me too (super cheesy but she did).

Long-winded blog post title here.

My friend walked up to me on campus the other day. Conversations usually go like this. They asked me how I was, what was new, and finished by telling me I should blog more. Blog more? More like I should start blogging again. I don’t know where blogging became this part of my life that I didn’t have time for, but today as I was procrastinating essay writing through looking up “Ira Glass” on YouTube, I stumbled upon his four part series on storytelling.

More and more as I go deeper into doing a degree in First Nation Studies than my intended major of Visual Arts (high school dreams), I realize my degree is about things more than just First Nation Studies. It’s about place, it’s about time, it’s about identity, it’s about culture, it’s about communication, it’s about history, and most of all it’s about stories.

I wish I could get a degree from UBC that says on a nice crisp piece of paper, “Hi I’m Erica Baker and I have a degree in stories and storytelling,” or “Hi I’m Erica Baker and I have a degree on British Columbia and I never want to leave, class of 2013.”

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I have to sing goofy in order to sing.

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You always hurt the one you love
The one you shouldn’t hurt at all
You always take the sweetest rose
And crush it till the petals fall
You always break the kindest heart
With a hasty word you can’t recall
Slow dance to this part.
And if I broke your heart last night
It’s because I love you most of all

Happy Valentines Day, especially to the one who sings this to me all the time.