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As workloads pick up and rain clouds bear down, it’s not always easy to remember to make your health a priority.  Here are a few easy tips and tricks to keep you mentally and physically fit as we plow through and cross our fingers for sunny days ahead.


  1. Drink water! Drinking water is the easiest way to stay hydrated and healthy. If you’re at a desk all day or bouncing around from meeting to meeting, it might be hard to keep up with the recommended 8-10 cups of water per day.  Try keeping a larger water bottle at your desk and set goals for how much you will drink by when (e.g. 200mL by 10:00am) and set an alarm on your computer to remind you to refill!
  2. Keep a clean workplace. Germs can live on your desktop surfaces for longer than you’d think so don’t forget to regularly disinfect your keyboard, phone, mouse, etc.  Proper hand-washing is also a great way to fend against workplace germs.
  3. Plan your snacks and pack your lunch. While it might not always be possible, homemade lunches and thoughtful snacks are often more healthy than impulse buys from the UBC Student Nest.  Consider planning out your work meals for the week on Sunday and making sure to add some protein to your snacks to keep hunger at bay.
  4. Keep it moving! There are lots of great opportunities to fit exercise into the work day: bi-weekly yoga sessions with Admissions Advisor Verina, classes at UBC Rec and even a short walk with colleagues to replace your afternoon coffee break.
  5. Or, if you don’t have time for a full fitness break, why not try a little deskercise (desk + exercise)? Follow this routine from Healthline for a few easy stretches you can do without leaving the comfort of your chair.
  6. Exercise your eyes and avoid suffering from eyestrain. Eye health begins with an eye exam and can be benefited by good lighting, frequent breaks and proper computer display settings.  A great eye exercise to implement is the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes gaze at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
  7. Know your body and know your limits. Learn to recognize signs of stress or burnout and protect yourself against them.  Great ways to reduce/avoid stress include taking frequent breaks, finding someone to talk and connect with, keeping physically healthy (using some of the tips above!) and knowing when to ask for help.